Volcano (Snap)

Revision as of 01:28, 23 April 2014 by Abcboy (talk | contribs)

The Volcano (Japanese: かざん Volcano) is one of the six major areas of Pokémon Island, and like its name suggests, it is a very live and active volcano. Unlike most of the island, this area has no man-made structures or objects present. In fact, it seems to have had little to no human contact whatsoever. This is likely due to the harsh terrain and dangerous environment; which, while comfortable for Fire-type Pokémon, is hazardous and near inhospitable to human life.

The Volcano

At least ten Pokémon species can be found in the area; however, there seems to be little food or water to support them in this harsh environment. The only source of water is a small, murky pond, which contain Magikarp but is likely very acidic. No visible vegetation can be found within the crater, and the heat and rocky surface would make it difficult for anything to grow. The Magmar in the area are very territorial and aggressive; most of them can be witnessed infighting and competing with other Pokémon over even the tiniest of morsels. In contrast to this, the local Charmander population seems to be a very close knit group. If one finds even a little food, it will not hesitate to call to its brethren and share it with them.

Towards the beginning of the course is a volcanic splatter cone surrounded by a lava pit. If a Pester Ball is thrown into it's crater, it will emit an especially thick cloud of purple smoke which takes on the form of a Koffing. It is for this reason that Professor Oak names it 'Koffing Smoke.' This is one of the six Pokémon signs spread across the island.

Koffing Smoke

Todd's description

The boiling magma here makes this place very hot. I'm sweating already!

Native Pokémon

Pokémon Description Pokémon Description
  Rapidash Several Rapidash gallop by early in the course. More can be seen in that area, though they do not run.   Vulpix Just beyond the Rapidash is a Vulpix, playing. Pokémon food delights the fire fox. Afterwards, two more Vulpix can be found.
  Charmander One is near the beginning with a Magmar. When stopped by the giant Egg, two more can be seen. Tossing Pokémon food to them will cause them to each call two more which makes a pack of six. Playing the Poké Flute for them will make all six march in place. When they run out of food and the Poké Flute isn't playing, they begin to growl and cry.   Magmar Early on, a Magmar will attack a nearby Charmander if disturbed. Later on, two Magmar can be seen battling one another if they are lured together.
  Charmeleon If the Charmander near the Magmar is attacked by Magmar's fiery attack, it will evolve into Charmeleon. Another Charmeleon is near the end of the course, running around a pool of lava.   Moltres When the enormous egg blocking the ZERO-ONE's path is knocked into the lava below, it hatches into Moltres.
  Growlithe Growlithe hide in craters near the end of the area. Tossing Pester Balls into the craters may cause them to hop out.   Arcanine Sometimes a disturbed Arcanine hops from the craters near the end of the stage instead of a Growlithe, after tossing Pester Balls into them.
  Charizard Near the end of the course, there is a crater of magma, with a Charmeleon pacing around it. Knocking Charmeleon into the crater will cause it to evolve into Charizard, which, if hit with an item, will use Flamethrower.   Magikarp As in other areas, throwing an item into a pool of water may cause a Magikarp to leap out. Only one pool of water exists in the Volcano, near the end, opposite the magma crater that Charmeleon is circling.

Special Pictures

Fighting Magmar

Two Magmar immediately after the Moltres egg will knock each other out if lured together with food. Taking a picture will get many points.


Pokémon Island
BeachTunnelVolcanoRiverCaveValleyRainbow Cloud

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.