Nebby made its anime debut in SM044. It first appeared in Ash's dream, in which it was created by Solgaleo and Lunala at the Altar of the Sunne. Later, Tapu Koko led Ash to where it was sleeping. Taking it to the Pokémon School, Ash and his classmates found that the unusual Pokémon emitted a high-pitched scream whenever it cried. Eventually calming it down, Ash decided to take care of Cosmog, which Lillie nicknamed Nebby. When Ash brought it home with Lillie, he met Professor Burnet, Lusamine, Wicke, and Faba, who revealed that Nebby could be an Ultra Beast. Lusamine later offered to take Nebby with her to the Aether Paradise, but Ash declined because of his promise to take care of Nebby. Lusamine gave in and entrusted Nebby's safety with Ash.
Personality and characteristics
Having only just been born, Nebby shares many traits with human babies. It sleeps and cries a lot, but is easy to amuse and is naturally curious. Nebby is a very fussy eater and appears to only eat the Japanese star-shaped candy konpeitō.
In SM045, it was shown that Nebby tends to teleport people to places they are thinking or talking about. Rotom surmises this is because it knows little about the world around it, so it has to depend on telepathy and other people to develop its abilities. By the end of the episode, it is attached enough to Ash that it will willingly teleport to him independently when separated.
Moves used
Using Teleport
A † shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.