Pokémon Jump

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Pokémon Jump is a mini game which can be played over the wireless communication system in Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald. This mini game cannot be played alone and is restricted to Pokémon that are 28 inches (2'4") or less and are capable of jumping.

Pokémon allowed

Generation I Pokémon

  Bulbasaur   Charmander   Squirtle   Caterpie
  Metapod   Weedle   Kakuna   Rattata
  Raticate   Pikachu   Sandshrew   Nidoran♀
  Nidoran♂   Clefairy   Vulpix   Jigglypuff
  Oddish   Paras   Meowth   Mankey
  Growlithe   Poliwag   Bellsprout   Shellder
  Krabby   Exeggcute   Cubone   Ditto
  Eevee   Omanyte   Kabuto   Mew

Generation II Pokémon

  Cyndaquil   Totodile   Spinarak   Pichu
  Cleffa   Igglybuff   Togepi   Togetic
  Natu   Mareep   Bellossom   Marill
  Sunkern   Wooper   Pineco   Snubbull
  Teddiursa   Slugma   Swinub   Corsola
  Houndour   Phanpy   Porygon2   Tyrogue
  Smoochum   Elekid   Magby   Celebi

Generation III Pokémon

  Treecko   Torchic   Mudkip   Poochyena
  Zigzagoon   Wurmple   Silcoon   Cascoon
  Lotad   Seedot   Ralts   Surskit
  Shroomish   Nincada   Whismur   Azurill
  Skitty   Sableye   Mawile   Aron
  Meditite   Electrike   Plusle   Minun
  Volbeat   Illumise   Roselia   Gulpin
  Numel   Torkoal   Spoink   Trapinch
  Cacnea   Corphish   Anorith   Castform
  Wynaut   Snorunt   Bagon   Beldum


  • Chikorita is the only starter Pokémon which cannot be used, due to being 2'11".
  • Porygon2 and Bellossom are the only evolved Pokémon allowed at 2'00" and 1'04" respectively, while their previous evolutions are not (both at 2'07").
  • Despite the game requiring Pokémon capable of jumping, Kakuna, Silcoon, and Cascoon are all eligible, despite their obvious immobility. Metapod is also eligible; however, in the anime, Bugsy's Metapod was more than capable of jumping.
    • Similarly, many of the eligible Pokémon, most notably Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi, fly or levitate above ground, and would have no need to jump.

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