Talk:Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness

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Revision as of 20:50, 4 September 2008 by Sailorleo (talk | contribs) (→‎Music?)


Why was this pokemon rejected in pre-development? Wimmah 04:59, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

If we knew it would've been up there. I myself find it pretty weird, especially keeping a rather non-mascottish Pokémon like Skitty instead of introducing Riolu.--Loveはドコ? (talk contribs) 05:21, 9 September 2007 (UTC)
Was Riolu really confirmed to be a starter Pokémon? I thought people were just assuming. --FabuVinny T-C-S 14:57, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I thought it was just fan guessing. Do any materials actually back this up? --Zeta 05:23, 27 September 2007 (UTC)
No Riolu is not a starter Pokémon but rather a version exclusive. You can check out Riolu for more details. Pikachu25 19:10, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
We know that. This is about the (apparently false) claim that Riolu was going to be one but the developers changed their mind during development. --FabuVinny T-C-S 19:25, 10 February 2008 (UTC)


I thought that (according to Bulbanews) that this game had been released. Why has this page not been updated? User:Shiny_Giratina 01:27, 9 October 2007

It's not coming out here til June? Oh man (--<font color=#EED55E><sup>●</sup></font>[[User:GT4GTR|<font color=#4F506D>'''GT4GTR'''</font>]] <small>[[User talk:GT4GTR|<font color=#D6282C>''/ talk /''</font>]]</small> 01:01, 23 April 2008 (UTC))

Event Pokémon

I don't under stand why some legendaries need a WM code to access. Also, it doesn't make a lot of sense to have to hold an item to get a lot of legendaries. And, without WM, you cannot get all 3 legendary birds.

I don't understand why you can't get Arceus normally without an AR or an event. See. It's legendary. You're not supposed to find them as easily as Rattata and stuff. Geez.  Tinaδ281s 00:34, 24 November 2007 (UTC)

The Seven Trasures? Code only places shouldn't be a setback for you. You obviously have the internet, and the codes are right on the article, what are you complaining about? And Arceus and Shaymin aren't in the game, at least, not in the USA. I think it was because Arceus and Shaymin haven't been officaly released here yet. And the search with the Secret Slab/Mystery part isn't that hard, is it? It isn't like the first game, where everyone except Mew and the Regis had thier own dungon.Pip 20:47, 6 June 2008 (UTC)


Should the dungeon list be moved to Pokémon World (Mystery Dungeon)? That article fills the role for the first game and I assume it is the same world, if a different continent. --FabuVinny T-C-S 20:43, 28 December 2007 (UTC)

I think it's the same island with a different time period, but that's just me. But yeah, I think the dungeons should be moved out of here. --Ricco 23:17, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

I don't think they're the same island. Look at the maps of the two (if you can find them) While they show some similarites, they don't look too much alike. --Chimchar007 05:20, 08 April 2008 (UTC)

Sheimi and Arceus

So you've dug into the coding and found neither?  OptimatumTalk|09:41 10 Mar 2008

The DS card format makes it possible to add more data later, so I'm not too worried about it.--Loveはドコ? (talk contribs) 12:05, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

Mabye the didn't add them to the game for a good reason, like, hackers would be able to Recruit Arceus and Shaymin if they did... --Regi Trainer Friday, March 14, 2008


Whats the difference between the two versions?Darkmaster0 02:24, 18 March 2008 (UTC)

Version-Exclusive Pokémon. BlueJirachi 18:58, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

There are a couple of version-exclusive items. InuMimi 10:37, 24 July 2008 (UTC)

InuMimi is right. There are version-exclusive items, like the Vile Seed in Time, and the Violent Seed in Darkness. SharKing 19:36, 31 August 2008 (UTC)SharKing

Game Exclusive Pokemon

Can someone whith the japanese games make a list of the game exclusive pokemon.--Tommy 18:24, 19 March 2008 (UTC)

We already have that. --FabuVinny T-C-S 19:49, 19 March 2008 (UTC)

No Shekachu?

Making Pikachu male only? You think it wouldn't be so hard to come up with a 16th nature for the game. Especially since there's 25 in the 'normal' Pokémon games.- unsigned comment from Chikoquil (talkcontribs)

It's not such a big deal. They probably just didn't want to deal with the triviality of removing maybe two pixels from Pikachu's tail. Besides, with Skitty it balances out as each sex having an exclusive Pokémon.--Loveはドコ? (talk contribs) 02:44, 20 March 2008 (UTC)
Well, even so, don't you think that maybe they could have put the male tag on something that females are far less likely to want to be? Like Munchlax, for example? --Chikoquil 18:05, 20 March 2008 (UTC)
They have gender differences in game, actually. Part of the differences are certain stats are raised in certain genders. Ex: Male Pikachus have a higher critical-hit rate. Female Pikachus have a higher evasion rate. --Chimchar007 05:12, 08 April 2008 (UTC)
And it turns out that a Pokémon Attitude (Hasty) was left out, so it IS possible to get Female Pikachu and Male Skitty. I took the liberty of updating the list. --Chikoquil 23:36, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
It's true; I'm a girl and I'm a Pikachu. Yes the personality is hasty. ShinyPachirisu 01:52, 15 May 2008 (UTC)


Is this nessesary to add?If so ,this is odd to copy from the offical website,becausue of the copyright..Izayoi 07:23, 20 April 2008 (UTC)

Stoneplate/Enigma Part

Does anyone know where I can find them?CoolPikachu!

Certain prospect missions let you find one. You can also get them as rewards from generated wonder mails. I'll post the link for the generator when I find it. ShinyPachirisu 20:09, 10 May 2008 (UTC)

Boss order is all wrong...

Im playing the game and i noted the boss list is all wrong

  1. Zubat and Koffing
  2. Drowzee
  3. Groudon (Fake)
  4. Luxio (Multiple) and Luxray
  5. Spiritomb <=======
  6. Kabutops and Omastar (2) <=====
  7. Dusknoir and Sableye (Multiple) <=======
  8. Primal Dialga <=========
  9. Uxie <========
  10. Mesprit

The pointed bosses i never fought, and i played until defeating mesprit, so i think the list is wrong, someone fix it or tell me how i can fight the pointed bosses.

Andre Zoio 16:05, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

That's odd...there's not many walkthroughs up right now, but I'll see if I can find anything pertaining to the bosses. Thanks for pointing out the inconsistency, though. --ニョロトノ666 16:47, 25 April 2008 (UTC)
Now i broke grovyle's face and he isnt listed as a boss, i think i will make a new list myself...

Andre Zoio 21:20, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

Well If you guys need help with the bosses I can help you I beat the story mode in the English PMD2 Happizelpom 04:58, 29 April 2008 (UTC)Happizelpom


Isn't gender new In this game?I know it was in the last version but they show gender more in this verison. CoolPikachu!

I've noticed. Because there are now certain species of Pokémon that have different evolutions depending on the gender (i.e Female Burmy evolves into Wormadam, Male evolves into Mothim), gender is becoming an important factor.BlueJirachi 19:34, 4 June 2008 (UTC)

Wonder Mail Code

Should the code @54#T36MJ93PWQM&F&8T7QFX be added it from if you text Dungeon at _______ it'll reply and give that code and the mission is to rescue a Charizard CoolPikachu!

that is just a mission to get almost free reviver seeds

Andre Zoio 23:22, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

Yeah I know(as of like days ago..)CoolPikachu!

New W.C are realseing W.Codes from to today to May,8th Here's todays:Butterfree Mission:N04K +HCW &TF& 7M16 KHMH FR@% CoolPikachu!

May 6,Beedril: lCQ-R Y369 6&W3 P28P 3NXM @&W9 CoolPikachu!

Australian Release Date

Come On! Does Anyone know when it comes out in Australia? All the other regions are there but Australia's blank. - unsigned comment from GT4GTR (talkcontribs)

Korea is still blank. --FabuVinny |Talk Page| 13:11, 23 May 2008 (UTC)


"Skitty - *: These Pokémon may not be selected as a partner." O RLY? I had her as a partner on my NDS before. That's not true that Skilly cannot be selected as a partner. - Jerzy232 11:42, 26 May 2008 (UTC)

Was that on Blue Rescue Team? Because I never see any of the Odd ones out (Non-Starters) in the partner list... Pip 20:56, 6 June 2008 (UTC)


Shouldn't a page be made with just wonder mail codes? And I corrected the "Unknown Code" section. Pip 11:22, 3 June 2008 (UTC)

Are you talking about the Pokémon Unown? 'Cause that's how it's spelled. BlueJirachi 14:30, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

No, I was referring to the section that didn't know what dungeons the pokemon went to that were only in the Seven Treasure DungonsPip 20:38, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up! BlueJirachi 20:42, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Some of the event codes are no longer availible there. Anyone up for adding them to the list here? Sailorleo 13:31, 16 July 2008 (UTC)

Plot Summary

Shouldn't the plot be moved somewhere else or is it fine the way it is? BlueJirachi 14:28, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

Shrinking it would be ideal. --FabuVinny |Talk Page| 15:26, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

That's what I think. It's too large. BlueJirachi 15:31, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, it needs to be shrunk, or moved to a new page. If moved, then we can make a shorter summary and make a link to the page with the detailed plot. =/ The article is 42 kilobytes long! - spontaneousCombusken 03:50, 30 June 2008 (UTC)
So, Brock is about 48... MoldyOrange 03:53, 30 June 2008 (UTC)

IQ Skills

Whatever happened to Super Mobile? It was fun busting through walls and walking on any surface. All Terrain Hiker still allows for walking on all surfaces, but the walls crashing before your mighty jelly bean fueled brain was fun... Pip 21:10, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Super Mobile (re-named Absolute Mover) is still an available IQ Skill in PMD:T&D, however it can only be obtained by Palkia. [1] (However as the info I have is from, I won't claim it as 100% accurate)- Kogoro | Talk to me | 19:51, 11 June 2008 (UTC)
There are many twelve ranks of IQ in PMD2, labelled A to L. Absolute Mover is in two of these ranks. Most of the starters are unable to get Absolute Mover as they all don't have the right rank. Ranks tend to be constant through an evolution line.Θρtιmαtum♏Talk|Links11:04 15 Aug 2008


Is the same hero/partner post-story relatoinship problem from the first game still there, or did they fix it so that the hero and partner still remember eachother (you know, there was the problem where the partner and hero become just any other pokemon of their respective species, kinda depressing)? Either way, we should mention it.

What do you mean? Way I see it, Grovyle and PMD1's partner and the hero got turned back into a human. Soon, the Time Accident turned him back into a Pokémon. Still...WTF? This is completely useless. -asks for deletion- It's the Θρtιmαtum♏Talk|Links08:48 4 Jul 2008
What he's referring to is how at the end of Pokémon on Fushigi Dungeon 1, the game treated the player and partner as if they were just more generic pokémon. The post-game plot ignores them entirely, the current team leader is the oen that goes into town, not the player, and you could even permanently delete the player pokémon from the Rescue Team.
And to answer the question, the player and partner remain special pokémon in the postgame of Pokémon no Fushigi Dungeon 2, the plot continues to focus on them, and they are the only pokémon that can go out into Treasure Town. Sailorleo 19:59, 25 July 2008 (UTC)


The music for this game is awesome, just like MD1. But is there any music/track info for it though? --Pizzaman 16:20, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

I agree. I've been trying to find the soundtracks but no luck yet. I hope someone uploads them sometime...or if they're ever avalible for purchase, i'd buy them for sure. InuMimi 10:43, 24 July 2008 (UTC)

I've seen one around online, but I'm not sure if it's a rip of the game or an actual soundtrack release, though. Sailorleo 20:50, 4 September 2008 (UTC)

Legends in Multiple Dungeons

i know that there are some legendary Pokémon like Mewtwo that are found in more then one dungeon. Mewtwo is found at Dark Crater and Aegis Cave. Does that mean you can recruit more than one Mewtwo? InuMimi 10:47, 24 July 2008 (UTC)

Version Exclusives: Celebi/Mewtwo

Like the other version exclusives, is it possible to recruit these Pokémon in the games they are not found in? If it isn't shouldn't it be noted in the article that it is only possible to recruit these legendaries in their respective versions? --Woodland:M 11:37, 25 July 2008 (UTC)

While there isn't a known code, if you connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi before September 1st, you'll unlock missions for both legendaries, as well as the missions for the Mystery Part and Secret Slab. Source- --KinCryos 18:10, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
It should be noted that these were not recruit-reward missions. As far as I can tell at this time, it is still impossible to actually recruit the cross-version exclusive pokémon. Sailorleo 20:44, 4 September 2008 (UTC)
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