Ghost of Maiden's Peak

Revision as of 03:58, 19 April 2007 by EmperorBrandon (talk | contribs) (voice actor information)

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak is a spirit which haunts Maiden's Peak. Her Japanese voice actress is 根谷美智子 Michiko Neya and her English voice actress is Megan Hollingshead.

The young maiden awaiting her love's return

In the anime episode The Ghost of Maiden's Peak, Ash and co. hear the legend about the beautiful maiden and her devotation to the man she loved. As the story goes, over 2000 years ago the young women's lover was sent off to war, leaving her desperate for his return. While the days faded to years though, the maiden refused to give up hope and eventually had her body bonded to the peak upon which she stood.

Nowadays the young woman's soul still yearns for her lost love, and the Ghost-type Pokémon Gastly keeps her story alive and vows to find the one she lost.

Because of this, she is notorious for stealing the hearts of young men like Brock and James, putting them in a trance-like state and stealing them away from this world. However, the maiden has no part in this, and it is actually the Gastly playing mischief with its shape-shifting abilities. The maiden herself and the Gastly taking her form can be told apart by coloration: the maiden has colors, while the Gastly is completely white.