
Pokémon Shipwreck
Pokémon Adrift
First broadcast
Japan July 15, 1997
United States September 29, 1998
English themes
Opening Pokémon Theme
Japanese themes
Opening めざせポケモンマスター
Ending ひゃくごじゅういち
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 武上純希 Junki Takegami
Storyboard 井上修 Osamu Inoue
Assistant director 井上修 Osamu Inoue
Animation director 江藤真澄 Masumi Etō
Additional credits

Pokémon Shipwreck (Japanese: ポケモンひょうりゅうき Pokémon Adrift) is the 16th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on July 15, 1997 and in the United States on September 29, 1998.

Ash, Brock, Misty, Jessie and James are stuck in the Saint Anne at the bottom of the ocean. Will they be able to escape before it is too late?

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


After the events of the previous episode, the S.S. Anne overturned and sank into the sea, taking Ash, his friends and Team Rocket down as well. The next morning, a police ship pulls up at the location. Officer Jenny gives a short speech to commemorate the missing characters. She tosses a bouquet of white flowers into the sea of debris as a memorial. Jenny and the other officers salute as one plays the trumpet, the flowers sinking underwater.

Meanwhile, Misty, Brock and Pikachu call to Ash, waking him up. Ash notices that everyone seems upside down, but Ash is really the one upside down, his jacket caught on a fixed table. Ash falls off the table, landing on top of Pikachu. Misty points to the porthole as Ash looks out, noticing fish swimming. He concludes that the ship sunk, the image panning out and showing the ship upside down atop a pillar, positioned at the mouth of a trench.

The scene shifts to a tropical beach, Jessie and James getting a tan. They recite their motto as they enjoy the sun's rays. As they do, the light intensity grows until James feels himself burning, Jessie as well. In reality, they were actually dreaming, and Meowth wakes them up. Jessie and James are under stoves as the burners bathe them with fire. Jessie and James jump out, both with hair on fire, as they run to broken pipes, putting out the fire under a blast of water. They run out into the hall and notice everything upside down. Meowth informs them that the ship capsized and sank. James freaks out as Jessie brings out Ekans. She orders it to use Acid to open a hole in the floor. Meowth tries to stop her, but it's too late as the attack opens a hole. The ship rumbles as water begins to wash up through the hole. Jessie and James try to block it, but it fails, filling the hall with water and washing Team Rocket away.

Ash and his friends head out into the stairwell, the water level preventing them from going to the deck. Misty notes that the ship will take time to fill with water, but time is still critical. Ash wants to dive down to the deck, but Brock mentions that it could be dangerous. Ash has a horrible vision of running into a locked hatch and drowning. Misty sends out her Goldeen to scout the hall. It swims down and finds a dead end, but it runs into Team Rocket.

As Ash and co. wait for Goldeen, James’s head pops out of the surface, freaking them out. Goldeen pushes Team Rocket up onto the deck, the three blue in the face from nearly drowning. Jessie and James regain consciousness and stand up, ready to battle. They send out Ekans and Koffing as Ash and Brock send out Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Geodude. Before any of them can launch an attack, the ship begins to tip, sending everyone sliding. Ash orders the Pokémon to go to the other side, but it causes the ship to tilt the other way. After sliding back and forth, Misty orders everyone to recall their Pokémon and forget the battle in order to survive. They do so and the ship regains balance.

Misty wants everyone to work together, but the sides are still divided. She orders everyone to shake hands. Jessie and Ash shake hands to form a temporary truce. James and Brock shake as well. Meowth and Pikachu shake, but Pikachu Template:M2 Meowth, Misty quickly scolding Pikachu. With the temporary truce, Misty points out that she knows the ship blueprints and that they should go to the bottom of the ship and cut through the hull to escape. They approach a staircase, and Brock sends out Onix to allow everyone to climb up.

The ship’s lights fail as the group approaches a darkened portion of the hall. Ash brings out Charmander to light the way. They enter the next room and find it impossible to cross over to the engine room hatch due to the large gap and the raging fire below them. Ash has Pikachu shock him to get him to think. He then sends out Bulbasaur to use Vine Whip to create a bridge to the opposite hatch. Ash and his friends begin to cross the vines, but James is too scared to cross. Jessie slaps him and helps him regain his composure, but Ash and his friends are already across. They request Bulbasaur to send back the vines.

Everyone made it safely to the engine room, Team Rocket virtually exhausted. Ash brings out Charmander to use Flamethrower to cut an opening through the hull. Misty informs everyone to strap onto a Water Pokémon, but Team Rocket doesn't have one. The hull opens and water pours in. Charmander runs away from the water as Ash recalls it. Ash and Pikachu strap onto Squirtle while Misty gets Goldeen and Brock gets Starmie. While Ash and his friends swim into the waterfall and escape to the surface, Team Rocket is still stranded. James suddenly starts snickering as he reveals the golden Poké Ball holding his Magikarp. Team Rocket straps onto Magikarp and attempt to escape, but they find that Magikarp can't swim. The water picks up and washes the ship into the trench.

Ash and co. get atop a makeshift platform as they notice Team Rocket hasn't made it. Ash looks out to sea and is unable to spot any land. Brock brings up the story of Noah sending out a bird to search for land and Ash does the same thing by sending Pidgeotto out to scout. Pidgeotto flies out and finds Team Rocket on the surface, still attached to the splashing Magikarp. It brings them back to the platform, and Ash and his friends presume that they did not make it. They attempt to push them back into the sea, but Jessie and James wake up, pushing Meowth into the sea. Ash and his friends think they are zombies, but Team Rocket is not. Meowth struggles to swim as it climbs back onto the platform, Pikachu snapping its fingers.

The two groups have no choice but to stay on the platform for the night. They wake up the next day and all are starving. Everyone looks at Magikarp and plan to eat the helpless Pokémon. Meowth makes the first move and Template:M2 it, but Meowth breaks its teeth since Magikarp is just scales and bones. James gets angry enough that he kicks the fish Pokémon off the platform, not wanting to be its master. The Pokémon begins to flash as it evolves into Gyarados. Ash checks his Pokédex as James attempts to reclaim his role as master, but he is easily scared off. Misty sends out Goldeen, Staryu and Starmie. Brock thinks she will battle it, but she only plans to run away, the Water Pokémon pulling the platform as everyone else attempts to row. Gyarados stays in hot pursuit but it stops. They think it is tired, but Misty remembers Sailor stories about Gyarado’s Dragon Rage attack. The waves pick up as more Gyarados appear. They swim in a circle, forming a powerful water cyclone. They advance towards the raft. Brock tries to get them to move, but Misty mentions that nobody has escaped the attack. The attack sends everyone spiraling into the cyclone. Ash and his friends try to hold together, but they lose grip and spiral out of control. The outcome will be revealed in the next episode.

Major events





Who’s That Pokémon?: Magikarp


  • PM-16 was the name of the ship on which the memorial service was held. The initials appear to stand for Pocket Monsters and the number corresponds with the episode number.
  • Much of the episode parodies or references The Poseidon Adventure.
  • Brock makes a reference to Noah and his Ark.
  • Real fish are seen once again in this episode.
  • In the engine room scene, James refers to Jessie as Jessica.
  • The narrator makes a reference to the Titanic, a luxury liner that sank in the Atlantic Ocean in 1912.
  • This is the first time that Ash and friends and Team Rocket have to work together.


  • When Ash and co. get hit by Gyarados' Dragon Rage, Meowth yells "Yana Kanji!" in his Japanese voice.

Dub edits

  • The Titanic reference was in the dub only.
  • The scene where Misty tells them to retrieve their Pokémon is slightly different between the two versions. The original version had Misty threatening Team Rocket that if they don't return their Pokémon, she'll throw them into the water. In the dub, she states "What's more important? A Pokémon battle or your life?"
  • The part where Jessie and James mention their being "good dressers" was actually a "they'll never forget each other" in the original version.
  • Also, Misty states she doesn't want to die in the Japanese version.
  • Jessie also mentions that if James doesn't come with them, he'll definitely die down there in the original version.
  • Pikachu snapping it's fingers might suggest that it wants Meowth to die.
  • When Ash and co. mention their condolences when they are about to put the seemingly-drowned Team Rocket into the sea as a funeral, they also mentioned the fact that they regretted the way Team Rocket died in the original version.
  • Originally, the scene where Gyarados evolved had Misty saying that she heard about Magikarp evolving into Gyarados.

In other languages

  • Brazilian Portuguese: Naufrágio Pokémon
  • Czech: Ztroskotání
  • Dutch: Het gezonken schip
  • European Portuguese: Naufrágio Pokémon
  • Finnish: Pokémonin haaksirikko
  • French: Naufrage Pokémon
  • Italian: Il naufragio
  • Latin American Spanish: ¡Naufragio Pokémon!
  • Russian: Кораблекрушение
  • Spanish: Naufragio Pokémon


  This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.