This user

  This user identifies as male.

This user is a Pokémon G-Man!

This user is, and always will be a MAN OF ACTION!

Is temperamental at times.

Hates all evildoers, he is wanting to stop them from causing any trouble. I'm willing to prevent any evil team from causing mayhem!

Remains calm and keeps cool, even in worse situations.

Likes to draw cartoons and play videogames, and watch "The Twilight Zone".

This user totally dislikes Team Rocket. I can't let Team Ninnies (Jessie and James and Meowth) prevent Ash from reaching his goal and steal his Pikachu! I can see through Jessie and James' cheesy disguises! I'm a Secret Agent, so what? Like I said, I'm temperamental at times.

  This user's favorite Pokémon is Dragonite.

This user's favorite quote is: "AN AGENT'S WORK IS NEVER DONE!"

The Agent's Pokémon

On Team


Moves Used


Moves Used


Moves Used


Moves Used


Moves Used


Moves Used