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Welcome to Bulbapedia, Gywall!

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  • The word Poké Ball is spelled as two words. The "Poké" part is identical to the four beginning letters in "Pokémon"; "Ball" is spelled with a capital B (which is, again, accessed by holding Shift and pressing the B key). The spelling "Pokéball" arises frequently, but is incorrect.
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Thank you, and have a good time editing here!--Shiningpikablu252 15:30, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

Those instructions, such as holding shift made me laugh. I also have access to é through a non-alt keystroke. (En-UK layout). :P Gywall 15:41, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

Some people just don't get that Pokémon is not spelled pokemon. TTEchidna 10:29, 9 June 2008 (UTC)
True. I instinctively type it Pokémon even to someone who sees any é as an I. Or into some searches which show no results as it's listed without the accent. Gywall(Talk) 10:36, 9 June 2008 (UTC)


well done on your results, although my IP is blocked I can still see what you post through Proxys. So i saw everything, WELL DONE, cept the one you failed, but oh well, like u said it was voluntary! SO well done, you should be proud. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 12:28, 14 August 2008 (UTC)

It proves, you do not need to do any revision or studying to pass an exam. Gywall(Talk) 14:00, 14 August 2008 (UTC)


AIM. However it says that your offline when others say to me that your online, next time you see me on (im on now) IM me, bye see ya! --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 20:38, 6 October 2008 (UTC)


1) please talk to me on Aim, unignore me, if I do start to get annoying during a convo then just tell me and Ill stop. please Gywall I really miss talking to you, please.

2) can you tell me the name of the flash cart you use and whether or not it is on Amazon,

Thankyou --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 19:40, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

1. I unignore as I please.
1.1 I also leave it like that longer if you ask
2. EzFlash. I dunno if it's on Amazon. Gywall(Talk) 20:16, 8 October 2008 (UTC)


please dont ignore me. I dont know how much longer Im even gonna be. I did nothiing to you and youve put me on ignore and runaway from me whenever, I havent had a chance to talk to you about anything. Forget IPGL, I just want to chat and be friends, for however little time is left. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 10:14, 11 October 2008 (UTC)

Regarding your post on Tier List discussion

Um actually I have made my own tier list.

If this site wanted to use it, I'd be more than happy.

But if we have to stick with theirs, looks like we have to try get that changed instead.Mr. Black 06:44, 17 October 2008 (UTC)


Lets be friends again, you said you were forgiving, and Ive done nothing wrong to you, (that I am aware of) it just looked like you stopped coming on AIm and then i found out later you had blocked me. Gywall, please lets just sweep it under the rug (whatever it was) and continue to be friends. Friendship isnt worth destroying over something as silly as Pokemon. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 16:22, 17 October 2008 (UTC) Please?


Can I trade you my Roserade and then using you Flash Cart can you tell me what the Secret ID of the Pokemon is? Please, even though you are ignoring me on AIM, please can you help me do this. I need to know its Secret ID! --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 13:07, 18 October 2008 (UTC)


Please Gywall, Im not very well and I just want a chat, nothing to do with IPGL (I promise), I just want us to have a few friendly chats, Im going to have to start going into hospital often and so I dont know when Ill be on, I just want a friendly chat like we used to on nothing to do with IPGL. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010 18:47, 22 October 2008 (UTC)

Battle Frontier

Have you beat all the frontier brains yet? --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010


You said to me that you dont hold grudges, well that was a lie wasnt it. I was reading on IPGL they took down that account needed screen at last and you said "he created a stressful situation for me a while ago" refering to when I insulted you for being gay, you said youd forgiven me for that, but clearly your still bitter.

Now your ignoring me on Aim or have been for a few weeks now and havent given me a reason, instead YOU JUST IGNORE ME your 18 im only 14 what do you have to be scared of me for, if you talk to me on Aim what can I do to you, nothing besides be a good friend and have a nice conversation with you, thats all I want Gywall, and Ive done nothing to you to deserve being ignored. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010


Rachey's not a sock puppet, I stopped sockpuppeting after the first few days of my ban, she wasnt even really a friend, she has an account on here, and talked to me on Aim, but she hasnt ever since shes been banned, thats all, I swear to you on my life, that shes not a sock puppet.

I dont sockpuppet anymore for the very reason that it would hurt my chances, do you think id jeopardise the small chance I have left. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

I have enough proof to disprove you. And that's in the form of your IP address. Gywall(Talk) 21:09, 28 October 2008 (UTC)
Not true, and that is how I prove you are lying. It is IMPOSSIBLE for me and Rachey's IP's to be the same as she is not a sock puppet, and I am finding other proof as we speak to prove that we are two seperate people, and prove you are lying.

Gywall, im sorry i insulted you for being gay, but you told me youd moved on, but hold this grudge against me, Im sorry Gywall, and thats all I can say, Ive learnt my lesson and belive you me i Wouldnt make fun of your sexual choices if i were there now, but the fact is I made that mistake, months ago, and I have to live with the fact I made someone upset, that is hard enough to bare as it is, let alone lies about me sockpuppeting, when I havent done anything? --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

And you got it wrong again. I can be attracted to either gender equally. Now, how often do two people end up with the exact same IP address? And yes, I do know your latest IP address. Gywall(Talk) 21:22, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

The only possible attempt at an explaination is when I used a proxy to try and see if I was unblocked on IPGL, I was momentarily logged in, (maybe long enough to adopt the IP)and then it went to the ban screen. Im guessing it might have been the one she used, other than that I dont know, but I do know that I have nothing to do with rachey --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

And how would that affect anything? Gywall(Talk) 21:36, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

She used a proxy, those change your IP adress, she told me the name of the proxy she used and I had it stored in a list of sites, this MIGHT have been the one I used, so those sites show the last known IP, for that short time i was unblocked, that would have turned my IP to the one the proxy gives, if that was the same Proxy as Rachels it would be the same IP, other than that I dont know, all i know is that me and Rachey are not the same person. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

I give up with this.. waste of effort to argue. Gywall(Talk) 21:54, 28 October 2008 (UTC)
Take this to AIM--DCM((Nag at Me!Edits))
You forgot I block people who get on my nerves already? Gywall(Talk) 21:58, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

you give up arguing because youve got nothing to argue, IF my IP is the same, I have given you the reason to the best of my knowledge why that would be. I promise you, she is not a sockpuppet. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

No, it is because it is pointless to argue. And what's this expanded my talk page by.. 5 KB or so? Now, your IP came from an outside source. Gywall(Talk)
Furthermore, I call this a close. Gywall(Talk) 22:06, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

Im going to demonstrate the power of Proxies, but 2morow Im too tired right now, and please so I can post the results of the experiment take down the protection thing. This is for you as well, I think you can learn something too. Let me prove this to you. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

We need to get a Bulba admin involved so they can check the IP change. I have an experiment that will prove I am right. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010

So what will you prove, that you can do revision of my last two years of my life?
And you ignored my stop notice. Gywall(Talk) 22:35, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

1. What stop notice??? 2. I dont get what you said about proof one bit, Im going to prove you are wrong about what a proxy can do. --Guardian of Earth |SGMS 2010