
Revision as of 13:42, 21 January 2010 by ElectAbuzzzz (talk | contribs)

A Pokémon's performance (Japanese: パフォーマンス performance) is made up of stats that exist for use in the Pokéthlon. There are five different performance stats; Speed, Technique, Jump, Power, and Stamina.

A Quilava's Performance

Each Pokémon has a different base performance, not unlike stats, although a Pokémon does not start with its maximized performance. Instead, Performance can be improved by feeding the Pokémon Apricorn drinks, which are made with an Apricorn Shaker.



Speed is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéthlon games involving any sort of racing. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Speed stat. It is not to be confused with the Speed stat used in Pokémon battles, which is すばやさ in Japanese (whereas this is スピード). Speed is used in Dash Hurdle, Change Relay, Push Circle, Ring-Out Fight, Catch Saucer, Smash Goal, and Steal Flag.


Power is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéthlon game involving fighting or the usage of physical force. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Power stat. The Power Performance stat is the most commonly used stat in the Pokéthlon, being used in every event with the exception of Dash Hurdle.


Technique is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéthlon games involving strategy. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Technique stat. Technique is used in Bound Field, Shooting Snow, Steal Flag, Dash Hurdle, Change Relay, Break Block, and Smash Goal.


As the name implies, Jump is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéthlon games involving jumping. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Jump stat. Jump is the least commonly used stat in the Pokéthlon, being used only in Dash Hurdle, Ring-Out Fight, Bound Field, and Catch Saucer.


Stamina is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéthlon games involving a risk of fatigue. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Stamina stat. Stamina is used in Ring-Out Fight, Shooting Snow, Change Relay, Break Block, Bound Field, Push Circle, Smash Goal, and Steal Flag.

Performance Symbols

Symbol Meaning
  Greater than base performance
  Equal to base performance
  Less than base performance

Daily Pokéthlon performance stat changes

Every day two of a Pokémon's Pokéthlon performance values can change according to the Pokémon's daily condition. Which stats change and to what degree are based on the Pokémon's nature. Below is a list of the natures, which performance they effect and to what degree possible the stats can fluctuate. Each value below is the highest extent to which each performance stat can improve or be hindered.

Nature Speed Power Technique Stamina Jump
Hardy -1 +1
Lonely +2 -2
Brave -2 +2
Adamant +2 -2
Naughty +2 -2
Bold -2 +2
Docile +1 -1
Relaxed -2 +2
Impish +2 -2
Lax -2 +2
Timid +2 -2
Hasty +2 -2
Serious +1 -1
Jolly +2 -2
Naive +2 -2
Modest -2 +2
Mild -2 +2
Quiet -2 +2
Bashful -1 +1
Rash -2 +2
Calm -2 +2
Gentle +2 -2
Sassy -2 +2
Careful +2 -2
Quirky +1 -1

Pokéthlon events

Pokéthlon event Speed? Power? Technique? Jump? Stamina?
Dash Hurdle Yes No Yes Yes No
Ring-Out Fight Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Shooting Snow No Yes Yes No Yes
Bound Field No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change Relay Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Break Block No Yes Yes No Yes
Push Circle Yes Yes No No Yes
Catch Saucer Yes Yes No Yes No
Steal Flag Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Smash Goal Yes Yes Yes No Yes


  • Sunkern has a possible five stars in all performance stats, the highest possible total, while ironically sporting the lowest base stat total of any Pokémon. It shares its Performance stats with Mew, Ditto, Giratina's Origin Forme, and Arceus. However, this could have been implemented to compensate for its low stats.
  • No event in the Pokéthlon requires less than three Performance stats.
    • Despite this, no event in the Pokéthlon requires every statistic, meaning that every event requires either three or four stats.

See also