Playing Horsea
VS. Tattu
Location Cerise Island

Playing Horsea (Japanese: VSタッツー VS. Tattu) is the 69th round of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


Green and Bill jump down from Jiggly right in front of Yellow. Green says that "it feels like jacket weather" and puts a jacket on. Yellow and Green start to talk, while Bill guesses that Green sent Yellow on his quest and helped them when Lorelei attacked them (both correct). He also thinks that soomething unknown that Green told him is true. Green gets Bill and Yellow to ride on Jiggly and tells her Horsea to put a SmokeScreen around them. In the air, they see some Slowbro looking for tresspassers, and these Slowbro make Cerise Island so cold. Yellow looks at his map of Cerise Island, but he can't read it. Bill asks for the map, and an unfortuate movement causes the map to fall to the ground, where a Slowbro finds the map. Green, Yellow, and Bill mentally plead for the Slowbro to throw the map away. The Slowbro...... eats the map. Then it moves away to report the event to its Trainer. Green's Horsea latches itself onto a spike on the Slowbro's tail and leaves a trail of ink.

Meanwhile, in Celadon City, Erika is fighting off Template:Type2 Pokémon*. In Cerulean and Pewter Cities, Misty and Brock are fighting against the Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 Pokémon*, as yet another, larger, army flies to Kanto...

Back at Cerise Island, Green, Bill, and Yellow see the Slowbro and Horsea go inside the island. Green then notices Green and Bill jump down from Jiggly right in front of Yellow. Green says that "it feels like jacket weather" and puts a jacket on. Yellow and Green start to talk, while Bill guesses that Green sent Yellow on his quest and helped them when Lorelei attacked them (both correct). He also thinks that soomething unknown that Green told him is true. Green gets Bill and Yellow to ride on Jiggly and tells her Horsea to put a SmokeScreen around them. In the air, they see some Slowbro looking for tresspassers, and these Slowbro make Cerise Island so cold. Yellow looks at his map of Cerise Island, but he can't read it. Bill asks for the map, and an unfortuate movement causes the map to fall to the ground, where a Slowbro finds the map. Green, Yellow, and Bill mentally plead for the Slowbro to throw the map away. The Slowbro...... eats the map. Then it moves away to report the event to its Trainer. Green's Horsea latches itself onto a spike on the Slowbro's tail and leaves a trail of ink.

Meanwhile, in Celadon City, Erika is fighting off Template:Type2 Pokémon*. In Cerulean and Pewter Cities, Misty and Brock are fighting against the Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 Pokémon*, as yet another, larger, army flies to Kanto...

Back at Cerise Island, the Slowbro and Horsea go inside the island. Green then notices Clefy rattling inside its Poké Ball. Yellow senses that Clefable is saying that it hears voices from someone they know, and it is surprised but not scared. They then see the people... Lt. Surge, Koga, and Sabrina. Team Rocket.

Major events








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