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  CuboneKing 06:17, 13 September 2012 (UTC)  

Small note

Hello, I recently noticed that you reverted an edit I made to your talk page comment. While yes, that is the policy, staff members have the right to edit comments and any content for that matter that they deem rule-breaking or unnecessary. Me, a staff member, viewed the bolding of your comment as rude and it is read almost like you are attempting to yell or be authoritative over other users. I will be removing the bold again, do not add it back please. Thank you. --Pokemaster97 01:46, 4 March 2015 (UTC)

Well then clearly you misinterpreted the bold. Because there were so many posts on the subject already, I figured bold would make it easier to read mine and that was my only intention. Also, I disagree with your intrepretatino of the rule of editing other people's posts regarding site moderators such as yourself. You can't expect to enforce a rule and not have to obey it yourself. I saw no where on the site that making text bold was in violation of any policy and until you show me where it says as such, I will put it back as bold. And so far, you're only one person who doesn't like it. One person doesn't make it law. DarienLeonhart (talk) 02:09, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
I agree with Pokemaster97, the bolding is unnecessary. Just because there are a lot of posts on the subject, doesn't mean your comment will be difficult to read. Bolding just makes the post rude. Also, it is our duty as staff to make sure discussions are progressing in a civil manner. If we feel that a post is uncivil, we have every right to either edit it or remove it entirely.--ForceFire 04:23, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
And I still disagree. I do not view bold type as rude and I will use bold type when I see fit until I am shown where it says bold type is not permitted on talk pages. If you or any site moderator can't show proof of your claims regarding bold type, then leave my posts alone as you have no claim for your basis except a personal belief. DarienLeonhart (talk) 04:28, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Because it doesn't need to be spelt out. It's common sense. Bolding gives a sense of authority, it grabs users attention. When not used by authority, it just looks rude and arrogant. Again, there is no written policy about bolding comments, it's just common sense.--ForceFire 04:40, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Actually it does need to be spelled out. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks so, but I never once in my life thought that bold text is considered rude, arrogant, and/or yelling and I will continue to believe as such. And until I see it in writing on Bulbapedia's proper conduct pages, I will use bold print when I see fit. DarienLeonhart (talk) 04:48, 4 March 2015 (UTC)

Tone and Behaviour

Hello, I've come to talk to you about your overall tone in the text that you put out. Yes, you may be calm behind the computer, but what is typed on the screen will give off a different emotion. Writing in ALL CAPS can appear as shouting, because the letters are big and attention grabbing, so is bolding. Secondly, Spriteit is a Bureaucrat which means that yes, he is a staff member (and one that is of a higher rank than me). And if we feel someone is being overly aggressive (again, we judge that by the tone of the text, not how you are actually feeling), then we will tell them that they need to calm down. Thank you. --ForceFire 12:27, 13 August 2015 (UTC)

Writing in all caps for every word would be considered yelling... yes. But one one word is being used to stress the word, nothing more. So if you or someone else take it as yelling, that's not my problem. Check your eyes. I didn't use any bold print. If I don't like being told to calm down, I will say so. I have no problem speaking my mind, so again. I'm not violating any policy by voicing my opinion or how something makes me feel, so lay off. I don't care if he/she is a bureaucrat, I'm not violating any policy. So he/she can say what they are going to say without mentioning my emotional state or the need to calm down. If someone reads my comment as aggressive, that's their problem not mine. Stating that I don't like being told to calm down is not being aggressive. You can't make me not state that I don't like something. I didn't say any threats, insults or foul language and therefore did not violate any policy.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 17:44, 13 August 2015 (UTC)
It's not about being told to calm down, it's about saying things in a civil manner. I mentioned bolding due to the previous incident (since this isn't the first time you've had trouble for talk page related incidents). Yes, you have every right to voice your opinion, but do so in a polite and civil manner. Saying "If I don't do it, then no one does" implies that you are only making it about yourself. We are not going to cater the site just for you. And saying that "I do not care if he/she is a bureaucrat" implies that you don't care about the policy and that you are willing to not follow the staff's order. Again, it's about the tone in your comments. Saying "If I don't do it, then no one else does" makes the look like you're just making it about you and you want the site to cater for you.--ForceFire 04:15, 14 August 2015 (UTC)
Well, let's see... I'm not using foul language, insults, threats, or ultimatums. Bold was not used... All caps was used on one word. How people perceive what I wrote is not my problem. So that said, I was speaking in a civil manner and I still am. If you'd like, I can show you uncivilized and start using insults, threats, and curse words directed at you and everyone else on Bulbapedia, but that's not who I am so I won't even go there. The bolding issue is done and over... bringing it up again suggests you think it's not done especially since in this instance, bolding of words was not used. Now you're putting words in my mouth. Never once did I say "If I don't do it, then no one does." And I never asked for the site to be catered to me. I offered a suggestion and every one starts freaking out about it like its the end of the world. Saying things that I'm being aggressive when I'm clearly not and so on. I can't control how people perceive what I write and I don't care really either. What they perceive is not my concern. You're right, I did say I don't care what a person is in Bulbapedia staff. I still am entitled to respect and telling me to calm down when I did nothing against policy is disrespectful. I would tell the president of the United States the same thing. I never said I don't care about the policy. Everything I have done is not in violation of the policy. If I were told to respect others and not use insults or threats, then sure, I would respect that request, but telling me to calm down is entirely something else. Saying "obey that order" makes it sound like Bulbapedia is a dictatorship. I will never respond to an order, but a request is another thing. Requests are polite and respectful. Orders are ultimatums and disrespectful and I won't obey orders. I will respect requests. That said, I have done nothing to violate policy. If you don't like my behavior, then ignore it and move one. No one is asking you to respond. You are making the decision to respond of your own free will. And when someone is disrespectful towards me, I will not be silent about it. Telling me to calm down is disrespectful especially when I have done nothing to violate policy. So unless you got something to say about something other than my behavior and attitude, I don't want to hear it.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 04:51, 14 August 2015 (UTC)
Yes, you weren't throwing around insult and foul language, but one can still sound aggressive without using them. I only pointed out the bolding because this isn't the first time you've had talk page related problems.
"Besides, do you think every person reading/visiting Bulbapedia reads the top? I don't.", that is what I mean. Just because you don't carefully read the whole article, doesn't mean no one does. That line makes it sound like you are making this about you.
Freaking out about being told to calm down is called being aggressive. He told you to calm down because you were aggressive about not knowing that there was a timezone message on the page and saying that we are lying to people.
So you would be glad to break the law? Because that is what you are clearly saying. You did respect the policy, yes, but you were uncivil about it.
"Order" was probably the wrong word to use. Spriteit requested that you calm down, but you went and reacted aggressively.
Again, if we feel that someone is out of line, we will tell them about it and ask them to tone it down. We not going to simply ignore when someone is being uncivil. You are not in trouble, you are just being told to calm down. There was a better way to open a discussion that "So it's okay to lie to people!". That's all.--ForceFire 07:35, 14 August 2015 (UTC)
I was not sounding aggressive. It's not my fault it was perceived that way. I can't control what other people think. Saying "every person" doesn't mean EVERY person. It means, not everyone is the same as everyone else. I don't like being to calm down and I won't hesitate to say so. If anyone has a problem with me saying so, they can just ignore me cause I won't listen to requests like being told to calm down. The president doesn't control my life and there is no way I would let him tell me to calm down. Just because I won't let an official tell me to calm down doesn't mean I will break the law. There you go again, putting words in my mouth that I never said or implied. I don't care if Spriteit requested or ordered that I calm down. Spriteit has no business telling me to control my emotional state since I have done NOTHING to violate policy. Stating my opinion and saying that I don't like being told to calm down is not a violation of policy. Say what you want, I am being civil. If I'm not in trouble, then stop telling the same thing over and over again. It is getting annoying. That's what I hate about Bulbapedia and other wikia/mediawiki/wikipedia projects. You can't block someone. I would have blocked you a long time ago if I could have because I am getting tired of hearing you repeat the same thing over and over again. So do me a favor, and stop repeating yourself. I am who I am, and no one on this planet or in this universe can make me change. Therefore, asking me to calm down is a waste of time. So don't bother.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 17:54, 14 August 2015 (UTC)
Whilst you can't control what other people think about you, but you can control how they would respond to you. Starting of a discussion with "So it's okay to lie to people!" will no doubt rub people of the wrong way.
Saying that you are not going to listen to the president says a lot of things. It's not about control, but listening to someone with a higher authority than you. I am not going to continue to act insane when a police officer has a gun pointed on me asking me to calm down, I am going to stop.
If he feels that you were out of line, he will say so and ask you to calm down (which is all he did).
You saying that you did not violate policy implies that you think you are in trouble, you are not. You didn't violate anything, so there's no need to react strongly. And saying that you'd block me is a blockable offense and will get you in trouble.
You are who you are and no one can change that, yes. But there are better ways to react to something than the way you did. This is a waste of time, but simply because you aren't accepting that you overreacted and should calm down.--ForceFire 05:30, 15 August 2015 (UTC)
I'm gonna interject here since this whole conversation came about because of me. Firstly, I only told you to calm down after accusing the creators of the page, and the caretakers of it (I assume that's who it was aimed at) that they were lying to everyone. Mainly though it was in reference to the end half of that comment, screw the official page. I don't know how else the word screw could have been used here other then with a tone of anger/upset. As ForceFire pointed out above, what you typed did not give the impression of calm, and I was just trying to appease you, not upset you or order you. While I am sorry for misinterpreting what you initially said (regarding the official website), I was at no point ordering you, and I was only trying to be polite and respectful.
You did mention rules and policy in your comments, and at this point I'd like to bring up the Bulbapedia Code of Conduct, which says Do not insult [other users], demean them, or otherwise bash them in order to prove your point. Something which you have now done on two occasions, specifically, calling SnorlaxMonster a "bureaucratic pencil pusher", above you told ForceFire to "check his eyes". Arguably this also occurred to when you accused Bulbapedia as a whole of lying to its community, as well as the users who edit the page, but I wouldn't try to reach that far. Should you not choose to read the entire page, that is at your discretion, however do not be surprised if people then inform you that the information is on the page and request that you calm down, especially when you leave a comment that could be interpreted as one of anger or insulting. Regardless of if you personally do not like people asking you to calm down, it is something said to appease you because people believe that you are upset.
Ultimately, I'm sorry for misinterpreting your comment. I did not mean to elicit the reaction I got by asking you to calm down, and I am sorry if you thought that was an order, or that you just don't like it when people tell you to calm down, I was only trying to help. --Spriteit (talk) 14:34, 15 August 2015 (UTC)
I'm done with this. All of you are treating this as a dictatorship and I will not continue explaining my actions to you anymore because nothing seems to appease any of you. I will do as I please, within the confines of the policy and there is nothing you or any one else can do. I am done voicing my opinions as well because my suggestions are always shot down... which is fine as I didn't expect my suggestions to take more so that I only offered the suggestion as a starting point. It's how I am getting shot down that I don't approve of... Very rudely. Just do me a favor and stop responding.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 04:45, 16 August 2015 (UTC)
Asking you to calm down is not a dictatorship. Blocking you without reason is a dictatorship. We are not picking on you, if you feel that way, then sorry. But we are not, we are just telling you to calm down, and you overreact.
You can do as you please, but just be civil about it. Like I said, there was a better way of opening a discussion than "It's okay to lie to people!". And there was a better way to respond to "Please calm down" then the way you did.
Me (or anyone for that matter) suggesting improvements does not equal "that's terrible, get that crap off the page". That is how you come off. You're suggestions are not being shot down.--ForceFire 05:10, 16 August 2015 (UTC)

Again, you are overreacting. There is a difference between removing a redlink and editing someone else's spelling/grammar. Anyone is allowed to remove a redlink (admin or not) as redlinks appear on the wanted pages (and most of the times, they are clearly not wanted). No one is allowed to correct the spelling/grammar of another user because there is no point to it, it doesn't effect the conversation or the wiki. Yes, it is your talk page and they are your comments, but you should not overreact over a redlink removal.--ForceFire 04:40, 24 August 2015 (UTC)

Now it is you who are overreacting, I saw Glik's last response regarding broken links and if I wasn't satisfied, I would have responded as such... Seriously, all I wanted from Glik was a little courtesy, by either asking me to remove the broken links or by posting in the edit summary the reason for editing my posts on a talk page. And Glik responded saying he will respect my wishes and give me the courtesy of that the next time he goes to edit my posts on a talk page. Problem solved before you even intervened. Now I think you are just trying to aggravate me by escalating something that has already been resolved. Let it go. And leave me alone.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 04:47, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
It's the overall tone in your posts that makes it look like you're overreacting. Again, tone it down. Saying "I do know you're an admin but that doesn't excuse you from explaining your actions" makes you look like you think you have a higher authority than the admins. Again, the tone in your comments will make you look aggressive, so just tone it down.--ForceFire 04:57, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
If you think I'm being aggressive, fine but I will not tone it down. So stop asking me to because I won't. You already know how I feel about being told to calm down or to tone it down and yet you're still doing it. Repeating it over and over again is not going to make me change my mind or how I feel about something. And yes, just because You and others are admins doesn't give you and the others the right to be rude and disrespectful towards the users who are not admins or whatever rank of employee or volunteer a person is on Bulbapedia. I have asked you multiple times now to give it up and let it go and you're still escalating the argument. So I say again... LEAVE ME ALONE! And don't even think about changing the capitals to lowercase. Because I will just change it right back. It seems you are not listening when I use normal type so maybe using all caps will make you pay attention.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 05:01, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
Telling users to calm down, tone down their comments, removing redlinks (which really isn't that big of a deal), is not disrespecting or being rude to other users. We have every right to ask a user to calm down, if we feel that they are being aggressive. It depends on the response of the other user, and whether they will take it well. The only reason I am saying the same thing over and over is because I do not feel that you understand why you are receiving this message (and me feeling that you overreacted with the redlink removal further makes me doubt that you have).--ForceFire 05:10, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
I have had it with you. I am who I am and nothing you or anyone else on Bulbapedia can make me be what I'm not. You want me to calm down? Then leave me alone! Everytime you respond saying the same thing over and over again, I will continue to respond. Because you think I'm not listening, well neither are you. I have asked you over and over again to leave me alone and you are ignoring that request. I will not hesitate to voice my opinion or feeling when something angers me like what you are doing right now in not leaving me alone. Seriously, you're just making it worse by not leaving me alone. Give it a rest already and stop telling me to calm down. Because I will not. Therefore it is pointless to keep asking me to calm down.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 05:15, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
Not to be rude, nosy or anything of the sort(far from it) but I think Force Fire is talking about universal netiquette. You aren't following some basic tenets of it. You can be the same person, neither the admins nor I can/have the ability to force you to change and/or stop you from speaking your mind, and the admins can be punished by those above them, but breaking netiquette is an violation of the CoC(Code of Conduct) on any site with policies and tiered membership. If the staff perceive a breach of CoC rules related to netiquette, they can enforce it as they see fit as per their amount of entrusted power by and their tier of administration by higer powers in Bulbagraden hierarchy I understand how it feels like a personal attack on your self-identity, but anybody and everybody will get the same responses for breaching CoC in the same way(including me a while ago)by someone who is above them(albeit admins don't get as public as an admonishment AFAIK(As Far As I Know). So try to look at it from their PoV(Point of View), then reconfigure your way of acting based on a ideal combination of your ideology and CoC standards, which is as much of a ruleset as it is a policy on this site. I hope you take something from this, since I see the same flaws I used to have in you, and wish to help you overcome them. Have fun editing! --BlisseyandtheAquaJets (talk) 06:57, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
I know what he's talking about. I'm not stupid. Forcefire is asking me to basically ignore when something bothers me and I can't and won't do that. I am the type of person who does not hesitate to say when something bothers me. Like telling me to calm down. NO ONE tells me to calm down. And having to repeat myself gets a bit annoying but I will not apologize for my attitude. If someone doesn't like my attitude, all they have to do is ignore me and not respond. Simple as that. Same can be said about the admins, if they don't like my attitude, they can ignore it and then it won't drag on like this conversation chain here on my talk page. Because I will not change my attitude when something pisses me off no matter how many times someone tells me to calm down. Therefore, that person is just wasting their time trying to tell me to calm down. Because it will do nothing but piss me off even more. I don't normally say "piss/pissed" but this is getting really annoying. Therefore, Everyone, stop telling me to calm down because I won't. So stop wasting time trying to tell me to calm down. Seems no one listens because they keep trying to tell me to calm down no matter how many times I say not to.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 07:46, 24 August 2015 (UTC)


For repeated violations of Bulbapedia's code of conduct, your account has been blocked for three days. Per the policy, contributors on Bulbapedia are expected to act civilly when contributing to the site, or using talk pages, which you have frequently failed to do. Your messages have been consistently aggressive and intimidating, which is not acceptable. You are welcome to comment that you do not like something, but you are expected to do so without being aggressive and rude. I highly suggest taking this time to review the code of conduct, and follow it when your block expires. Future incidents regarding your aggressive and intimidating attitude will not be tolerated, and will result in additional blocks. Thank you. - Kogoro - Talk to me - 17:12, 24 August 2015 (UTC)

Old discussions

Please do not respond to comments that are more than 6 months old. Thanks. Tiddlywinks (talk) 07:26, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

My addition is still pertinent to the discussion, since people seem to think DeviantArt is a legit source of information. But if you want people to think that its okay to post information sourced for DeviantArt, fine. But I think its better to tell them in advance BEFORE they post information with DA as the source. But seeing as my comment IS pertinent to the topic, it should remain and not be deleted, regardless of how old the conversation is.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 07:31, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
Same with the discussion about Hoopa teleporting randomly. I only recently saw the movie so my information is recent, so regardless of how old the conversation is, my comment is pertinent and should not be removed.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 07:33, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
The DA convo has long since been moved past on the main page, I'm sure. Also, if you look into it at all, that user's last activity on BP was that comment, so it's highly unlikely they would benefit from your advice.
For the other one, start a new discussion if you want to discuss it that much. Tiddlywinks (talk) 07:36, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
Since when am I required to look at a user's last activity? That's not my job. I saw a post and I made a response in regards to the fact that DeviantArt is not a reliable source of information. Whether the user who made the original post is active on bulbapedia anymore or not isn't my concern. Especially since the comment I made about DA can be directed at anyone who seems to think DA is a reliable source.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 09:14, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
I won't say it's required (though I do think it's part of being responsible). But since I have looked it up, it is informative.
If you really want to make a point of it, all I can say is, try finding someone who's mentioned it more recently. It's not the end of the world if someone does mention DA in a similar manner again; just tell them then if you have to. Hell, let's face it, you weren't likely to prevent anyone ever mentioning DA again just with that response. And FWIW I can also tell you, after this, *I'm* at least liable to relay the message too now if I notice somesuch myself. =P Tiddlywinks (talk) 14:36, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
I don't work for Bulbapedia. I am not required to do anything in regards to researching when someone was last active on the site. Nor am I to look for someone who mentioned DA more recently either. I saw a post about it. I don't care how old it was. I simply added a comment about DA not being a legit source of information.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 14:40, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
And I haven't said you have to do any of that. Just, if it bothers you enough, there's your recourse. The choice is all yours. Anyway, have fun. =) Tiddlywinks (talk) 14:43, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
Then don't tell me what to do if you're saying I don't have to do it. My recourse is to do what I choose to do, not what you think I need to do. It's MY recourse... MY choice.
DarienLeonhart (talk) 14:48, 2 January 2016 (UTC)