Bulbapedia talk:James/Gardenia poll

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Why was this even moved to begin with? The only articles that I can see that deserve to be moved like this are Sabrina's Haunter (because Ash only had it for one episode, and it has never been alluded to since that point unlike his other Pokémon), Casey's Beedrill (again, same reason) and Ash's Chimchar (because Ash is the main character of the series, whereas Paul is simply a rival). Now, one could argue that since Ash only owned Primeape for five episodes, it should be renamed as Anthony's Primeape. However, unlike Haunter and Beedrill, Primeape has been referenced to as being Ash's (Spurt! comes to mind). It's not called Benny's Lickitung because Jessie owned it for longer than he did, and he is an unimportant character of the day, and we do not create articles based on Pokémon belonging to characters of the day. Ash's Chimchar is in sort of a gray area, but I personally am in support of keeping it at that name, at least for now. If something happens (like Paul gets it back, or something) we can always rename that article. But there is absolutely no reason why James's Cacnea should have been renamed to Gardenia's Cacnea. I would switch it back myself right now, but since there's a poll, it would be best to wait and hear what the users of Bulbapedia have to say. --PAK Man Talk 02:30, 8 October 2007 (UTC)

I just hope enough people see this. But as of now, James is taking the lead. We'll see what happens at the end of the week. --ケンジガール 03:30, 8 October 2007 (UTC)
Actually, Beedrill has been seen again. The whole reason it was under Casey's name in the first place is that it is one of her main three Pokémon. --FabuVinny T-C-S 01:44, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
Just why do you think it should be at "James's Cacnea"? James doesn't even have a Cacnea. Gardenia has a Cacnea. --Shiny NoctowlTalk | ContribsFile:Ani164MS.gif 01:48, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
Of course he has a Cacnea! He has a Cacnea from AG006 all the way through to to DP054. The fact that a plot device is coming along to take said Cacnea away next month does not change that. --FabuVinny T-C-S 02:24, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
He did have a Cacnea, but now he doesn't because he gave it to Gardenia. --Shiny NoctowlTalk | ContribsFile:Ani164MS.gif 20:41, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
Ah, don't know where my mind went when I said Beedrill hadn't been seen again. And some more reasons why I believe it should be located at James's Cacnea: We don't call Misty's Horsea and Misty's Starmie Horsea (Cerulean Gym) and Starmie (Cerulean Gym). We didn't rename Brock's Steelix, Crobat and Geodude to reflect the fact that he gave them to Forrest, we didn't rename James's Victreebel as Magikarp salesman's Victreebel, and we didn't rename Ash's Raticate to Gentleman's Raticate. But the most important reason is that it is a future event. Doesn't anybody remember a certain episode where everybody thought Misty's Psyduck would evolve into Golduck? --PAK Man Talk 05:23, 12 October 2007 (UTC)

What th--?

Um... I don't think we need this as an official poll. And what's this "weightings" garbage? Why should any one user be more important than another? That's not the wiki way. --DarkfireTaimatsu 21:10, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

Not sure about the official part, but that weightings nonsense has been reverted. Only sysops have the ability to weigh the poll, and this poll is not that important to be weighted. The only poll I can think of that was weighted was the one about the ads, and that's because it was such an important issue. And there, the one who made that decision was Zhen Lin, the editor-in-chief. --PAK Man Talk 21:16, 9 October 2007 (UTC)
The weightings have still ended up at 11 to 16 in favour of James anyway. :p --FabuVinny T-C-S 01:46, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
But losing by 5 is better than losing by 6. It's a lot easier to catch up. --Shiny NoctowlTalk | ContribsFile:Ani164MS.gif 01:48, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
Yes, but directly attempting to manipulate the results undermines the validity of this poll. That's why I'm creating this next section... --FabuVinny T-C-S 02:00, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
I wasn't trying to manipulate the results. I simply felt that bigger contributors should have their vote count more. --Shiny NoctowlTalk | ContribsFile:Ani164MS.gif 23:05, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
It's not the quantity, but the quality of your edits that matters. --DarkfireTaimatsu 21:25, 13 October 2007 (UTC)

Let's discuss this

Wikipedia puts an emphasis on discussion rather than straw polls. Normally, I wouldn't suggest Bulbapedia do something just because Wikipedia does it but they do have a point here. We don't need polls to come to a sensible decision.
The only point in favour of Gardenia is a group of flawed examples: Beedrill was immediately given to Casey and became one of her main Pokémon in future appearances, Haunter is debateable on ever being Ash's in the first place and Chimchar is only just going to get its focus now that it is going to the protagonist. On the other hand, there is no doubt that Cacnea has been James's Pokémon for its entire run of the show. If there is nothing else then we shouldn't be waiting to send Cacnea back to James. After all, it's not as if this has even been confirmed yet. Heavily implied, sure, but the writers have surprised us before. --FabuVinny T-C-S 02:00, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
Taking another cue from Wikipedia, they title things by their most common name. There have been countless debates there over article names, often solved by Google searches. Even after the episode airs in the US, Cacnea will likely be called "James's Cacnea" by the majority of the community. Therefore, the article should be titled to reflect this. Zurqoxn 18:07, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
James doesn't own a Cacnea. Gardenia owns a Cacnea. We shouldn't have an article about a Pokémon that doesn't exist. Since James gave it to Gardenia, there is no such Pokémon as "James's Cacnea," but there is a Pokémon called "Gardenia's Cacnea." We should call it by the name of the person who actually owns it, which is Gardenia. --Shiny NoctowlTalk | ContribsFile:Ani164MS.gif 20:21, 12 October 2007 (UTC)

(It only makes sense, otherwise Bulbapedia will be a mess and people that visit will say things like, "I thought it was Gardenia's Cacnea now?". And eventually all COTDs will have a page for their Pokémon, so why make things unorganised?) File:Ani137MS.gifTESHFile:Ani233MS.gifTALK File:Ani474MS.gifFUN 16:44, 17 November 2007 (UTC) PS I forgot about what it said, I got carried away... XD!

Think of Sabrina's Haunter, its the same thing, I think it should be Gardenia's Cacnea! File:Ani491MS.gifKPF 17:49, 17 November 2007 (UTC)

But you're talking about a Pokémon that Ash DID NOT officially capture and was there for less than 2 episodes. James actually captured his Cacnea and it stayed on his team for 260 episodes. I think that's a big difference. --ケンジガール 00:31, 18 November 2007 (UTC)

Also: still Ash's Charizard. Still Ash's Raticate. TTEchidna 02:49, 18 November 2007 (UTC)
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