Gloomy Grove

Gloomy Grove (Japanese: しめり森 Damp Forest) is a stage in Pokémon Quest that is located in Tumblecube Island. It is unlocked once the player completes all stages of First Steppe. Completing all stages of Gloomy Grove rewards the player with the Spring Showers Statue which increases experience gained from expeditions by 1.5 times for Pokémon up to Lv. 10.

Gloomy Grove

Fire-type Pokémon have a boost in their HP and Attack when playing these stages.

Color Ingredient Drop Rate
Yellow 44%
Gray 33%
Red 11%
Blue 11%

Stage 2-1

Recommended team strength: 1000

Pokémon Encounter rate
  Caterpie Varies
  Metapod Varies
  Oddish Varies
  Venonat Varies
  Gloom 100%

Stage 2-2

Recommended team strength: 1200

Pokémon Encounter rate
  Caterpie Varies
  Pidgey Varies
  Spearow Varies
  Oddish Varies
  Paras Varies
  Exeggcute Varies
  Exeggutor 100%

Stage 2-3

Recommended team strength: 1500

Pokémon Encounter rate
  Weedle Varies
  Kakuna Varies
  Oddish Varies
  Venonat Varies
  Bellsprout Varies
  Weepinbell 100%

Stage 2-4

Recommended team strength: 1700

Pokémon Encounter rate
  Bulbasaur Varies
  Ekans Varies
  Pikachu Varies
  Oddish Varies
  Paras Varies
  Venonat Varies
  Bellsprout Varies
  Parasect 100%


Recommended team strength: 2100

Pokémon Encounter rate
  Caterpie Varies
  Metapod Varies
  Weedle Varies
  Kakuna Varies
  Paras Varies
  Venonat Varies
  Exeggcute Varies
  Butterfree 50%
  Beedrill 50%

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 陰濕森林 Yāmsāp Sāmlàhm
Mandarin 陰濕森林 / 阴湿森林 Yīnshī Sēnlín
  French Forêt Toutumide
  German Klammhain
  Italian Bosco Umido
  Korean 축축숲 Chukchuk Sup
  Spanish Bosque Humedal

  Locations in Pokémon Quest

First SteppeGloomy GroveBackforth Brook
Parched PeakBelly Button CavePincushion Plain
Miasma MoorHushed HighlandsNightlight Nook
Farside FjordChamber of LegendsHappenstance Island

  This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.