Forbidden Forest

Revision as of 12:58, 4 November 2007 by Optimus35 (talk | contribs)

The Forbidden Forest is a Template:Type2 Pokémon reserve. It is where May caught her Bulbasaur.

No human is allowed in the Forbidden Forest. The folk of the nearby village try to keep travellers out. Venusaur is the 'boss' of the Forest

May was kipnapped by a Skarmory and was dropped into the forest. While exploring the forest, May met Bulbasaur trying to pick flowers. It warmed up to her and defended her against the other Grass-type Pokémon, who saw her as a threat. When May left the forest, Bulbasaur decided to go with her.

Anime-exclusive locations in Hoenn
A-B-C IslandsAnthony's GymBaltoy civilization ruinsBanana Slakoth GardenBomba IslandCerosi TownCrossgate TownDonto Island
Foothill TownForbidden ForestForinaGiban IslandIzabe IslandIzabe LakeKirikiri MountainLake MayLaRousse CityMaisie IslandMirage Kingdom
Misty VillageMonsu IslandMountain LighthouseMuscle IslandNorth PetalburgOldale RuinsPokémon Battle Judge Training InstitutePurika City
Rinshin TownRiyado TownRubello TownS.S. St. FlowerShroomish ForestSouth CitySquare TopThe Green LodgeThe GreenhouseTogepi Paradise
Trapinch underground labyrinthValley of SteelVolley TownWailmer IslandWales IslandWazoo Island
Anime-location templates
KantoOrange ArchipelagoJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther