Hello I'm ChromeVoid42, but the name shows up as Azure42 for you (wanted to change it because it makes me appear that i like the character), sorry my user page isn't that spectacular yet but construction is in progress :) I started using Bulbapedia so i could be in the know about stuff like the anime and Pokémon Black and White, when i got my account i tried to get myself involved in quite a few things and get the hang of editing, nowadays i'm still learning some stuff but i get most of it, i hope to do more during my time in bulbapedia, anything else you wanna know will probably turn up as a usertag or a heading when the page is finished :)

Thanks to Jedi i've been able to learn more about creating my userpage totally, eventually i'll have some pages dedicated to stuff like usertags, Sandbox etc. i'll also be making two main pages, Azure42 would be the 'clean version' where most things are explained with usertags, ChromeVoid42 will be a little more opinionated and probably vocal in stuff i feel strongly about, such as shipping (mainly shipping), as well as usertags (because i liek them ;P)

if you wanna chat or need anything that involves communication feel free to talk to me

Well, i hope you enjoyed my in-construction page, nice talking to you, smell ya later ;)

I'm also Still designing a Generation 6 game (which includes anime episodes and manga chapters), but i get on as much as i can (currently designing cities)

Warning, the tag below will happen...when i get round to it (i gotta find/make them too)

Spr DP Collector.png This user has too many usertags.

Game Info

Of course,

Spr BW Hilda.png This user is a Pokémon Trainer.

but also

SugimoriEggs.png This user breeds Pokémon.

I breed so i'm not sending the same pokemon over game to game, so i send over the young ones and train them from Lv1

025.png This user has Pokémon games from every generation.
493 s.png This user doesn't like cheating in Pokémon games.

I used to Clone but i don't see much gain in it anymore, plus i've got two games (a firered i bought and a leafgreen for xmas) bought from Amazon/Ebay that cannot save and migrate which furthers my hate for it

Spr 1b 009.png The first Pokemon game this user owned was Pokemon Blue


644.png This user is a player of Pokémon White Version.
Spr BW Alder.png This user is a Champion!

Simple stuff, my first game saw me train my first Level 100 (and only until may 2011 where i got my second) and stroll through the elite, after that i tried to be a more diverse trainer throughout. On White i've caught every pokemon legitimately possible (except Landorus as i need a Tornadus and the pokemon that require stone and trade evolutions) and just need to do some transferring and trading. As a diverse trainer,

133.png This user is a trainer of all types.

I usually prefer to battle with a type advantage (using Bulbapedia as a source for important foes) and i tend to keep hold of pokemon i've caught earlier in the game or have been given to me as a gift/egg, i also like to use pokemon with varying movepools (such as teaching my Aggron Aerial Ace and Ice Beam) i also want to point out that

Ash anime.png This User follows the Anime Philosophy

For those who don't know what i mean by this, i mean that i don't capture for natures or moves, i generally train my pokemon up no matter what ability, IV or nature they have.

My main purpose of playing the game is

Pokédex BW art.png This user strives to complete the Pokédex.

But also

OPE01.png This user wants to be the very best like no one ever was

Anime Info

i'll keep quiet for most anime stuff, what i will reveal is this

YouTube logo.png This user watches the Pokémon anime on YouTube.

and that i've watched at least one episode of every season (i kinda lost interest during AG and DP) and every single movie (though, the latest one i watched was in japanese but i tend to watch more japanese anime than english nowadays, even without subtitles - i seem to get the idea of what they're saying anyway)

Manga Info

The only Pokemon manga i read is Pokemon Adventures. I usually keep tabs on the manga here (as the UK don't distribute them where i live D:) i remember reading my First round though, my favorites are the RGB chapter and the RS Chapter, as my favorite characters are the holders themselves.

Templates I've made

495.png This user is Smug
Spr 5b 448 s.png This user is a Super Saiyan
First one's a Smugleaf reference
The Second one is a Dragonball reference (but i prefer it as "i have the AURAAAA!!!" :P)
The others i've created are the 'first pokemon game' 'anime philosophy' and the 'wants to be the very best' tags above
feel free to use them (but please ask so i can keep tabs) :)



mwhahaha ;)