DP040 : Top-Down Training!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP042 : The Electrike Company!
A Stand-Up Sit-Down!
DP041   EP507
Hikari, Nozomi, and the Double Performance!!
First broadcast
Japan July 26, 2007
United States December 15, 2007
English themes
Opening Diamond and Pearl
Japanese themes
Opening Together
Ending 君のそばで 〜ヒカリのテーマ〜(PopUp.Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 日高政光 Masamitsu Hidaka
Assistant director 小山賢 Masaru Koyama
Animation director 志村泉 Izumi Shimura
Additional credits

A Stand-Up Sit-Down! (Japanese: ヒカリとノゾミとダブルパフォーマンス!! Hikari, Nozomi and the Double Performance!!) is the 41st episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 507th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on July 26, 2007 and in the United States on December 15, 2007.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Template:Incomplete synopsis Dawn and the others wander through the woods when Zoey's Glameow and Misdreavus find them while searching for help for their trainer. Zoey sprained her ankle while training, and is forced off her feet while she recovers. Brock gives her some first aid, but she needs to get to a Pokémon Center for full healing. Until then, they head to her camp and Zoey decides to demonstrate to Dawn the theme of the upcoming Hearthome Contest... appeals involving two of the trainer's Pokémon instead of one. Zoey also shows off her new Shellos, caught shortly after Dawn caught her Buizel.

Dawn decides to practice a bit for this new theme, pairing Piplup with Pachirisu and Buizel with Buneary. However, her combos don't work out quite as she imagined them. Even Ash's combos, which he uses to help Dawn train, work better than her attempts.

Jessilina comes along, hoping to challenge Dawn while she's still faltering. However, Zoey decides to accept instead, despite her foot not fully healing. Her Glameow and Shellos are able to knock back Jessie's Dustox and Seviper, even knocking Jesse out. Team Rocket decides to beat a retreat after that.

Zoey is taken the nearest Pokémon Center, and they all agree to meet up at the Hearthome Contest.

Major events

  • Zoey is revealed to have captured a Shellos in the same lake Dawn caught Buizel.
  • Dawn learns that the Hearthome Contest and Grand Festival will have a Double Performance.
  • Dawn attempts Ice Aqua Jet for the first time and fails.


Pokémon debuts






  • Near the beggining of the episode, when Brock is yelling to go see Nurse Joy, there is a closeup of Zoey, Ash's voice sound like his voice from the first season when he is saying "Its Okay Really" to try to get Brock to calm down.

Dub edits

In other languages

  • Brazilian Portuguese: O Melhor Treinamento de Duplas!
  • Chinese (Taiwan): 小光與小望與雙人演出!
  • Czech: Bolavé setkání
  • Dutch: Met één been op de grond
  • Finnish: Tuplatiimi tyylillä!
  • French: Un Repos Forcé
  • German: Üben! Üben! Üben!
  • Italian: Un'amica in gamba & Jessilina ci riprova
  • Polish: Porażki i zwycięstwa
  • Spanish:
    • Iberian Spanish: ¡El entrenamiento especial de Maya!
    • Latin American Spanish: ¡Entrenando con Jesselina!

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DP040 : Top-Down Training!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP042 : The Electrike Company!
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