Supersonic Skystrike ファイナルダイブクラッシュ
96 pt.
Any Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent other than this Pokémon spin. Those that spin White Attacks move to the bench. This Pokémon gains Wait 3.
Savage Spin-Out ぜったいほしょくかいてんざん
96 pt.
Attaches an MP −2 marker to opposing Pokémon within 2 steps.
Defend Order ぼうぎょしれい
28 pt.
You may move one of your Combee on the field next to this Pokémon.
Power Gem パワージェム
24 pt.
Attack Order こうげきしれい
28 pt.
Damage +30 for each of your own neighboring Combee.