Battle Competition

Battle Competition (Japanese: バトル大会 Battle Competition) is a mode in the Generation V games that allows players to participate in competitions with other players. It can be accessed from the main menu. Upon registering a team from the Battle Box, it is locked and cannot be changed for the duration of the tournament. Each participant is given a Digital Player ID upon registering for the competition.

Battle Competition

In the Generation VI and VII games, the functionality for Online Competitions was moved to the Battle Spot, and the main menu option was reduced to handle only Live Competitions.

Wi-Fi Competition

Main article: Global Battle Union → Wi-Fi Competitions

Live Competition

Main article: Live Competition

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 對戰大賽 Deuijin Daaihchoi
Mandarin 對戰大賽 / 对战大赛 Duìzhàn Dàsài
  French Compétition
  German Kampfturnier
  Italian Gara di Lotta
  Korean 배틀 대회 Battle Daehoe
  Spanish Torneo
  This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.