Flying Time Trial

Time trial redirects here. For a type of event in Pokémon Masters EX, see Time trial event.
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The Flying Time Trial (Japanese: そらとぶタイムアタック Soratobu Time Attack) is a minigame introduced in The Indigo Disk for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. The player controls KoraidonS/MiraidonV with infinite flight through an aerial course across parts of the Terarium. The Flying Time Trial can be initiated from Canyon Plaza.

Flying Time Trial

The player first experiences the Flying Time Trial as part of Amarys's Elite Trial. It can be repeated after completing it for the first time.


The Flying Time Trial is a test designed by Amarys for challengers of the BB League. She provides a supplement to the participating Trainer's Pokémon, which enhances their flight capabilities in order to properly maneuver through the course.


The player guides KoraidonS/MiraidonV with controllable flight mechanics. The goal is to reach the endpoint before the timer runs out. Floating rings of Magnemite are found throughout the course, guiding the player in the right direction and adding 3 seconds to the player's timer if they fly through them.

After defeating Amarys, the player can freely participate in the Flying Time Trial again by talking to the plaza receptionist. The course is offered in four difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Super-hard, with the latter difficulty only available to unlock after completing the main story of The Indigo Disk. Each course establishes a set path the player must follow, with the length and complexity of the course increasing with difficulty. These courses can be completed to obtain BP. Starting with Normal difficulty, Magneton rings appear alongside Magnemite rings, which add 5 seconds to the timer if passed through.

Courses and rewards

Reward Rings Time limit
Course difficulty First clear Subsequent clears     Start Maximum
Easy 50 BP 10 BP 20 0 0:30 1:30
Normal 100 BP 20 BP 18 16 0:20 2:34
Hard 200 BP 30 BP 8 50 0:20 4:54
Super-hard 500 BP 50 BP 16 65 0:20 6:33

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 飛翔計時賽
Mandarin 飞翔计时赛
  French Course aérienne contre la montre
  German Flugrennen
  Italian Il Volo contro il tempo
  Korean 공중날기 타임어택
  Spanish Vuelo contrarreloj

  This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.