
These are Plumeria's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Akala Outskirts
  • Before battle
"So, you're the one Gladion was talking about? ...Hmph. You don't look like anything special to me."
"I'm Plumeria."
"I help keep Team Skull together. I'm like a big sister to all these numskulls. You have realized what idiots all these guys are, right?"
"But don't you think some dummies are cute in their dumbness? You know what I mean, right? You picking on my cute, dumb brothers and sisters is really annoying me!"
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"Hmmph! You're pretty strong. I'll give you that. But mess with anyone in Team Skull again, and I'll show you how serious I can get."
Route 15
  • Before battle
"Back so soon, hmm? I wasn't expecting you just yet."
"It takes these dumb Grunts way too long to deal with you kids..."
"So I guess it's my turn now!"
"What? I told you before. Next time you get in our way, I'm not holding anything back!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Hmmph! I can't even stand myself right now!"
  • After being defeated
"Hmmph. Guess you are pretty tough. Now I understand why my Grunts waste so much time battling kids."
"But if you want us to return the Pokémon, then you'll have to come to us. Alone. The boss is dying to meet you, hmmph! See you at our base in Po Town!"
Aether House (flashback)
"Not gonna disappear this time, huh? Seems like maybe the tall tales we heard about you were wrong."
"It's fine. There's nothing more for us to take from you."
"Which reminds me..."
"Maybe we're not the only ones around here who could be called Pokémon thieves. Is that what you are, huh? A thief?"
Ancient Poni Path
"That's enough. No one wants to see a sore loser."
"Hmmph. You, girlie... Lillie, right?"
"You really ready to do this finally?"
"To be honest, I've treated you really badly. Even if I was just doing the work the president told me to do, I shouldn't have done all that. Even if I apologize now, I know it's probably too late for you to forgive me, though."
"See, Guzma... he really likes the president. She's the only adult who ever seemed to see how strong he was."
"You know...deep down, you're kind of like the president. You've gone in a different direction, but I can tell you have the same strength in your convictions."
"Bring Guzma back, if you can. I know you've got no reason to help... but no one can make up for what they've done if they're gone."
"And you, <player>. Looks like you were special after all. You didn't just stand up to Team Skull. You even took on the darkness inside Aether. Looks like you're the real deal. The realest Pokémon Trainer I've seen around. Take good care of our little princess here. This is my way of saying sorry, OK? Take it. It's Poisonium Z."
"Oh yeah... you got your first stone directly from Tapu Koko, didn't you, <player>? You'd better take care of it. That's one special Z-Ring you've got there. A Trainer is only a Trainer because of the Pokémon with them. If you ever forget that, you'll bring the wrath of the tapu down upon yourself. You should be fine, though."
"I'm out of here."
Pokémon League
First challenge
  • Before battle
"Those old dudes Molayne and Nanu somehow talked me into doing this. I'm starting from scratch as a Pokémon Trainer and doing it right this time. I've got a Z-Ring and everything, so I might actually be able to live up to their expectations."
  • Upon being defeated
"Hunh! I can't even stand myself right now!"
  • After being defeated
"Even when I give it my all, I'm nothing compared to you! Maybe my Pokémon and I need to go through more together to deepen our friendship. I'm out of here, Champ."
Subsequent challenges
  • Before battle
"My team and I are battling for all the Pokémon we took out on our way here!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Hunh! I can't even stand myself right now!"
  • After being defeated
"I failed I always do. I promised myself I wouldn't! I told myself I would never fail again! It's all right to feel a little jealous, right? How else am I supposed to get stronger? My team and I really did take out so many Pokémon to make it here!"
Battle Tree
  • Before battle
"I don't believe that people understand each other if they battle, but I'll face you anyway."
  • Upon being defeated
"Yeah, yeah, you win... You're really a big deal!"
  • If the player is defeated
"I've got pride, too. I mean, I was in Team Skull."

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Akala Outskirts
  • Before battle
"So, you're the one Gladion was talking about? ...Hmph. You don't look like anything special to me."
"I'm Plumeria."
"I help keep Team Skull together. I'm like a big sister to all these numskulls. You have realized what idiots all these guys are, right?"
"But don't you think some dummies are cute in their dumbness? You know what I mean, right? You picking on my cute, dumb brothers and sisters is really annoying me!"
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"Hmmph! You're pretty strong. I'll give you that. But mess with anyone in Team Skull again, and I'll show you how serious I can get."
Route 15
  • Before battle
"Back so soon, hmm? I wasn't expecting you just yet."
"It takes these dumb Grunts way too long to deal with you kids..."
"So I guess it's my turn now!"
"What? I told you before. Next time you get in our way, I'm not holding anything back!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Hmmph! I can't even stand myself right now!"
  • After being defeated
"Hmmph. Guess you are pretty tough. Now I understand why my Grunts waste so much time battling kids."
"But if you want us to return the Pokémon, then you'll have to come to us. Alone. The boss is dying to meet you, hmmph! See you at our base in Po Town!"
Aether House (flashback)
"Not gonna disappear this time, huh? Seems like maybe the tall tales we heard about you were wrong."
"Leave her be. I like a girl who's not afraid to stand up for herself."
"And besides..."
"I don't know about calling someone a Pokémon thief just 'cause she wanted to help out a Pokémon when it was suffering..."
Ancient Poni Path
"You dummies. They're trying to save the boss, so what do you wanna get in their way for?!"
"Hmmph. You, girlie... Lillie, right?"
"You really ready to do this finally?"
"To be honest, I've treated you really badly. Even if I was just doing the work the president told me to do, I shouldn't have done all that. Even if I apologize now, I know it's probably too late for you to forgive me, though."
"See, Guzma... he really likes the president. She's the only adult who ever seemed to see how strong he was."
"You know...deep down, you're kind of like the president. You've gone in a different direction, but I can tell you have the same strength in your convictions."
"<Player>... Lillie... I know you've got no reason to help, but... But could you help us save Guzma?"
"That big dummy... I don't think he's even aware of it, but... Alola really means a lot to him. That's why he's doing something so reckless to try to save it. The Poison-type Z-Crystal... Maybe it'll help you somehow."
"I guess giving you this Z-Crystal is also kind of, what did you call it, helping each other? Oh yeah... You got your first stone directly from Tapu Koko, didn't you, <player>? You'd better take care of it. That's one special Z-Power Ring you've got there. A Trainer is only a Trainer because of the Pokémon with them. If you ever forget that, you'll bring the wrath of the tapu down upon yourself. You should be fine, though."
"I'm out of here."
Pokémon League
First challenge
  • Before battle
"Those old dudes Molayne and Nanu somehow talked me into doing this. I'm starting from scratch as a Pokémon Trainer and doing it right this time. I've got a Z-Power Ring now, so I might actually be able to live up to their expectations."
  • Upon being defeated
"Hunh! I can't even stand myself right now!"
  • After being defeated
"Even when I give it my all, I'm nothing compared to you! Maybe my Pokémon and I need to go through more together to deepen our friendship. I'm out of here, Champ."
Subsequent challenges
  • Before battle
"My team and I are battling for all the Pokémon we took out on our way here!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Hunh! I can't even stand myself right now!"
  • After being defeated
"I failed I always do. I promised myself I wouldn't! I told myself I would never fail again! It's all right to feel a little jealous, right? How else am I supposed to get stronger? My team and I really did take out so many Pokémon to make it here!"
Battle Tree
  • Before battle
"I don't believe that people understand each other if they battle, but I'll face you anyway.
  • Upon being defeated
"Yeah, yeah, you win... You're really a big deal!"
  • If the player is defeated
"I've got pride, too. I mean, I was in Team Skull."

Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version

Ten Carat Hill
"I'm Plumeria—the Team Skull Admin."
"So you're Sun, huh? Hmmph. I guess you do look like a Trainer who can get things done."
"I got this! Settling the score for my cute little henchmen is part of my job!"
"If you're gonna give him advice, you better tell him how to deal with defeat!"
"You really think you can take out my adorable Pokémon with your Z-Power?"
  • Upon being defeated
"Hmmph! I guess I just have to hold that loss."
  • After being defeated
"What did you say your name was? Sun? You're quite the Trainer! You won't get off so easy next time, though! I hope you're looking forward to the next time we meet!"

In spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Plumeria (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm Plumeria, Admin of Team Skull. Basically, I'm like a big sister to a bunch of lovable numskulls."
  • Sync pair viewer
"Don't you think some dummies are cute in their dumbness? You know what I mean, right? Can't get enough of 'em."
"Mess with me and my people, and I'll show you how serious I can get."
  • Upon reaching max level
"H-ha! Greatest of all time!"
  • During conversation
"Come on!"
"I appreciate it."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here. This is all yours."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • VS screen
"Get ready!"
  • Battle start
"All right!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Do it!"
  • Using item
"I got this."
  • Using Trainer move
  • Using Sync Move
"Well, aren't you cute?"
  • Unity Move
  • Switching in
"I'll take care of this."
  • Uh-oh!
"Time to focus."
  • "Watch out" emote
"Watch it!"
  • Defeat
"Yeah, yeah, you win."
Pokémon Center
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Hm? Oh, it's you, <player>. You sure come around a lot."
"Not that I hate that or anything. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble you cause."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"When I see numskulls slacking off first thing in the morning, it's hard not to go over and straighten 'em out!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Here. Shut up and take this."
"It could be useful, though that depends on you."
"You're free to choose how you use it. Do what you want."