Pokémon FireRed & Pokémon LeafGreen: Super Music Collection

Revision as of 19:31, 28 May 2014 by Blazios (talk | contribs) (Track 54.)
Pokémon FireRed & Pokémon LeafGreen: Super Music Collection
GBAポケモン ファイアレッド&リーフグリーン ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート
Pokémon FireRed Pokémon LeafGreen Super Music Collection.png
English CD front cover artwork, featuring Charizard and Venusaur
Release date May 26, 2004 (Japan)
December 10, 2013 (iTunes)
By The Pokémon Company and Media Factory
Catalogue number ZMCP-1778
Number of tracks 90

Pokémon FireRed & Pokémon LeafGreen: Super Music Collection (Japanese: GBAポケモン ファイアレッド&リーフグリーン ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート GBA Pokémon Firered & Leafgreen Music Super Complete) is the official soundtrack release for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. Junichi Masuda, Gō Ichinose, and Morikazu Aoki are credited as the composers. It was released on May 26, 2004 in Japan, later receiving an English iTunes release on December 10, 2013.


English titles are from the official English iTunes release. Japanese titles, composer and arranger are confirmed from the official booklet of Japanese physical release "GBA Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete".

Disc 1

CD No. iTunes No. Track Title (Japanese CD) Track Title (iTunes) Composer Arranger
1 1 GameFreakロゴ Game Freak Logo Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
2 2 オープニングデモ Opening Movie Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
3 3 ~オープニング~ Title Screen Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
4 4 ゲーム説明 Game Tutorial Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
5 5 ポケモンの世界へようこそ! Welcome to the World of Pokémon! Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
6 6 マサラタウンのテーマ Pallet Town Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
7 7 オーキド博士 Professor Oak Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
8 8 オーキド研究所 Professor Oak's Laboratory Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
9 9 ファンファーレ ポケモン入手 Fanfare: Pokémon Obtained Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
10 10 ライバルあらわる A Rival Appears Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
11 11 戦い (VSトレーナー) Battle! (Trainer Battle) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
12 12 勝利 (VSトレーナー) Victory! (Trainer Battle) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
13 13 トキワへの道-マサラより Road to Viridian City: Leaving Pallet Town) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
14 14 ファンファーレ どうぐゲット1 Fanfare: Item Obtained (Version 1) Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
15 15 ニビシティのテーマ Pewter City Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
16 16 教えテレビメニュー Teachy TV Menu Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
17 17 トキワの森 Viridian Forest Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
18 18 戦い (VS野生ポケモン) Battle! (Wild Pokémon) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
19 19 勝利 (VS野生ポケモン) Victory! (Wild Pokémon) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
20 20 トレーナーあらわる (男の子編) A Trainer Appears (Boy Version) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
21 21 ポケモンセンター Pokémon Center Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
22 22 プリンの歌 Jigglypuff's Song Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
23 23 ポケモン回復 Pokémon Healed Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
24 24 道案内 Guide Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
25 25 ポケモンジム Pokémon Gym Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
26 26 対戦の緊張! Tense Battle! Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
27 27 戦い (VSジムリーダー) Battle! (Gym Leader Battle) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
28 28 勝利 (VSジムリーダー) Victory! (Gym Leader Battle) Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
29 29 ファンファーレ バッジゲット Fanfare: Badge Obtained Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
30 30 進化 Evolution Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
31 31 ファンファーレ 進化おめでとう Fanfare: Evolution Junichi Masuda Morikazu Aoki
32 32 ハナダへの道-オツキミ山より Road to Cerulean City: Leaving Mt. Moon Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
33 33 トレーナーあらわる (女の子編) A Trainer Appears (Girl Version) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
34 34 オツキミ山のどうくつ Caves of Mt. Moon Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
35 35 クチバシティのテーマ Vermilion City Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
36 36 サント・アンヌ号 The S.S. Anne Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
37 37 サイクリング Cycling Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
38 38 シオンタウンのテーマ Lavender Town Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
39 39 ポケモンタワー Pokémon Tower Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
40 40 タマムシシティのテーマ Celadon City Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
41 41 カジノ Rocket Game Corner Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
42 42 ファンファーレ 当たり! Fanfare: Winning Morikazu Aoki Morikazu Aoki
43 43 ファンファーレ 大当たり! Fanfare: Jackpot Morikazu Aoki Morikazu Aoki
44 44 ポケモンプリント Pokémon Printer Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
45 45 ロケット団アジト Rocket Hideout Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
46 46 トレーナーあらわる (悪いヤツ編) A Trainer Appears (Bad Guy Version) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
47 47 シルフカンパニー Silph Co. Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
48 48 セキチクへの道-シオンタウンより Road to Fuchsia City: Leaving Lavender Town Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
49 49 ポケモンの笛 The Poké Flute Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
50 50 セキチクシティのテーマ Fuchsia City Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
51 51 わざ忘れ Move Deleted Morikazu Aoki Morikazu Aoki
52 52 The Sea Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
53 53 戦い (VS伝説のポケモン) Battle! (Legendary Pokémon) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
54 54 ファンファーレ ポケモンゲット Fanfare: Pokémon Caught Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
55 55 グレンタウンのテーマ Cinnabar Island Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
56 56 ポケモン屋敷 Pokémon Mansion Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
57 57 ポケモンネットワークセンター Pokémon Net Center Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
58 58 ファンファーレ オーキド評価 Fanfare: Professor Oak's Evaluation Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
59 59 ナナシマ4・5の島 Sevii Islands: Four & Five Islands Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
60 60 ミニポケモンでジャンプ Pokémon Jump Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
61 61 ドードリオのきのみどり Dodrio Berry Picking Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
62 62 残念 Too Bad... Morikazu Aoki Morikazu Aoki
63 63 ナナシマ Sevii Islands Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
64 64 ナナシマ6・7の島 Sevii Islands: Six & Seven Islands Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
65 65 ユニオンルーム The Union Room Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
66 66 ふしぎなおくりもの Mystery Gift Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
67 67 ファンファーレ どうぐゲット2 Fanfare: Item Obtained (Version 2) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
68 68 戦い (VSミュウツー) Battle! (Mewtwo) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
69 69 最後の道 The Final Road Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
70 70 ラストバトル (VSライバル) Final Battle! (Rival) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
71 71 エピローグ Epilogue Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
72 72 殿堂入り Hall of Fame Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
73 73 ~エンディング~ Ending Theme Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose

Disc 2

Tracks 76 and 77 are lyrical adaptations of in-game music, much like tracks 107-109 of Pokémon Ruby & Pokémon Sapphire: Super Music Collection. Tracks 78-80 are rearrangements of their respective in-game themes. Tracks 81-90 are from the original Pokémon Red and Green soundtrack but without the reverb and in-game sound effects.

CD No. iTunes No. Track Title (Japanese CD) Track Title (iTunes) Composer Arranger
1 74 デオキシス登場 Deoxys Appears Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
2 75 戦い (VSデオキシス) Battle! (Deoxys) Junichi Masuda Go Ichinose
3 76 教えて!お兄さん Teach Me, Poké Dude! Junichi Masuda
Go Ichinose
Go Ichinose
(Voice: Hironobu Yoshida)
4 77 memory P Memory P Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
(Voice: Yumi Funasaka)
5 78 ロケット団アジト Rocket Hideout Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
6 79 ポケモンタワー1997 Pokémon Tower 1997 Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
7 80 ジムリーダーの力 Strength of a Gym Leader Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
8 81 ~オープニング~ Title Screen Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
9 82 トキワへの道-マサラより Road to Viridian City: Leaving Pallet Town Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
10 83 トキワの森 Viridian Forest Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
11 84 ニビシティのテーマ Pewter City Theme Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
12 85 戦い (VSトレーナー) Battle! (Trainer Battle) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
13 86 サント・アンヌ号 The S.S. Anne Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
14 87 サイクリング Cycling Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
15 88 セキチクシティのテーマ Fuchsia City Theme Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
16 89 ラストバトル (VSライバル) Final Battle! (Rival) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
17 90 ~エンディング~ Ending Theme Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda


Japanese CD front cover artwork, featuring Charizard
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

External links

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

Anime soundtracks: Pokémon 2.B.A. Master (1999) • Totally Pokémon (2001) • Pokémon X (2007) • Pokémon Movie Music Collection (2017)
Movie soundtracks: Pokémon the First Movie (1999) • Pokémon the Movie 2000 (2000) • Pokémon 3: The Ultimate Soundtrack (2001)
Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution (2021) • Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle (2021)
Movie scores: Pokémon the First Movie (2000) • Pokémon the Movie 2000 (2001) • Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
Games soundtracks: Pokémon Gotta Catch the Sound! (2000) • XY Super Music Collection (2013) • FRLG Super Music Collection (2013)
HGSS Super Music Collection (2014) • RS Super Music Collection (2014) • DP Super Music Collection (2014)
BW Super Music Collection (2014) • B2W2 Super Music Collection (2014) • ORAS Super Music Collection (2014)
SM Super Music Collection (2016) • LGPE Super Music Collection (2018)
Other albums: Pokémon Gotta Catch 'em Live! (2001) • Pokémon Christmas Bash (2001) • Pokémon 25: The Album (2021)
Singles: Don't Say You Love Me (1999) • Pokémon Theme (1999; Unofficial) • Pokémon World (2000) • The Power of One (2000) • Reconnect/Grown (2021)
Other: Pokémon Daily Express CD-ROM (2001) • Gotta Catch 'Em All (2001) • Music from 4Kids TV (2005) • Exclusive Target Mix! (2007) • Exclusive Toys R Us Mix! (2007) • Pokémon 25: The Red EP (2021) • Pokémon 25: The Blue EP (2021) • Pokémon World Championships (2023) • 2024 Pokémon World Championships (2024)

Anime soundtracks: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (1997) • Sound Anime Collection (1998) • Song Best Collection (1999) • The Rivals (1999) • Song Best Collection 2 (2001) • Ready Go! (2002) • Advance Adventure (2003) • TV Anime Theme Song Collection (2003) • Movie Anime Theme Song Collection (2003) • Challenger!! (2004) • Pokémon Symphonic Medley / GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~ (2005) • Full of Energy!! Pokémon Song Collection (2005) • Battle Frontier (2005) • TV Anime Theme Song Collection 2 (2006) • Spurt! / I Won't Lose! ~Haruka's Theme~ (2006) • Together / By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ (2006) • Together 2007 (2007) • Message of the Wind (2008) • High Touch! / Surely Tomorrow (2008) • High Touch! 2009 (2009) • Which One ~ Is It? (2009) • The Greatest - Everyday! (2010) • Original Soundtrack Best (2010-2011) • Best Wishes! / Fanfare of the Heart (2010) • Pokémon Song Best (2011) • Best Wishes! Season 2 (2012) • XY&Z Character Song Project Collection Volume 1 (2016) • XY&Z Character Song Project Collection Volume 2 (2016) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary- (2017) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack (2020) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Volume 2 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST 2019-2022 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST OF BEST OF BEST 1997-2023 (2023) • Pocket Monsters: Liko and Roy's Adventure Original Soundtrack (2024) • Let me battle (2024)
Movie and Pikachu short soundtracks: Pika Pika Massaichu (1998) • Mirage Pokémon: Lugia's Explosive Birth MC (1999) • Soaring Pokémon Kids (1999) • Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei MC (2000) • Pikachu's Winter Vacation (2000) • Celebi: Encounter Beyond Time OS (2001) • Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios MC (2002) • Wishing Star of the Seven Nights: Jirachi MC (2003) • Sky-Splitting Visitor: Deoxys MC (2004) • Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero: Lucario MC (2005) • Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy MC (2006) • Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai MC (2007) • Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin MC (2008) • Pikachu the Movie Song Best 1998-2008 (2009) • Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime MC (2009) • Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark MC (2010) • Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom / Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram MCs (2011) • Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo / Meloetta's Dazzling Recital MC (2012) • ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens / Pikachu and Eevee Friends MC (2013) • The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie / Pikachu, What's This Key For? MC (2014) • The Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa MC (2015) • Volcanion and the Mechanical Magearna MC (2016) • I Choose You! MC (2017) • Everyone's Story MC (2018) • Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution MC (2019) • Koko Theme Song Collection (2020) • Koko Music Collection (2020)
Game soundtracks: Entire Pokémon Sounds Collection (1997) • Pokémon Gotta Catch the Sound! (2000) • RS Super Music Collection (2003) • FRLG Super Music Collection (2004) • 10th Anniversary Pokémon Happy Birthday Concert (2006) • DP Super Music Collection (2006) • HGSS Super Music Collection (2009) • BW Super Music Collection (2010) • B2W2 Super Music Collection (2012) • XY Super Music Collection (2013) • ORAS Super Music Collection (2014) • RG Super Music Collection (2016) • SM Super Music Collection (2016) • LGPE Super Music Collection (2018) • SwSh Super Music Collection (2024) • LA Super Music Collection (2024) • SV Super Music Collection (2024)
Singles: Singing Pokémon Encyclopedia (1997) • Together With the Wind (1998) • toi et moi (1999) • Riding on Lapras (1999) • Meowth's Party (1999) • OK! (2000) • Exciting Pokémon Relay (2000) • The Day a Rainbow Was Born (2000) • To My Best Friend (2001) • Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow (2001) • Hide and Seek (2001) • Face Forward Team Rocket! (2001) • Aim for that Hill (2002) • You're Not Alone (2002) • A Small Thing (2003) • Polka O Dolka (2003) • Marching March (2004) • L·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dreaming LOVELY BOY~ (2004) • Hello! Thank You! (2005) • Song of Origin / Nice Buddy (2005) • 24 -twenty four- (2006) • I Will Be With You (2007) • ONE (2008) • Antenna of the Heart (2009) • Ice Cream Syndrome (2010) • PARADISE/Endless Fighters (2010) • The Sky / The Voice (2011) • Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW (2011) • Maiden War (2012) • Memories (2012) • Let's Join Hands / Forbidden Karma (2013) • Summerly Slope (2013) • Smiling Face (2013) • V / Santa Claus at 850 Yen Per Hour (2013) • Mega V / Sunshine (2014) • Daybreak Meteor Shower (2014) • Let's Dance with Pokémon with J☆Dee'Z (2014) • DreamDream (2015) • Mad-Paced Getter (2015) • Tweedia (2015) • Roaring All-Stars / Life Only Comes Once (2015) • Mailing out My Voice (2016) • Alola!! / Pose (2017) • OT WORKS (2018) • Future Connection (2018) • Limited FOV of a Shut-In (2018) • Breath (2018) • Together With the Wind (2019) • Acacia / Gravity (2020) • Nijirald / Chan-Dan (2022) • Heart-Pounding Diary (2023) • Pokémon Music Collective (2023) • Have a Good Time Here (2023) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master / One Hundred Fifty-One (2023) • RVR ~Rising Volt Tacklers Rap~ (2023) • Biri-Biri (2024) • ALIVE (2024)
Suzukisan: Can You Draw All the Pokémon? (1997) • Let's Trade Please (1999) • Can You Name All the Pokémon Neo? (2000)
Team Rocket's Secret Empire: Volume 1 - Jessie Edition (2013) • Volume 2 - James Edition (2013) • Volume 3 - Meowth Edition (2013) • Rare Pilot Edition (2013) • ~Selection~ (2013)
Other: Team Rocket Forever (1997) • It's a White Tomorrow! Team Rocket (1998) • Can You Play Pokémon? (1998) • The Birth of Mewtwo (1999) • Pokémon Detective Pikachu Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2019) • Pokémon Healing ~Listening to healing music with Psyduck (2019)

  This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.