Appendix:Black and White walkthrough/Section 5

Castelia City

Castelia City artwork

After crossing Skyarrow Bridge, you will arrive in Castelia City. This city is the largest in the Pokémon world and as such, there's lots to do here. First things first, walk along the southern path directly opposite the large map of the city. Talk to the scientist standing on the pier and he will ask which of the elemental monkeys you wish to evolve. Select the monkey you have and the scientist will give you an evolutionary stone to evolve that Pokémon.

Your Monkey Stone given
Pansage Leaf Stone
Pansear Fire Stone
Panpour Water Stone

Now, heal your Pokémon if necessary and head inside the building left of the Pokémon Centre.

Battle Company

When you first enter the Battle Company lobby, a Janitor will approach you and explain that the employees on the above floor will battle you. He then leaves via the elevator. Call the elevator (press A when in front of the elevator panel) and select 47F from the menu.


When you arrive on the forty-seventh floor, make your away around the floor, battling every Trainer as you go.

Once you return to the elevator, get in and go to the fifty-fifth floor.


The procedure here is exactly the same as on 47F.

Once you have defeated the final employee, you can challenge the Janitor you met earlier, who is sitting behind a desk. He will reveal himself to be the chairman of the Battle Company before battling you.

After defeating him, the Janitor/chairman will give you an Exp. Share, a held item that gives the holder a share of the Exp. Points gained in battle, even if said Pokémon didn't participate. Now that you have the Exp. Share, head back to the main street and run as far west as possible.

V for Victini

Liberty Pass

You can only obtain Victini if you have the Liberty Pass, an item exclusive to a wi-fi event. The dates of which are listed below:

Game Version Duration of event
Japanese Sept. 18, 2010 to Oct. 18, 2010
Europe Mar. 4, 2011 to Apr. 27, 2011
North America Mar. 6, 2011 to Apr. ??, 2011
Australia Mar. 10, 2011 to Apr. 28, 2011

Once you have downloaded the Liberty Pass via the Mystery Gift option on the main menu, you must enter any Pokémon Centre and talk to the main standing near the entrance, wearing a blue cap. He will give you the Liberty Pass. Now, return to Castelia City's main street and keep walking west.

Victini, the Victory Pokémon

When you cannot walk any farther west, head south down the path and talk to the man outside the boat. He will ask if you want to go to Liberty Garden Island. Select yes and the boat will transport you to the Liberty Garden.

Liberty Garden

When you arrive, you'll notice a group of people, presumably tourists, and a Team Plasma Grunt blocking the way south. Your destination is the large tower-like structure located in the middle of the island.

Follow the path around the outside of the tower, battling several other Plasma Grunts as you go. Finally, you can enter the tower. Go ahead and do this.

Once inside the tower, follow the downward sloping path and battle the Plasma Grunt at the bottom. Then, head through the door and into Victini's room.

Once you defeat the Plasma Grunt inside, he will step back, allowing you to battle Victini. Important: Save your game before battling Victini, in case you run out of Pokéballs.

Straight away, try using a Quick Ball on Victini. If this doesn't work, then use a Pokémon with a similar level to Victini's (Victini is at Lv. 15). Keep hammering away at Victini's HP until it gets in the red zone. Then, try using the Ultra Ball obtained earlier to catch it. If this doesn't work, keep throwing Pokéballs at it until it is caught. If, however, you accidentally defeat Victini, then just leave the room and come back and Victini will appear once more. When you finally catch Victini, leave the tower and you will see the Plasma Grunts defeated earlier being led away by the police. Professor Juniper will come up to you and explain the origins of Victini and also the unique Unova Pokédex number it has been assigned (#000). Finally, Juniper and the police will leave and you can return to the boat and head back to Castelia City.

West Castelia Side

Gym Street

Now that you have Victini, walk north onto Gym Street and head straight over to the Castelia Gym (the large building with the flashing stain-glass windows). As you approach the Gym, Cheren will come out and exclaim that Burgh is a pretty tough opponent. Once Cheren leaves, Burgh will exit the Gym and tell you that Team Plasma have stolen a Pokémon. He will request that you meet him at Prime Pier. To get to Prime Pier, you will need to take the southern road that is located right of the Battle Company. Once you arrive on the Pier, you will see Burgh, Bianca and an unknown purple-haired girl gathered around near the end of the pier.

Team Plasma

The group will explain that Team Plasma went and stole Bianca's Munna. The purple-haired girl is introduced as Iris and after a chunk of conversation, a Team Plasma Grunt will appear, attempting to steal another Pokémon from Bianca, but changes her mind when she sees Burgh and runs off. Now, you can go find the Grunts who stole Bianca's Munna. They are located on Gym Street, a little way north of the Gym. Head over there and you will see three Plasma Grunts blocking the doorway to a large building. After talking with Burgh, the three Grunts will battle you and Burgh: one will battle you, while the other two battle Burgh.

After the battle, all three Grunts will run back inside, and Bianca and Iris will show up. Now, everyone follows the Plasma Grunts into the building. Follow them inside and you will see Ghetsis, Rood and Bronius of the Seven Sages standing with the Grunts battled earlier. Ghetsis will start talking about how the founding of Unova involved a black Legendary Pokémon (white Legendary Pokémon if you're playing White) standing before a hero and sharing its knowledge. This knowledge brought everyone in Unova closer together. Ghetsis will then reveal that Team Plasma are looking to bring that Pokémon back again. After Ghetsis has finished talking, one of the Grunts will give Bianca's Munna back to her and the six of them will disappear. Burgh will ask what everyone will do now and Iris offers to take Bianca sightseeing around Castelia. Bianca and Iris will leave after the latter gives you a Yache Berry, which can thaw out frozen Pokémon. Burgh will then return to the Gym. Leave the building, heal your Pokémon if needed and head over to the Castelia Gym!

Castelia Gym

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File:Castelia Gym 2.png
Inside Castelia Gym

The main aim of this Gym is to run through the honey walls and open several fences before battling Burgh. First of all, run forward through the honey wall behind Clyde.

← Part 4 Nacrene Museum, Pinwheel Forest, Skyarrow Bridge
Black and White
??? Part 6 →
  This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.