Appendix:Pokémon Pinball walkthrough/Section 3

The Blue Field

Field Features

Catch 'Em Mode

Catch 'Em Mode can be activated by sending the ball through the right loop twice, lighting up two Catch 'Em arrows, then sending the ball into Cloyster. Some Pokémon will only appear when all three Catch 'Em arrows are lit, however. Also, there are special Pokémon that can be caught in Catch 'Em mode.

Evolution Mode

Sending the ball through the left loop three times and to the Slowpoke's open mouth will activate Evolution mode.

Map Mode

Hitting the Poliwag or Psyduck on either side of the field three times and then into Slowpoke's mouth or Cloyster's mouth will initiate map mode. The player will pass through three locations in Area one, two locations in Area two, and then to the Indigo Plateau. After that, they will return to a location in Area one.

Area one locations include: Viridian City, Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon, Cerulean City, Vermilion City Streets, Rock Mountain, and Celadon City.

Area two locations include: Fuchsia City, Safari Zone, Saffron City, and Cinnabar Island.

Bonus Stages

The Bonus Stages for the Red Field are the Meowth Stage, the Seel Stage, and the Mewtwo Stage.

More information on the Bonus Stages can be found in the Bonus Stage section of the walkthrough.

Locations and Catch 'em Pokémon

These are the Pokémon that can be encountered in through Catch 'em Mode. The Catch 'em Arrow value is the minimal number of Catch 'em arrows that need to be lit to encounter that Pokémon.

  Viridian City

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Spearow 2
  Nidoran♀ 2
  Nidoran♂ 2
  Bulbasaur 3
  Squirtle 3
  Poliwag 3
  Tentacool 3
  Goldeen 3

  Viridian Forest

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Caterpie 2
  Weedle 2
  Pidgey 2
  Rattata 2
  Pikachu 3

  Mt. Moon

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Rattata 2
  Spearow 2
  Ekans 2
  Sandshrew 2
  Zubat 2
  Paras 2
  Clefairy 3
  Psyduck 3
  Geodude 3
  Krabby 3
  Goldeen 3

  Cerulean City

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Caterpie 2
  Weedle 2
  Pidgey 2
  Nidoran♂ 2
  Oddish 2
  Bellsprout 2
  Meowth 3
  Psyduck 3
  Abra 3
  Krabby 3
  Goldeen 3
  Jynx 3

  Vermilion City Streets

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Pidgey 2
  Spearow 2
  Bellsprout 2
  Shellder 2
  Krabby 2
  Farfetch’d 3
  Sandshrew 3
  Meowth 3
  Drowzee 3

  Rock Mountain

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Spearow 2
  Ekans 2
  Sandshrew 2
  Zubat 2
  Diglett 2
  Machop 2
  Geodude 2
  Slowpoke 3
  Onix 3
  Voltorb 3
  Mr. Mime 3

  Celadon City

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Pidgey 2
  Oddish 2
  Meowth 2
  Mankey 2
  Growlithe 2
  Bellsprout 2
  Clefairy 3
  Abra 3
  Scyther 3
  Pinsir 3
  Eevee 3
  Porygon 3
  Dratini 3

  Fuchsia City

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Krabby 2
  Goldeen 2
  Magikarp 2
  Venonat 3
  Exeggcute 3
  Kangaskhan 3

  Safari Zone

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Nidoran♀ 2
  Nidoran♂ 2
  Paras 2
  Doduo 2
  Rhyhorn 2
  Chansey 3
  Scyther 3
  Pinsir 3
  Tauros 3
  Dratini 3

  Saffron City

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Pidgey 2
  Ekans 2
  Sandshrew 2
  Oddish 2
  Mankey 2
  Bellsprout 2
  Vulpix 3
  Meowth 3
  Growlithe 3
  Hitmonlee 3
  Hitmonchan 3
  Lapras 3

  Cinnabar Island

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Vulpix 2
  Ponyta 2
  Grimer 2
  Koffing 2
  Magmar 3
  Aerodactyl 3

  Indigo Plateau

Pokémon Catch 'em Arrows
  Spearow 2
  Ekans 2
  Sandshrew 2
  Zubat 2
  Machop 2
  Geodude 2
  Onix 3
  Ditto 3
  Moltres 3
  Mewtwo 3
  Mew 3

← Part 2 Red Field
Pokémon Pinball
Bonus Field Part 4 →

  This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.