
Revision as of 03:17, 3 February 2011 by Tandra88 (talk | contribs) (→‎Synopsis)
AG020 : Brave the Wave
Advanced Generation series
AG022 : A Hole Lotta Trouble
Which Wurmple's Which?
AG021   EP295
Kemusso VS Kemusso! Which is Which!?
First broadcast
Japan April 17, 2003
United States February 14, 2004
English themes
Opening I Wanna Be A Hero
Japanese themes
Opening アドバンス・アドベンチャー
Ending ポルカ・オ・ドルカ
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 大橋志吉 Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard 藤本義孝 Yoshitaka Fujimoto
Assistant director 大町繁 Shigeru Ōmachi
Animation director たけだゆうさく Yūsaku Takeda
Additional credits

Which Wurmple's Which? (Japanese: ケムッソVSケムッソ!どっちがどっち!? Kemusso VS Kemusso! Which is Which!?) is the 21st episode of the Advanced Generation series, and the 295th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on April 17, 2003 and in the United States on February 14, 2004.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


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The gang wakes up in the Pokémon Center and promptly notice that Ash and Pikachu are missing! In the hallway outside, they find the two sleeping on a bench, just to be closer to Ash's injured Treecko. After receiving his fully healed Pokémon from Nurse Joy, the gang eat breakfast and discuss Ash's training. Max approaches the group and says that Steven Stone, the son of Mr. Stone, is in Granite Cave doing some secret research. Ash and his friends decide to meet him there.

On the way to Granite Cave, they come across James, disguised as an old man. He convinces them to fish at a nearby fishing spot, and lends them rods. As the gang starts fishing, Ash lets Treecko out to enjoy the sunshine.

After fishing for a moment, May lands an Octillery. She looks it up in her Pokédex as Brock explains that she needs to battle the hooked Pokémon. Behind them, the wild Octillery uses Constrict on Max. May sends out her Wurmple and commands it to use String Shot, but Octillery dodges. Wurmple mistakenly ensnares Max with the attack. Octillery escapes back into the sea, taking the time to Headbutt Max on it's way.

Next, Ash lands a Corphish, which grabs Max using ViceGrip. Pikachu tries to use a Thunderbolt, but Corphish quickly attacks with Crabhammer before returning to the water.

The action cuts to Team Rocket inside their Magikarp submarine. Jessie explains their plan to steal Pikachu and the other Pokémon. Team Rocket intends to snare the gang's rods and pull them into the water, then steal their floating Poké Balls, along with an exhausted Pikachu.

Fortunately for our heroes, their pedals break and Ash and friends pull them to the surface. Team Rocket exits their submarine while saying their motto, then try to capture Pikachu in a shock-proof net. Ash commands Treecko to Quick Attack James, who drops the net. Meowth, claws extended, threatens to steal all of the gang's Pokémon. May quickly defends her Wurmple, beginning an argument with Jessie over whose Wurmple is superior. Max tries to settle the fight by declaring both Wurmples equal, but Jessie is determined to battle. She commands her Wurmple to use String Shot, but misses. May and Ash command Treecko and Wurmple to fight, and the two Wurmples are swapped during the confusion. Team Rocket tries to flee, but are blasted away by Pikachu's Thunderbolt.

Afterward, May notices that the Wurmple isn't hungry, and figures out that the two Worm Pokémon must have been switched.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is dismayed to find that the Wurmple near them has a ferocious appetite, and doesn't seem to like Jessie.

The gang hunts for Team Rocket, using Taillow to scout the area.

Both May and Jessie reminisce about capturing their respective Wurmples, but Jessie's memory is broken by the arrival of Ash and the gang. May reveals the truth about the swap, and Jessie agrees to give both Wurmples to their correct trainer. However, Jessie double-crosses May, stealing both Wurmples and running away. Team Rocket jump in their Meowth balloon while fantasizing about giving the Wurmple to their boss. Taillow interrupts their fantasy, and deflates their ballon with a quick Wing Attack. May recovers her beloved Wurmple, but Jessie sends out Seviper to battle.

Taillow tries to use Gust, but Seviper's haze quickly stops it. Ash sends out Treecko to Pound Seviper and James counters by sending out his Cacnea. Ash instructs Pikachu to finish with them with a Thunderbolt, but Team Rocket isn't finished yet. Cacnea uses Pin Missile while Seviper uses Poison Tail. Treecko and Pikachu dodge the attacks and use Pound and Quick Attack to finish off Seviper and Cacnea. Pikachu sends Team Rocket flying with a final Thunderbolt.

The episode ends with the gang reflecting on the bond between Pokémon and trainer, happily looking forward to future training.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts




Who’s That Pokémon?: Espeon


  • Starting with this episode, Mike Pollock takes over the role of the narrator.
  • The dub title is a pun of the famous phrase "which worm is which".
  • This is the first time the main characters are seen fishing in Hoenn, and by corollary the first time they have fished without Misty.


  • Corphish has the lower parts of its claws red in the scenes with the blue background before it attacks Max and the two times it attacks Ash's Pikachu before jumping back in the water. The bottoms should be cream colored.

Dub edits

In other languages

AG020 : Brave the Wave
Advanced Generation series
AG022 : A Hole Lotta Trouble
  This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.