PPP13 : The Wal Comes Tumbling Down
Magical Pokémon Journey
PPP15 : A Quest of Life or Death
Forever Friends ♥
Let's Keep Being Friends
Shogakukan Chapter 2 in Vol. 3
VIZ Media monthly issue Chapter 2 in One Lone Pikachu
VIZ Media volume Chapter 2 in Vol. 3
Series Magical Pokémon Journey

Forever Friends ♥ (Japanese: これからもよろしくネ, Let's Keep Being Friends) is the 14th chapter of the Magical Pokémon Journey manga.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

While playing by itself in a field, Pikachu stumbles across a beautiful flower. Thinking Hazel would appreciate it as a gift, Pikachu picks it and takes it to her house. However, when it knocks on the door, there is no answer. Pikachu checks all of the windows, but there is no sign of Hazel.

Believing Hazel to be at Grandpa's house, Pikachu decides to go there next, but nobody is around there either. It then goes to Jigglypuff's home, but that house is empty as well. Pikachu visits another field in search of Clefairy, but only finds a sleeping Snorlax. Snorlax wakes up, then laments that all of the food it had dreamed about is no longer there. This gives Pikachu the idea that it has been dreaming the entire time.

Pikachu puts itself to bed in its tree hollow, but dreams that all of its friends decide to leave it behind. It wakes up in a cold sweat, then runs back to Hazel's house to pound on her door. When there is no response, Pikachu runs around the fields and caves, calling out for its friends. As it hopelessly walks alone, it envisions that everyone decided to leave with Almond on a journey to catch Pokémon. The flower begins to wilt, and Pikachu bursts into tears.

As Pikachu cries, a voice suddenly calls out to it. Pikachu looks up to see Hazel, who has been searching for it. Hazel explains that she was only getting ready at Coconut's house, then takes Pikachu there. When they open the door, Pikachu is shocked to see that Almond, Grandpa, Coconut and Peanut, as well as their Pokémon friends, are there to celebrate the anniversary of Pikachu's first meeting with Hazel. Coconut revives the wilted flower with a spray she made, and Pikachu is able to finally give it to Hazel.

Major events

  • Hazel and Pikachu celebrate the anniversary of their first meeting.
  Spoilers end here.  


Pokémon debuts




  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.
PPP13 : The Wal Comes Tumbling Down
Magical Pokémon Journey
PPP15 : A Quest of Life or Death