Pokémon VS (TCG)

Revision as of 18:25, 31 October 2008 by Cipher (talk | contribs) (Much better.)
ポケモンカード★VS [[File:SetSymbolポケモンカード★VS.png|30px]]
Cards in set 151
Set number 11
Release date August 19, 2001

Pokémon VS (Japanese: ポケモンカード★VS Pokémon Card VS) is a Japanese-only release of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It was considered an extension of the Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge Expansions, as it featured the Johto Gym Leaders and Elite Four from Gold and Silver, along with updated cards (and artwork) for the Kanto Gym Leaders.

Card List

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Falkner's Pidgeot    
2 Falkner's Fearow    
3 Falkner's Farfetch'd    
4 Falkner's Dodrio    
5 Falkner's Togetic    
6 Falkner's Delibird    
7 Falkner's Skarmory    H
8 Bugsy's Butterfree    
9 Bugsy's Beedrill    
10 Bugsy's Pinsir    
11 Bugsy's Ledian    
12 Bugsy's Yanma    
13 Bugsy's Scizor    H
14 Whitney's Clefable    
15 Whitney's Wigglytuff    
16 Whitney's Persian    
17 Whitney's Lickitung    
18 Whitney's Furret    
19 Whitney's Miltank    
20 Morty's Ninetales    
21 Morty's Gengar    
22 Morty's Hypno    
23 Morty's Marowak    
24 Morty's Noctowl    
25 Morty's Murkrow    H
26 Morty's Misdreavus    
27 Jasmine's Raichu    
28 Jasmine's Magneton    
29 Jasmine's Electabuzz    
30 Jasmine's Jolteon    
31 Jasmine's Ampharos    
32 Jasmine's Steelix    H
33 Chuck's Primeape    
34 Chuck's Poliwrath    
35 Chuck's Rhydon    
36 Chuck's Tauros    
37 Chuck's Granbull    
38 Chuck's Donphan    
39 Pryce's Dewgong    
40 Pryce's Cloyster    
41 Pryce's Lapras    
42 Pryce's Articuno    
43 Pryce's Sneasel    H
44 Pryce's Piloswine    
45 Pryce's Delibird    
46 Clair's Blastoise    
47 Clair's Jynx    
48 Clair's Gyarados    
49 Clair's Dragonite    
50 Clair's Politoed    
51 Clair's Mantine    
52 Clair's Kingdra    
53 Lt. Surge's Raichu    
54 Lt. Surge's Lanturn    
55 Sabrina's Xatu    
56 Sabrina's Espeon    
57 Misty's Lapras    
58 Misty's Quagsire    
59 Erika's Bellossom    
60 Erika's Jumpluff    
61 Janine's Beedrill    
62 Janine's Arbok    
63 Janine's Venomoth    
64 Janine's Weezing    
65 Janine's Ariados    
66 Janine's Crobat    
67 Janine's Shuckle    
68 Brock's Omastar    
69 Brock's Kabutops    
70 Blaine's Typhlosion    
71 Blaine's Magcargo    
72 Will's Slowbro    
73 Will's Exeggutor    
74 Will's Jynx    
75 Will's Xatu    
76 Will's Espeon    
77 Will's Slowking    
78 Will's Girafarig    
79 Koga's Crobat    
80 Koga's Forretress    
81 Bruno's Machamp    
82 Bruno's Hitmonlee    
83 Bruno's Hitmonchan    
84 Bruno's Steelix    H
85 Bruno's Ursaring    
86 Bruno's Hitmontop    
87 Karen's Rapidash    
88 Karen's Magmar    
89 Karen's Flareon    
90 Karen's Tyranitar    H
91 Karen's Umbreon    H
92 Karen's Houndoom    
93 Rocket's Wobbuffet    H
94 Rocket's Raikou    H
95 Rocket's Entei    H
96 Rocket's Suicune    H
97 Lance's Charizard    
98 Lance's Gyarados    
99 Lance's Aerodactyl    
100 Lance's Dragonite    
101 Lance's Ampharos    
102 Lance's Kingdra    
103 Falkner's TM 01 T  
104 Falkner's TM 02 T  
105 Bugsy's TM 01 T  
106 Bugsy's TM 02 T  
107 Whitney's TM 01 T  
108 Whitney's TM 02 T  
109 Morty's TM 01 T  
110 Morty's TM 02 T  
111 Jasmine's TM 01 T  
112 Jasmine's TM 02 T  
113 Chuck's TM 01 T  
114 Chuck's TM 02 T  
115 Pryce's TM 01 T  
116 Pryce's TM 02 T  
117 Clair's TM 01 T  
118 Clair's TM 02 T  
119 Janine's TM 01 T  
120 Janine's TM 02 T  
121 Will's TM 01 T  
122 Will's TM 02 T  
123 Bruno's TM 01 T  
124 Bruno's TM 02 T  
125 Karen's TM 01 T  
126 Karen's TM 02 T  
127 Rocket's TM 01 T  
128 Lance's TM 01 T  
129 Lance's TM 02 T  
130 Potion T  
131 Moo-Moo Milk T  
132 Full Heal T  
133 Pokémon Reverse T  
134 Switch T  
135 Warp Point T  
136 Super Scoop Up T  
137 Energy Flow T  
138 Energy Charge T  
139 Energy Ark T  
140 Energy Restore T  
141 Master Ball T  
142 Rocket's Tyranitar    H
-- Grass Energy E --
-- Fire Energy E --
-- Water Energy E --
-- Lightning Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --
-- Fighting Energy E --
-- Darkness Energy E H
-- Metal Energy E H
-- Rainbow Energy E H


  • This was the first Japanese set to have a numbering system for their sets. Instead of ordering them alphabetically and in descending rarity as with English sets, the Japanese first ordered them by type, Pokédex (National) number and in ascending rarity. With the release of e-Card 2, they stuck with ordering them by type and Pokédex number.
  • This was the first Expansion in Japan to feature the new card layout, first featured in English in Expedition Base Set. A "VS" symbol appears in the corner, later replaced with the "e" symbol in the later e-series sets. This was likely a taster for Japanese players for the upcoming e-sets, as these cards feature no Dot-Code data.
  • This was also the first Japanese Expansion to feature a secret card, that card being Rocket's Tyranitar.
  • All Gym Leaders from Kanto and Johto are present in this Expansion, excluding Giovanni and Blue.
  • This set featured an unusual packaging system. Instead of containing 10 cards in a booster pack (or half deck as some call these packs, which isn't strictly true as half decks are fixed), it contained 30 cards. There were three boosters to choose from, each containing a random assortment of set type Pokémon (i.e. one could only get a Fire-type Pokémon in the booster that displayed a Fire-type symbol). Colorless-type Pokémon were featured in all booster packs. The pack assortment was ordered: -
    • Grass/Lightning
    • Fire/Water
    • Psychic/Fighting
  • The only uncommon cards in this Expansion are Trainer Cards.
  • Wizards of the Coast officially stated that they had no plans to release the VS set, primarily because Wizards had competitive play in mind. The majority of Pokémon featured are fully evolved and designated basic cards. Therefore, many feature high HP and quite broken attacks for basic cards, and would give an unfair advantage in battles.

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