Talk:Butterfree (Pokémon)

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Stun Spore

Butterfree's missing Stun Spore for generations from Yellow to III. --Raijinili 12:39, 18 January 2007 (UTC) The move list still doesn't match up with [1] --Raijinili 07:05, 14 October 2007 (UTC)

Pink Butterfree

I may be missing something, but the Shiny Butterfree does look pink to me. Why do both pages (this and Pink Butterfree) say that the shiny sprite is not pink? If this is correct, what color is the shiny sprite exactly? MoldyOrange 02:55, 18 June 2008 (UTC)

The shiny Butterfree is a purple Butterfree with pink wings and green eyes. The pink Butterfree is just like the normal Butterfree except its wings and body is pink

 File:Pink butterfree.jpg

see the difference? --ケンジガール 03:00, 18 June 2008 (UTC)

Red and Green sprite difference?

I'm sure it's just my OCD talking, but I think that Butterfree's Red and Green sprite, specifically it's wings, looks different to the other sprites. They almost look like moth wings. Is it noticeable enough to add to the trivia section? TheChrisD RantsEdits 20:56, 26 May 2009 (UTC)

Sprite trivia sucks. Yes, they look different but technology those days was fairly crap. We generally don't include sprite trivia, though there are a few exceptions here and here. — THE TROM — 21:40, 26 May 2009 (UTC)

Butterfree/Venomoth conspiracy

I think it's worth noting the undeniable resemblance that Butterfree has with Venonat and the Venomoth has with the Caterpie family. Maybe this deserves a trivia entry? The original Venomoth art shows it with yellow circles, like Caterpie which never showed up afterward, probably to correct the fact that the sprites were switched (perhaps on accident, or perhaps because Venomoth looks more moth-like and Butterfree looks more butterfly-like, or perhaps even because thinking forward, Venomoth wouldn't have been as popular a choice for the anime character to wield. The Great Ratsby 14:20, 28 August 2010 (UTC)

Speculation and opinion. So no. --ケンジガール 18:07, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
This is described on the TV Tropes wiki as a "throw it in" (e.g. fan speculation retroactively made canon by the owners), so it's definitely a plausible possibility -- but without an official source (TV Tropes being a fan-contributed wiki itself) to confirm the rumor, the only way to mention it would be as explicit fan speculation. E.g:
Butterfree's design bears a strong resemblance to Venonat, leading to some speculation over whether it was intended to be the design for Venomoth instead. --Stratelier 19:09, 12 January 2011 (UTC)

Trivia worthy?

I have an old 2001 issue of Beckett's Pokemon magazine that states in the first generation of Pokemon that Butterfree was the only Pokemon capable of knowing 8 moves at once. Is it worth putting in the trivia section? Frozen Fennec 19:15, 12 January 2011 (UTC)

Also worth noting that Butterfree is one of the few part flying Pokemon that can't learn Fly? Frozen Fennec 19:18, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
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