The requirements to become autoconfirmed are based on both your number of edits and how long you've been a member of the site. The exact requirements are a secret, so I can't tell you, sorry!
Feel free to ask me anything else, though. I check my messages daily.

Pokemon Adventures volume 43

So...since it's confirmed that it'll start the Black & White arc, what should we do this page, plus any chapters put into volume format? Do we move them to their proper ordering...or make new articles altogether? Ataro (talk) 03:13, 15 November 2012 (UTC)

Way back when we made those articles in the first place we decided that ABW was a temporary epicode only and that the epicode numbers would be replaced with PSXXX once the rest of the chapters were caught up. So basically it was only so we could start making articles for them right away. So, yes, I'd like the page titles moved to the round numbers in order after HGSS chapter's and the content integrated as with the rest of the rounds. ABW01 is still the English translation of PSXXX and ABW02 is still the English translation of PSYYY, and so on, so it should be easy. We can just add that it was collected in volume 43, and so on, instead of B&W volume 1, and add a footnote/trivia/whatever indicating which English volume it was included in. Hope that all makes sense, let me know if you have any questions :D --ZestyCactus 03:38, 15 November 2012 (UTC)
Of course this is partly going on the assumption that they will be published in the same order once they reach graphic novel format in Japan. But we'll worry about that only if it ever happens for real haha. I don't see any point in making separate articles, just maybe redirects for now, since it is literally the same rounds anyway. --ZestyCactus 03:40, 15 November 2012 (UTC)

OK, this has been bugging me for ages

But, I can't take it anymore. Are these even real? I'm asking this because they sound made up. First of all, I have you-know-whats of the magazine releases, yet there's no sign of VS anything in any of the chapters. You know the one called "VS Deino?" It's not called that. It's called the B2W2 Prologue chapter. And that's all. Coronis is the one who sends those posts to Serebii, who even admitted he doesn't know much about it. Since Coronis makes up crap all the time, I think he made these titles up just to give them a title. It wouldn't be the first time he made stuff. Like nicknames, English names for characters that didn't have any at the time, etc. Ataro (talk) 03:53, 17 November 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, I don't really trust Coronis either considering he made up names for like a zillion characters and all that. I would 100% trust the documents you have over him, anyway. I'd be ready to revert the article on account of them being unconfirmed if you agree. At least until Volume 43 comes out in which case we should have a reference for the first couple rounds. (also another strike against those dubious names is the fact that nobody put them in the articles, such as ABW01) we could also ask Pokeant where he got the info from, it looks to me like he was the one who added it. --ZestyCactus 04:04, 17 November 2012 (UTC)
Asked, and they got em from Serebii. Ataro (talk) 05:45, 17 November 2012 (UTC)
Ok I think we should revert it then if the only source right now is Serebii. When is the volume due to be released anyway? --ZestyCactus 02:27, 18 November 2012 (UTC)
At the time of your post, I didn't know. But yesterday, it was revealed to be coming out on the 25th of January. Also, I was wondering if you could upload the chapter covers for ABW26-8. It's the only English volume I don't have. I've been making pages for the chapters that have been released in France, but since they don't have titles in either Japanese of English, I'm not sure what to name them....Ataro (talk) 19:10, 23 November 2012 (UTC)
So far what you've done with the new rounds articles is perfect. If you want to put titles in the opening paragraph, you can always follow my example from GDZ16 and onward (since for volume 2 I don't have the Japanese titles, I just used the French ones). For linking (like on character's pages) I would just link with the epicode alone for now. As for the Volume 8 chapters, yeah, I have it, I can scan them, no problem :) let me know if you have any other questions :D --ZestyCactus 19:20, 23 November 2012 (UTC)

Pokémon Pocket Monsters moves

This has been bugging me. In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga, only a few moves were seen in the manga so far. Do you know if any more have been discovered as it is hard to tell since most of the battles that happen end up containing the characters constantly performing punches and kicks? PattyMan 05:01, 2 December 2012 (UTC)

Sorry for the slow reply!! Yeah, I would only include moves that have been confirmed by name. I suppose it's a lot like Magical Pokémon Journey where there's a lot of Pokémon talking and hanging out, but not using a lot of confirmed moves. Hope that helps o_O --ZestyCactus 04:19, 11 December 2012 (UTC)
It does help but it will be hard since it is mostly in Japanese. No problem with the slow reply, at least it is better than nothing. PattyMan 05:12, 11 December 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, I'm at the same roadblock with the series, the Chuang Yi translation seems to be out of print and they never translated DP, HGSS, or BW yet anyway. All the volumes I've collected are in Japanese so there's a limit to what I'm able to figure out from them ^^' --ZestyCactus 05:17, 11 December 2012 (UTC)
Ok then. PattyMan 05:32, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

Template question

Hi. I've been going through and adding in the Japanese titles and translations where they are lacking (and when they are available), but there is an inconsistency in previously completed pages. In the template, there are title_en, title_ja, and title_ro... And in some of the pages, the title_ro contains the romanized Japanese (which makes sense), but in others, it simply contains the translated Japanese again. The translated Japanese title is already present in the article in the leading line, so which is it? If it is supposed to contain the romanized Japanese, then many pages need to be redone. I can do them, but people need to stop adding a second translation there. I figured I'd get your final word on it, since it's your project. Mefredbob (talk) 10:03, 15 December 2012 (UTC)

My best guess is the inconsistencies are left over from when Transfinite did all the manga stuff, as they were particularly fond of using romanised Japanese all over the place. (for example, the actual article title for Walnut Tree was "Kurumi no Ki" until I moved it). Anyway, I would prefer the infoboxes translated, actually.. GDZ02 and PPP24 are good examples. Thanks for helping out with the translations :) let me know if you have any other questions/concerns/troubles/etc. --ZestyCactus 19:41, 15 December 2012 (UTC)

New User

Hello, I'm a new editor on Bulbapedia, and while I have significant experience editing on Wikia, I have none whatsoever here. While many aspects are the same, there are significant differences between the two. As a result, I'd first off like to apologize in advance if I mess something up (I don't plan on doing so, but hey we all start off new at some point). Second of all, my current goal is to add HD (game running in 1080 pixels) screenshots of Pokemon Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness. One example is this screenshot of Verde. I will refrain from actually adding images to pages until I confirm with you that my images are suitable for Bulbapedia. Should this image (and any further images, since I'm going to continue uploads after this message) be satisfactory, I'd be more than happy to take any needed screenshots from the games. Sorry if this seems a little long-winded (and it probably sounds kinda formal too). Nairbnroh (talk) 10:55, 19 December 2012 (UTC)

PS: If you're not the person I should run this by, can you please direct me to him/her? I'm still new to the user right levels here, so I just followed the link given by the automatic welcome system. Nairbnroh (talk) 10:59, 19 December 2012 (UTC)

Ash and Pikachu

Hi. I was filling in the missing info for the Ash and Pikachu manga chapters, and then ran into a snag. As far as I can tell, doesn't exist in Japan. There are only 5 chapters in the first volume, according to my sources. Though there are 6 chapters in later volumes, so I'm not really sure what the deal is. So if you see SP04 flagged as missing info, that is why. The info isn't readily available, like most of the more obscure manga titles. Mefredbob (talk) 17:21, 20 December 2012 (UTC)

That is so weird o_O i wonder how that ended up being, it seems weird that the creator would make one chapter exclusively for Singapore (I have the Singapore version of the first volume), so maybe it was a magazine chapter that got put in CY's volume? just wondering, does your source show numbers on the title pages (like how on my scan of SP04 it says Chapter 4 at the top) that might give us some more details. anyway, thank you for helping with the manga so far :) --ZestyCactus 02:53, 22 December 2012 (UTC)
My source is just a text listing of chapter titles, and it includes the chapter numbers. I never bothered hunting down scans because that sounds like a nightmare. It's possible it was an error, or maybe one chapter was split in half? I don't know.

And if you need translation help with the manga (or game or TCG) stuff, never hesitate to ask. I tend to lurk around daily, so I'd see it if you wrote on my talkpage. I'm fluent in both English and Japanese, so never hesitate to ask. I like to help where I can. Mefredbob (talk) 17:36, 22 December 2012 (UTC)

That is completely possible, maybe a chapter was split in half and we'll have no way of knowing (for now) since most of the information already on the wiki is based on the Singapore version (the person before me who started the articles also had the Singapore version). That kind of split has happened before with other manga, see Cloystered/Raging Rattata as an example. We'll leave it as is for now until we know for sure because moving everything now, then moving back later if it turns out it was originally split like that, could be a big hassle :S Anyway, thanks again for your help, I do have a few things on my list that could use translation, so I will be sure to let you know :) --ZestyCactus 18:14, 22 December 2012 (UTC)

Poké Special Tournaments

Hi, please, I would like to know if you are against creating pages about the Kanto's Pokémon League(from Red and Blue) and current Unova League(from Black e White) and Gym Leaders Tournament all showed in Pokémon Adventures?--Hikaru Wazana 20:21, 21 December 2012 (UTC)

I am not totally against the idea...perhaps you could create the potential articles in your userspace first (like at User:Hikaru Wazana/Article name so I can review them before putting in the mainspace. I vaguely recall the details from the Kanto Pokémon League from the Red, Green & Blue arc, you could probably flesh out an article from that, maybe about like what kind of competitions are in it, what rounds it was featured in, how many battles are supposed to take place, what known past winners there were, including how any of the main/supporting characters that were featured placed (like, I think Green came in third or fourth place, right? It's been a long time since I read that chapter). I am not as familiar with the Gym Leaders Tournament since I've only read as far as like ABW13 (I have all the VIZ Media volumes but didn't read them all yet XD) but again if you created an article in the userspace we could see from there. --ZestyCactus 18:19, 22 December 2012 (UTC)

Ok, I'm working on it on my PC for now, so you're more prepared I'll put. And the first Pokémon League in Kanto was small (two editions covered the league :P ), and yes you are right, Green (the girl) was fourth (actually, the only ones known competitors were Oak, Red, Blue and Green girl). About the Competition of the leaders was more elaborate and covered more issues (about ten if I'm not mistaken). The League of Unova is still early for work, but considering I'll take some time with the first two may be that she already has more information on it when everything is in order (if only because the only information we have so far are who 'll be in competition).--Hikaru Wazana 01:51, 24 December 2012 (UTC)


A question: what's your opinion on stuff like this? Personally, I think it's hideous and unless a bad quality image can be made even slightly presentable with editing, an image of that quality shouldn't be used at all. It just makes the article look bad. (I am about to replace it with a non-bad version, though. There are similar examples from the Zensho scans). Ataro (talk) 20:19, 22 December 2012 (UTC)

Ew, that one was bad XD especially compared to your image, it looks kind of stretched? Like those weird mirrors lol? Anyway, I agree that if an image is so bad, it shouldn't be used at all. I'd rather have no image then a really bad one, it looks sloppy. For example, on CY's website there are cover images for EToP, but they are like 80x100px and soooo grainy that i refuse to use them on the wiki :P (I'll take a look at the Zensho scans then, I do have the manga so maybe I can replace them.) --ZestyCactus 17:30, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
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