Talk:May (game)

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OK, that Emerald info was wrong. I just got the game last Thursday, so I know. First of all, our second battle didn't involve a Wingull, Lotad, or Slugma. She had her Mudkip and a Torkoal. I of course have Combusken. Last night when I fought her on Route 110, she had a Marshtop, Slugma, and Lombre. So, I don't know how many other mistakes could be there. Porygon-Z 16:47, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

And here's some proof. Porygon-Z 18:19, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
That seems to be correct. May has Lombre and Slugma, but not Wingull if she has Marshtomp. So what's wrong? ~ kenn Talk 18:24, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
In the second battle, it depends on your starter. Example, I have Mudkip as my starter, and May has Wingull. If you have Torchic, then May has Slugma instead. ~ kenn Talk 18:26, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
For the second battle it says that if I have Combusken, than May would not have Slugma. And in the first battle, well, the article said nothing about a Torkoal. Porygon-Z 18:30, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

This one would probably make more sense to look at. ~ kenn Talk 18:47, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

May Birch

Since this article is for the game, Should May Birch her full name *when no the chosen player character) be included? Yami 23:09, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

Well that's the point to why we're not doing that. If she is chosen as the player, she's not "May Birch". The same applies to Brendan. Plus if we had May Birch and Brendan Birch, people would start to believe they are siblings. --ケンジガール 23:11, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

Not if you explain it to them Yami 23:14, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

Also they list Both Norman and Prof. Birch as fathers with the condition to how that happens, so just as long as the person reading this has common sense they shouldn't get confused.Yami 23:18, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

  1. I don't really see a point to it.
  2. The way you put it didn't explain anything at all. If you put the conditions under which her name would be "May Birch," then it would be better, but I still don't think we ought to include it. --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh)) 23:21, 5 September 2008 (UTC)
Also, what about her Japanese name? We'd have to mess with that too. --ケンジガール 23:22, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

You guys are making this more difficult then it has to be. We don't have to mess with her Japanese name, it can remain as is. Anmd if the person would simply read the article they'd figure out that you only add the Birch part when she's Birch's daughter. Common sense really. Yami 23:23, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

So you'd just ignore the Japanese name? If you don't feel that's important than we shouldn't even bother with the English. --ケンジガール 23:26, 5 September 2008 (UTC)
Well if you want to go and change the Japanese name too, then copy past the Japanese from Prof Birch's name and put it where it needs to be. that problem is solved, you don't have to make this so difficult. Yami 23:30, 5 September 2008 (UTC)
We don't need to mention "Birch". Anyone can figure out that could be a possible last name for themselves. --ケンジガール 23:31, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

Well then you just defeated your platform on how people would get confused about the whole thing. Yami 23:34, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

You still haven't provided a good reason why we should add it. I definitely see a good reason that we shouldn't: It'll cause confusion, even if it's only momentary (which it won't always be). --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh)) 00:02, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

Because its Common sense and it educates people on the differences between regular may and both forms of game May.

and kenji protecting the article is an abuse of power an uncalled for. Yami 00:04, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

Sigh. Is he Blue Oak? No. No he's not. Heck, Green's page isn't at Green Oak, Sapphire's page isn't at Sapphire Birch, and Platina's page isn't at Platina Berlitz (though it was previously). The style with these guys is to just use their first names, because then it's consistent. Ash and Gary are a different story, since a majority of the time, they introduce themselves with first AND last names, while game characters just imply their last names by relation, but NEVER say them outright. TTEchidna 00:07, 6 September 2008 (UTC)
There. There's your other admin responce that you wanted so badly. We don't have it for anyone else so we shouldn't have it for May. Do you get it now? --ケンジガール 00:13, 6 September 2008 (UTC)
Well, the more reason was that they never even say their last name... but yep. TTEchidna 00:23, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

Well for one thing May is not in the same boat as Blue, Red or the others because she isn't associated with the color themes. This is a May article not a Sapphire, Ruby or Emerald or what ever color/material she's be named article. Plus the others are all more or less incarnations of the pokemon special not exactly like their video game counterparts. Even then Blue (video games) Green (special) is still the only one to my knowledge that could be given a last name, since i haven't red them and don't know if red is called red ketchem.

Her name is May (Haruka) putting her in the same boat as Ash and Gary with their respective Japanese names. Only because in the game versions last names are not clearly given except for possibly Gary, she'd be half in and half out of the boat given the circumstances.

I don't see why this was turned into a big argument. All i did was add an alternative name that is common sense going be for when she is the rival. Not to mention the article starts off with her primarily in the Rival position so the Name May Birch would fit better there just because the article is favoring Rival May and not Player May or not favoring either.

If it was a problem with people getting confused, they'd more likely be confused that May is listed primarily as the rival in this article, where her father would be Birch, but in the anime we all know her to be norman's daughter.

If you're worried about people getting confused then you should write that she is the Female Gender Choice for the player, and if not chosen the rival of the player. Unless you do that then we might as well just put Birch right after May because of how you guys have it written out.

That is what's misleading and confusing, not a alternative name that points out with common sense that if she is your rival and prof birch's offspring then her last name is going be birch.

Now if this was a case of the other game characters don't have last names then again it's not the same boat as the Color players/characters.

The Article needs to be cleaned up for one thing so it no longer favors may being in the Rival position which would award her the last name. The article shouldn't favor either timeline may and should state that She is either the player's choice if they pick the female gender or she is going be the rivial should the player pick the male. Both are equally represented with neither being favored explicitly.

Now to the matter at hand, Can you honestly say that Giving two named for this incarnation of May is going hurt the article?

I mean it comes down to common sense. Player = no last name so she is just May and is more closer to her Anime incarnation. Rival = Last name because she'll be the offspring of Professor Birch, and not as close to the anime incarnation. Yami 01:05, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

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