
Hi! Got your e-mail. I did discuss with staff but only now am getting around to you. Chose to reply here so there is a record for other staff to refer to to know what's being done.

In your e-mail, you suggested that you can provide a binder of "a 2003 Pokémon Center EX Rulers of Heavens Rayquaza print". This sounds like a piece of merchandise that we do not have. We might very well be interested in having this not on the set page itself, but as part of our product page as it sounds like this would belong there. Can you tell us if it's Japanese or English set? That would help us categorize it in the event you are able to make it available.

Thanks for your desire to contribute to Bulbapedia, it's appreciated! CycloneGU (talk) 21:34, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

Hi, I have received your e-mail. You are not currently in the BulbaGarden Discord server, so I cannot contact you. Can you please follow this link to join the server and then send me a message? I am found under Bulbagarden Staff and am usually online. I may not respond immediately. CycloneGU (talk) 00:43, 7 March 2021 (UTC)