Supreme Victors (TCG)

Revision as of 17:08, 6 November 2009 by Cipher (talk | contribs)
← Rising Rivals
TCG expansions
Platinum: Arceus →
Platinum: Supreme Victors
SetSymbolSupreme Victors.png
Cards in set English: 153
Japanese: 100
Set number English: 41
Japanese: 41
Release date English: August 19, 2009
Japanese: March 6, 2009
Theme Decks

Ignition (Fire/Grass)
Overflow (Water/Psychic)

Bonds to the End of Time
Beat of the Frontier
Advent of Arceus

Pokémon TCG: Platinum – Supreme Victors (Japanese: フロンティアの鼓動 Pokémon Card Game DPt3: Beat of the Frontier) is the name given to the third expansion of cards of the Platinum era of the Trading Card Game.


Supreme Victors is the third expansion in the Pokémon Card Game DPt series and the third based on Pokémon Platinum and, more specifically, its new Frontier Brain lineup.

The Pokémon featured in the set, unlike in the previous two sets, are based on Pokémon owned by Sinnoh's Frontier Brains, Champion Cynthia, while also including Pokémon owned by Cyrus. The set introduces two new types of SP Pokémon: Pokémon FB and Pokémon C. Pokémon FB are classified as "Frontier Brain's Pokémon" and Pokémon C are classified as "Champion's Pokémon." All Pokémon FB that are seen as part of Frontier Brain lineups in Pokémon Platinum.

The English set contains cards from the main Japanese set, the Garchomp vs Charizard SP Deck Kit, and the Gift Box DPt.


  • This set is the last one where Premier Events that allows the usage of foreign-language prints be played with a reference. A change in policy for the 2009-10 season will restrict the usage of foreign language cards to 10% of the deck, and such cards can only correspond to sets released prior to the policy change taking effect.
  • The set's prerelease card is Milotic.

Theme decks

Japanese half decks

Card list

Platinum: Supreme Victors

Card No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
1/147 Absol G   59  
2/147 Blaziken FB   50  
3/147 Drifblim FB   50  
4/147 Electivire FB   50  
5/147 Garchomp   71  
6/147 Magmortar   54  
7/147 Metagross   68  
8/147 Rayquaza C   73  
9/147 Regigigas FB   50  
10/147 Rhyperior   66  
11/147 Staraptor FB   50  
12/147 Swampert   60  
13/147 Venusaur   55  
14/147 Yanmega   53  
15/147 Arcanine G   60  
16/147 Articuno   41  
17/147 Butterfree FB   50  
18/147 Camerupt   49  
19/147 Camerupt G   57  
20/147 Charizard G   65  
21/147 Chimecho   30  
22/147 Claydol   51  
23/147 Crawdaunt G   61  
24/147 Dewgong   40  
25/147 Dodrio   32  
26/147 Dusknoir FB   50  
27/147 Empoleon FB   50  
28/147 Exploud   60  
29/147 Honchkrow   46  
30/147 Lickilicky C   57  
31/147 Lucario C   60  
32/147 Lunatone   38  
33/147 Mawile   41  
34/147 Medicham   48  
35/147 Milotic C   58  
36/147 Moltres   42  
37/147 Mr. Mime   40  
38/147 Parasect   33  
39/147 Primeape   45  
40/147 Roserade C   58  
41/147 Sableye G   58  
42/147 Sandslash   42  
43/147 Seaking   43  
44/147 Shedinja   40  
45/147 Solrock   41  
46/147 Spinda   27  
47/147 Wailord   41  
48/147 Zapdos   40  
49/147 Altaria C   59  
50/147 Arcanine   32  
51/147 Bibarel   20  
52/147 Breloom   37  
53/147 Carnivine   34  
54/147 Chatot G   49  
55/147 Cherrim   29  
56/147 Dragonite FB   50  
57/147 Drifblim   33  
58/147 Floatzel   27  
59/147 Gabite   36  
60/147 Garchomp C   62  
61/147 Hippopotas   29  
62/147 Ivysaur   26  
63/147 Lopunny   34  
64/147 Loudred   35  
65/147 Magmar   28  
66/147 Manectric G   58  
67/147 Marshtomp   21  
68/147 Masquerain   36  
69/147 Metang   28  
70/147 Milotic   49  
71/147 Minun   33  
72/147 Murkrow   22  
73/147 Ninjask   38  
74/147 Numel   21  
75/147 Pinsir   22  
76/147 Plusle   33  
77/147 Raichu   35  
78/147 Raticate G   57  
79/147 Relicanth   36  
80/147 Rhydon   45  
81/147 Roserade   25  
82/147 Rotom   40  
83/147 Skarmory FB   50  
84/147 Spiritomb C   58  
85/147 Staravia   16  
86/147 Togekiss C   60  
87/147 Wailmer   10  
88/147 Yanma   17  
89/147 Baltoy   19  
90/147 Beldum   10  
91/147 Bidoof   12  
92/147 Buizel   7  
93/147 Bulbasaur   13  
94/147 Buneary   9  
95/147 Chatot   28  
96/147 Cherubi   10  
97/147 Chimchar   11  
98/147 Chingling   7  
99/147 Combee   4  
100/147 Corphish   11  
101/147 Croagunk   10  
102/147 Doduo   12  
103/147 Drifloon   10  
104/147 Feebas   5  
105/147 Geodude   9  
106/147 Gible   12  
107/147 Goldeen   7  
108/147 Growlithe   15  
109/147 Kricketot   4  
110/147 Magikarp   9  
111/147 Magnemite   7  
112/147 Mankey   19  
113/147 Meditite   22  
114/147 Meowth   18  
115/147 Mime Jr.   8  
116/147 Mudkip   6  
117/147 Nincada   8  
118/147 Pachirisu   14  
119/147 Paras   10  
120/147 Pikachu   11  
121/147 Piplup   13  
122/147 Rhyhorn   23  
123/147 Roselia   17  
124/147 Sandshrew   10  
125/147 Seel   20  
126/147 Shinx   8  
127/147 Shroomish   11  
128/147 Skorupi   6  
129/147 Starly   5  
130/147 Surskit   9  
131/147 Turtwig   8  
132/147 Whismur   11  
133/147 Zubat   6  
134/147 Battle Tower St --  
135/147 Champion's Room St --  
136/147 Cynthia's Guidance Su --  
137/147 Cyrus's Initiative Su --  
138/147 Night Teleporter T --  
139/147 Palmer's Contribution Su --  
140/147 VS Seeker T --  
141/147 Absol G LV.X   X  
142/147 Blaziken FB LV.X   X  
143/147 Charizard G LV.X   X  
144/147 Electivire FB LV.X   X  
145/147 Garchomp C LV.X   X  
146/147 Rayquaza C LV.X   X  
147/147 Staraptor FB LV.X   X  
148/147 Articuno   34  
149/147 Moltres   33  
150/147 Zapdos   30  
SH7 Milotic   52  
SH8 Relicanth   39  
SH9 Yanma   22  

Beat of the Frontier

No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
001/100 Bulbasaur   13  
002/100 Ivysaur   26  
003/100 Venusaur   55  
004/100 Butterfree FB   50  
005/100 Paras   10  
006/100 Parasect   33  
007/100 Pinsir   22  
008/100 Yanma   17  
009/100 Yanma   22  
010/100 Yanmega   53  
011/100 Surskit   9  
012/100 Masquerain   36  
013/100 Shroomish   11  
014/100 Nincada   8  
015/100 Ninjask   38  
016/100 Shedinja   40  
017/100 Magmar   28  
018/100 Magmortar   54  
019/100 Blaziken FB   50  
020/100 Blaziken FB LV.X   X  
021/100 Numel   21  
022/100 Camerupt   49  
023/100 Seel   20  
024/100 Dewgong   40  
025/100 Goldeen   7  
026/100 Seaking   43  
027/100 Mudkip   6  
028/100 Marshtomp   21  
029/100 Swampert   60  
030/100 Wailmer   10  
031/100 Wailord   41  
032/100 Feebas   5  
033/100 Milotic   49  
034/100 Milotic   52  
035/100 Empoleon FB   50  
036/100 Plusle   33  
037/100 Minun   33  
038/100 Electivire FB   50  
039/100 Electivire FB LV.X   X  
040/100 Mime Jr.   8  
041/100 Mr. Mime   40  
042/100 Meditite   22  
043/100 Medicham   48  
044/100 Lunatone   38  
045/100 Solrock   41  
046/100 Baltoy   19  
047/100 Claydol   51  
048/100 Chingling   7  
049/100 Chimecho   30  
050/100 Drifblim FB   50  
051/100 Dusknoir FB   50  
052/100 Sandshrew   10  
053/100 Sandslash   42  
054/100 Mankey   19  
055/100 Primeape   45  
056/100 Rhyhorn   23  
057/100 Rhydon   45  
058/100 Rhyperior   66  
059/100 Breloom   37  
060/100 Relicanth   36  
061/100 Relicanth   39  
062/100 Murkrow   22  
063/100 Honchkrow   46  
064/100 Absol G   59  
065/100 Absol G LV.X   X  
066/100 Skarmory FB   50  
067/100 Mawile   41  
068/100 Beldum   10  
069/100 Metang   28  
070/100 Metagross   68  
071/100 Doduo   12  
072/100 Dodrio   32  
073/100 Dragonite FB   50  
074/100 Whismur   11  
075/100 Loudred   35  
076/100 Exploud   60  
077/100 Spinda   27  
078/100 Rayquaza C   73  
079/100 Rayquaza C LV.X   X  
080/100 Staraptor FB   50  
081/100 Staraptor FB LV.X   X  
082/100 Chatot G   49  
083/100 Gible   12  
084/100 Gabite   36  
085/100 Garchomp   71  
086/100 Lickilicky C   57  
087/100 Regigigas FB   50  
088/100 VS Seeker T --  
089/100 Night Teleporter T --  
090/100 Cyrus's Initiative Su --  
091/100 Palmer's Contribution Su --  
092/100 Cynthia's Guidance Su --  
093/100 Champion Room St --  
094/100 Battle Tower St --  
095/100 SP Energy E --  
096/100 Darkness Energy E --  
097/100 Metal Energy E --  
098/100 Moltres   33  
099/100 Articuno   34  
100/100 Zapdos   30  
-- Grass Energy -- -- --
-- Fire Energy -- -- --
-- Water Energy -- -- --
-- Lightning Energy -- -- --
-- Psychic Energy -- -- --
-- Fighting Energy -- -- --
-- Darkness Energy -- -- --
-- Metal Energy -- -- --

Template:TCG Expansions