Talk:Ash's Gengar

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Revision as of 11:07, 14 April 2023 by Bomyne (talk | contribs)

Alternate color

This Gengar is actually colored differently than every other Gengar in the anime. It's not just a new season/new art style thing. There was a Gengar in SS002 that had its normal colors. It's also not shiny. We should mention this.

Oneofthosedf (talk) 17:38, 8 March 2020 (UTC)

I agree. I think this is worth mentioning. --PKMNAdventurer (talk) 17:40, 8 March 2020 (UTC)
Can someone provide a screenshot of the normal colored Gengar from SS002 so we can show it's unique color scheme? --Incursor (talk) 22:15, 8 March 2020 (UTC)
From the Lugia Raid Battle
Oneofthosedf (talk) 22:23, 8 March 2020 (UTC)
Gengar's alternate color resembles its official illustration from FRLG and its sprites from Pokkén Tournament and Pokémon Home. And I'm the only one pointing this out.
Esquilo30 (talk) 23:24, 8 March 2020 (UTC)
This is Gengar's normal color in every media but the anime. Haunter and Gengar have always had different colors in the anime.
Oneofthosedf (talk) 23:52, 8 March 2020 (UTC)

First time he's had two of the same family?

Is this the first time Ash has had two individual Pokemon of the same evolution family? I'm referring to his Haunter from season 1, of course. Reign (talk) 19:20, 8 March 2020 (UTC)

Trouble is, Haunter wasn't officially his so I don't think it counts.--BigDocFan (talk) 19:37, 8 March 2020 (UTC)
yeah but there's that one trivia where it says both ash and sabrina say he caught haunter.Roserade57 (talk) 05:33, 11 March 2020 (UTC)
Haunter was never caught in a Poké Ball, so it was definitely never his Pokémon and as such doesn't count. It was more or less just befriended for a while, similar to Larvitar and Solgaleo. ☼ BlazingFist ☼ 09:00, 11 March 2020 (UTC)
and yet two characters said he caught it.Roserade57 (talk) 09:52, 22 March 2020 (UTC)
That is wrong, though. GrammarFreak01 (talk) 22:11, 22 March 2020 (UTC)
surely it being stated in an episode overrules fan headcanonRoserade57 (talk) 06:45, 6 April 2020 (UTC)
They said he caught it, but he never actually used a pokeball, Haunter just decided to follow Ash. Animaltamer7 (talk) 07:22, 6 April 2020 (UTC)
Will have to add that the statement in itself is probably an error. GrammarFreak01 (talk) 00:38, 7 April 2020 (UTC)

All 18 types

I think it is worth to mention in the trivia that with gengar capture ash owns one Pokemon of every single type. - unsigned comment from Mr zacian (talkcontribs)

That's more relevant on the episode page and Ash's page, which it already is on both page.--ForceFire 15:55, 13 March 2020 (UTC)

Reason for erasing

Why Gengar's dislike of being accused was erased? Esquilo30 (talk) 00:32, 18 June 2020 (UTC)

Why nobody is answering my question? Am I really THAT annoying? Esquilo30 (talk) 00:39, 20 June 2020 (UTC)
The reason why for removing that is that it isn't important, if it came up again multiple times later then it would be added, but as of now it shouldn't be added.Animaltamer7 (talk) 02:37, 20 June 2020 (UTC)
Wait a minute, it's still there in the "Personality and characteristics" section. Why are we talking about it being erased? GrammarFreak01 (talk) 05:01, 20 June 2020 (UTC)
Oh, I didn't notice but it was actually moved to the first paragraph where it was originally in the second paragraph of the section, my bad.Animaltamer7 (talk) 07:28, 20 June 2020 (UTC)
It's alright. :) GrammarFreak01 (talk) 07:29, 20 June 2020 (UTC)


in episode JN025, Gengar was hit by bone rush and it took lot of damage (knocked it down), so it proves that Gengar's ability is not levitate. also, we have seen many times, Ash's gengar flies. so whats its ability ? - unsigned comment from Jopikachu (talkcontribs)

Unless a Ability is used or stated out loud, it's not confirmed. In addition, Gengar's Ability was changed from Levitate to Cursed Body in Generation VII. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 16:31, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
if its ability was levitate, it would not have been knocked out by bone rush - unsigned comment from Jopikachu (talkcontribs)
It could have a different Ability completely. The writers can do whatever they want. They don't have to follow the games word for word.--ForceFire 17:05, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
ok - unsigned comment from Jopikachu (talkcontribs)
And, as I said, Gengar doesn't even have Levitate in this generation anymore. So it makes sense game-wise too. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 17:39, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
but this anime series doesnt focus only on gen 8. jomit.pika 17:44, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
This anime series is being made during Generation VIII. That's what matters in this case. PS. To sign you talk page posts, simply click the "sign" button at the top of the editing screen. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 17:52, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

"This Gengar isn't considered shiny" Isn't it, though?

I feel like this article should point out the idea of a Pokémon being "not shiny" is something of a contrivance of the English language fandom. "shiny" was a fanterm that started being beat around during Generation 2 and wasn't made 'official' until Gen 4 marketing / Gen 5 game text, but the actual term in the Japanese fandom AND games is a more open-ended "alternative color"/"color variant". That is, this Gengar is an alternative color from what we're used to Gengar appearing as, it's just not the alternative color that we're used to. You could say the same about it being a "shiny", just not the one we're used to, but for some reason the English fandom has really on-boarded the idea that "shiny" refers to only a single, specific coloration for each Pokémon, and everything else is wrong, even though the video games (Stadium Colors, shiny palette swaps from Gen 2 > Gen 3, you could even include Super Smash Bros. here..), TCG (Shining Mewtwo, Mudkip Star, etc.), and anime (myriad examples, including this one) all give examples of many different alternative colorations for a Pokémon. This site's own entry on the topic of shiny Pokémon has a write-up that basically discusses the language discrepancy in sufficient detail, so it feels wrong to see this claim that this Gengar is "not Shiny". --INTERNETFRIEND (talk) 19:07, 27 October 2022 (UTC)

After nearly 6 months of this post being put up and no apparent opposition, I made a "compromise edit", and dropped the "although it isn't considered Shiny," in "Gengar has a different color scheme compared to others of its species, although it isn't considered Shiny." I am now being edit warred by FinnishPokéFan92, who is rejecting this compromise edit. The gist of my proposal above would be that this article actually should be edited to be more in line with Pink Butterfree, and more clearly identify this as a case of an alternate colored Pokémon right from the opening paragraph, but, as indicated by my original edit, think omitting any mention of "shiny" is sufficient compromise. --INTERNETFRIEND (talk) 00:36, 13 April 2023 (UTC)
I am going to try one last time.
Alt. Color Pokémon (official definition, prior to 2009): Any alternatively colored Pokémon.
Shiny Pokémon (fandom definition, prior to 2009): Any alternatively colored Pokémon, but only of a particular coloration that matches the mainline video games.
In 2009, official use of Alt. Color Pokémon was retired in favor of Shiny Pokémon. But doing this does not mean your asinine definition of what does or doesn't count as meeting that criteria changed;
Shiny Pokémon (official definition, 2009-onward): Any alternatively colored Pokémon.
Shiny Pokémon (fandom definition, 2009-onward): Any alternatively colored Pokémon, but only of a particular coloration that matches the mainline video games.
So when you tell me "Ash's Gengar may be a different colour to normal Gengar but it's colours do not match the normal shiny Gengar." it doesn't actually address the rationale for edit. Your fandom definition of Shiny cannot supercede the official definition of Shiny. Any alternatively colored Pokémon can be shiny. This is a very simple logical problem and it is either due to illiteracy or intentional disingenuity that you cannot comprehend it. --INTERNETFRIEND (talk) 15:30, 13 April 2023 (UTC)
All Shiny Pokémon are alternately colored, but not all alternately colored Pokémon are Shiny. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 15:33, 13 April 2023 (UTC)
Yeah, so, that isn't true. You've invented that definition. There is no source to support it. You're unwilling to accept any evidence to the contrary and rejected a compromise, so I've reverted to my original point. Are you illiterate or being intentionally disingenuous? --INTERNETFRIEND (talk) 15:36, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

In the anime, Shiny pokemon appear with a sparkle, just like the games. No sparkle means not shiny. Bomyne (talk) 11:07, 14 April 2023 (UTC)

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