User talk:Thomas1652/Missionbase

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For the thunder stone one, you can probably do like, 1000 invisible squares! Then almost no one can find the stone.133Pkmn196luvr13425470 20:01, 18 February 2008 (UTC)

besides the fire stone all the stone stories aren't complete are they????????after Celebi teleporting or Kygore appearing there's no links or nothing.UkiraGrace611 19:09, 12 March 2008 (UTC)

Well the water stone has a link on Thomas1652's page and there actually is a secret link once you find the right Celebi, try clicking on a picture.133Pkmn196luvr13425470

i mean after u find da right celebi what happens???Ukira Grace 611 15:16, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

nevermind, i got it. um idk what 2 use for thunderstone mission. maybe put hidden links that no1 will find eva unless they look REEEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY hard and a GIIIIAAAANNNNNTTTTT rectangle with little square links and it has more than just whatever may lurk there.Ukira Grace 611 15:16, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for all you guy's suggestions, but I'm pretty sure I'm done with missions (and probably Bulbapedia) for good in a little while...I barely get on and stuff. yeah. :[ Thomas1652 00:52, 21 April 2008 (UTC)

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