Ranger Quest

Revision as of 17:25, 25 October 2010 by HoennMaster (talk | contribs) (There. We just need the in game text about the final quest.)
Quest redirects here. For the island in the Sevii Islands, see Quest Island.

Ranger Quests are optional missions in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. They can be fulfilled whenever the Pokémon Ranger is available. Players will talk to citizens, listen to their problems and then try and solve them.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

Players can only do one quest at a time and must cancel, or complete, the current quest before starting a new one. Most quests also have prerequisites that have to be fulfilled before they become available. The reward for completing a quest is either a Styler Power-up or a new Partner Pokémon.


Calm Down Miltank
Little Tim
  Grass Defense
I got asked to do the milking. I surely would, even though I'm deathly a-scared of Pokémon, but our Miltank's gone all feisty on me...
Can you go to my farm and calm down my Miltank?
Breeze Hill Sign Recovery
  Dark Defense
A falling rock flattened the sign for Breeze Hill. I'm hoping to fix the sign, but that giant rock is hopelessly in the way.
Can you do something about it?
Is Combee Okay?
Old Woman
  Electric Defense
After that awful forest fire, the cute Combee haven't come around.
It would reassure me so if you would let me see an adorable Combee again.
Clear the Crates!
Vien Forest
  Bug Defense
Some sketchy characters ditched a bunch of wooden crates in the forest near here.
I broke most of them up except for two.
But now, I'm plain worn out.
Can you take over for me?
The Boy Who Cried Lumineon
Fishing Kid
  Rock Defense
I caught a Lumineon, but no one believes me. Can someone take a boat out to Puel Sea and prove that Lumineon live there?
If you capture one, its data will be recorded, so that will do as proof!
Nosepass! Must Have Nosepass!
  Ground Defense
What is it, you ask? The answer is Nosepass! It's Nosepass above all! Nothing else will do! Deprive me of my food, but not Nosepass!
I can't tell you why now, but, please, bring me a Nosepass!
Who Ate My Lunch!?
Vien Forest
  Power Plus
A Pokémon grabbed my lunch and hightailed it. It went off to the west (←) of Vien Forest. The Pokémon had two tails that ended in what I took to be hands.
Can you find it and bring it to me?
Eevee for Marital Bliss
Old Man
  Steel Defense
Our Eevee has gone missing.
Can you fetch it for us?
I'm not sure if this is a useful hint or not, but our Eevee likes the sea breeze.
Oddish Research
Altru Park
  Fire Defense
We need an Oddish for research purposes.
We've had no success finding one, however.
Is it possible for you to bring one in?
Light the Leaves
Ranger School
  Time Assist
I hurt my back while raking the leaves in the school yard.
The leaves are gathered in three piles.
Can I get you to set fire to them?
Clear Some Fallen Logs
Mr. Woodward
  Long Line
I'd appreciate it if someone could clear away some fallen logs in Vien Forest.
They're blocking paths, much to the annoyance and inconvenience of all.
There were two, if I recall correctly.
Cherrim, Cherrim, Come to Us♪
Union Road
Nectar Sisters
  Ghost Defense
Bring us a Cherrim.♪ Pretty please?♪
Real ones should be on a cliff.♪
Yes, high up on Peril Cliffs.♪
That's where ♪ they are.♪
Team Dim Sun's Appetite
Elder's Granddaughter
That man all by himself in the hidden harbor...
He's actually a member of Team Dim Sun.
But I feel sorry for him being out there alone. Can you go look in on him?
That Smell of Muk...
  Poison Defense
I'm a collector of exquisite fragrances.
I have long sought the effervescent aroma of Muk to no avail. I have it on good authority that one was seen in a cave in Boyle Volcano.
I must have its aroma! You must capture it!
Dim... Sun... Come Back...
Young Lady
  Ice Defense
My two, squat, dark, and handsome darlings have left me for life on the streets!
They're running wild and cavorting in Pueltown, so please, reel them in back to Mama!
Oh, my darlings Dim and Sun are Murkrow!
Apologies to Vespiquen
Union Road
  Energy Plus
On the road to the Chroma Highlands, a Vespiquen and her sidekicks are buzzing around out of control.
It's all my fault. I made them furious.
Sorry, but can you go settle them down?
Lonely Chingling
  Dragon Defense
Our family Chingling spent all its time alone.
Eventually, she even forgot how to cry.
I would like her to meet a friend.
I've heard there is a Chingling living deep in Crysta Cave, which leads to Hia Valley.
Abomasnow Research
Shiver Camp
  Fighting Defense
I came to Hia Valley on orders from Prof. Hastings to study Abomasnow up close.
May I ask you to bring one here?
Melt the Ice!
Shiver Camp
  Water Defense
Crysta Cave can be one dangerous place.
Huge chunks of ice crumble and come crashing down every so often.
This time around, there are three big blocks of ice in the way. Can you deal with them?
Drifblim's Moving Service
Old Man
  Power Plus
All the times I've moved, I've always had
some Drifblim do all the heavy lifting.
But this time, I forgot about asking them!
Please, could you return with some Drifblim?
Three would be dandy!
Secure the Hidden Harbor
Fishing Guide
  Fire Defense
There's this excellent, out-of-the-way fishing spot deep inside of Boyle Volcano.
But now, I can't get to it because two walls of fire have blocked the path there.
It'd be great if you'd put them out.
Thaw the Frozen Door
Hia Valley
Research Team Member
  Normal Defense
The dome hut on the west (←) side of Shiver Camp has a problem.
A lump of ice formed in front of its door.
It's impossible to open it.
Can you open it for us?
My Precious Fishing Rod
  Psychic Defense
I took a boat out and went fishing in the Sea of Wailord.
I hooked something big. The fact is, it was so big, it took off with my fishing rod and all!
That rod's precious to me. Find it, please!
Unidentified Fleeing Omastar
  Latent Power
What I'm asking you to do is take a boat out to the Sea of Wailord, take a dive, and check
that there really is an Omastar down there.
When you capture it, you'll get its data.
That'll do nicely as evidence!
Cacturne Research
Haruba Village
  Energy Plus
This time, it's Cacturne I'm after.
They are purportedly in the desert, but they've thus far eluded my eye.
May I ask you to bring one here?
Smell of Skuntank and Weezing
Haruba Village
  Dark Defense
So, you may ask yourself, "What is missing from Oscar's vast collection of fragrances?"
Why, none other than Weezing and Skuntank!
I implore you to bring them back to me.
Both together, naturally!
Capture Gigaremo Units?
Haruba Village
  Ghost Defense
I was in the Hippowdon when I saw them!
They must be the latest model of Gigaremo!
And, wonder of wonders, they were moving about on their own power!
Isn't this where you come in?
Elaine's Favorite
  Combo Bonus
I want to show Elaine her favorite kind of Pokémon up close. That's why I'd like you to bring back a Dragonair for her.
They say there's one in Almia Castle.
Murph's Ranger Contest
Ranger Union
  Time Assist
So, this is my contest, and the theme is Eevee!
The seven evolutions of Eevee are Vaporeon,
Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon,
and Glaceon.
Gotta capture 'em all and bring 'em to me!
Roserade Red, Roserade Blue?
Ranger Union
  Bug Defense
The flower on Roserade's right hand...
I can't remember if it was red or blue.
There's a big argument over that!
Supposedly there's one deep in the forest.
Will you capture one for us?
Charge Up the Trio!
Ranger Union
  Electric Defense
Raichu, Luxray, and Ampharos. That threesome appears to be what we need for our studies. They look capable of generating seriously powerful electricity.
Please, bring them to us.
Access the Ice Castle
Hia Valley
Mrs. Winters
  Flying Defense
Three huge blocks of ice are blocking the way to Almia Castle.
They're quite the nuisance!
Please, won't someone clear those blocks of ice?
Mom's Recipe
Chicole Village
  Fighting Defense
This is your mother speaking.
My hands aren't free, so please read me the recipe I have taped to the fridge.
I'm sorry this is such a silly Quest.
White Pokémon for Peace?
Altru Park
Little Girl
  Poison Defense
There is a white Pokémon at the top of Altru Tower that stands for peace.
Everyone should know what it is.
You're a nice Ranger, so you'll bring it to show me, won't you?
Please Save Cranidos
Vien Forest
Young Guy
  New Partner Pokémon
Earlier, I saw a Cranidos being chased by a
Wartortle in Vien Forest.
I felt sorry seeing the Cranidos run.
Can you go rescue it?
Please Save Shieldon
Union Road
  New Partner Pokémon
That poor Shieldon got stuck on Peril Cliffs while trying to get down.
Please, Ranger, you have to help that little Shieldon out!
Please Save Chimchar
Chroma Road
  New Partner Pokémon
Near the Chroma Ruins, there's this Chimchar.
It's tormented by these Beedrill that chase it around.
Can you see about helping that Chimchar out?
Mischievous Sneasel
Hia Valley
Mrs. Winters
  New Partner Pokémon
A Sneasel is causing much mischief on the second floor of Almia Castle.
It's a nuisance.
Please do something about this mischievous Sneasel.
Snover's Mysterious Presence
Boyle Volcano
  New Partner Pokémon
It's hard to believe, but I saw a Snover in Volcano Cave, toward the east side.
I don't think anyone can get to it on foot, but a Ranger can, right?
It appeared to be suffering from the heat...
Misdreavus Mischief Mystery!
Chroma Highlands
  New Partner Pokémon
I'm having a real problem with a Misdreavus.
It's been disturbing me while I'm exploring the many chambers in the Chroma Ruins. It likes to sneak up and startle me for fun.
Can anyone help me with this?
Things That Go Bump...
Chicole Village
Little Sis
  New Partner Pokémon
Huh? What's making all the noise upstairs?
What could it be? I'm scared...
Please, go check upstairs!*
Pachirisu's Hide & Seek
Ranger School
Ms. April
  New Partner Pokémon
We've had a Pachirisu make its home in the School recently. It's been a handful, though.
It chews up things, and it likes to hide things. I would like to see this Pachirisu captured.
It should still be in the School itself!*
Starly Lost Its Way
Haruba Desert
  New Partner Pokémon
A Starly wandered into Hippowdon Temple.
It's gotten hopelessly lost somewhere deep in there, I think.
It's also timid. It flees if it sees you coming.
Please help this Starly!*
What Happened to Machop!?
Ranger Union
Old Man
  New Partner Pokémon
There was a Machop up on Peril Cliffs that was training for something. It's disappeared!
Maybe, just maybe, it could be in trouble.
It could be trapped under a giant boulder!
Go check on it, please!
Please Save Piplup
Hia Valley
Research Team Member
  New Partner Pokémon
A while ago, I saw a Piplup being chased around the snowy fields of Hia Valley by a Houndoom.
A Ranger could save the little guy, yes?
Please Save Turtwig
Chicole Village
Little Boy
  New Partner Pokémon
Hey, I went to Breeze Hill.
There was this Turtwig at the edge of a cliff.
It sure looked like it was in trouble.
Go help that Turtwig.
Who Is on Hippowdon's Nose?
Haruba Village
Little Boy
  New Partner Pokémon
I saw it! Something big and weird squirming around on the nose of Hippowdon Temple!
It could've been a Pokémon!
Can you go look, Ranger?
Pelipper's Plea
Old Woman
  New Partner Pokémon
In Volcano Cave, toward the doors, there was a Pelipper.
It seemed to be trying to say something.
You may want to check on it.
Under the Bridge
Chicole Village
Little Girl
  Water Defense
Do you know the bridge near the School?
Well, I heard strange cries from under it!
It'd be awful if it were a ghost!
Can a Ranger go investigate?
Strange Crates Washed Ashore
  Normal Defense
Big wooden crates have been washing ashore at Nabiki Beach lately.
Can Rangers help do something about them if they find any on the beach?
Go Talk to My Mom
Altru Park
  Flying Defense
Hey, while you're out on patrol, can you drop in on my dear old mom for a friendly visit?
She could use the company.
My house is in Pueltown.
Look for the fountain in front, okay?
What Reporter Hans Forgot
Chicole Village
  Psychic Defense
A newspaper reporter named Hans came by the house earlier. He left his pen behind.
I'd like you to return it to him.
He said he's going to Altru next for his story.
Bring Back The Oasis!
Haruba Village
Ola Woman
Please bring a Pokémon that can summon rain.
And please keep it a secret from the children.
I have heard rumors of a Pokémon that put out the terrible fire in Vien Forest by bringing about a downpour.
Wish for the Vien Forest
Chicole Village
Ollie's mom
  Supreme Defense
I was hoping that you would have a word with my son, who you know as Ollie.
He's still torn up by guilt over what happened to Vien Forest...
I think you can find him there now.*
Secret Kept by Three
Ranger School
Principal Lamont
  Dragon Defense
In all the world, there is one secret that is known to only the three of us.
Find where that secret is hidden.
Here's one hint: the Pledge Stone in Ascension Square.
Snow in Boyleland
Elder's Granddaughter
  Ice Defense
Everyone is looking forward to Boyleland's Snow Festival, but we have no snow.
Please bring us a Froslass and a Glalie.
They say those Pokémon can be found in Hia Valley.
For Little Tim
Big Bertha
  Ground Defense
You know how my husband's deathly afraid of Pokémon, don't you, dear?
I want to cure him of that once and for all, so I'd like you to bring back a Slakoth.
Murph's Disappearing Act
Shiver Camp
  Steel Defense
I woke up this morning to find Murph missing!
I hate to impose, but please search for Murph.
Come to think of it, he said he wanted to ask Mrs. Winter something yesterday.
Staraptor High in the Sky
Ranger Union
  Latent Power
I think it will lift my guy's spirits to see wild Staraptor.
It will inspire him to soar again, I'm sure of it.
Please, can you bring back six Staraptor for the two of us?
Gift of Music for Isaac
  Long Line
I wrote a song as a present for my brother.
I want to play a concert with these Pokémon: Chatot, Kricketune, Chingling, and Jigglypuff! Please, will you bring them here, all at once?
Ponte's Path to Take
Chroma Highlands
  Rock Defense
I'd like you to bring back the Pokémon I want to use as a model for my wood carving.
I can see it now: a big, proud, red nose! An impressive moustache!
One lives in the Chroma Ruins, I've heard.

Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs

In this game, a Ranger may take any number of Quests simultaneously. As in the previous game, though, certain Quests will not become available until the player has completed other Quests and/or Missions. Once a Quest is completed, the Ranger is awarded a number of Ranger Points, which are used to purchase upgrades for the Capture Styler.


  This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.

Pichu's Broken Ukulele
Cocona Village
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
You had to get ukulele material in the tree trunk on Dolce Island. After a bit of trouble, you manged to find it. Pichu's ukulele can be fixed now.
Recharge Pachirisu
Cocona Village
Little Girl
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
You brought a wild Pachirisu to the girl in Cocona Village. Now she and the Pachirisu seem fine.
A New Path in Teakwood Forest
Cocona Village
Old Man
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
You managed to break the Wood Fence in Teakwood Forest. Now it should be easier to get through it.
The Elderly Couple's Argument
Cocona Village
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
You went to Rasp Cavern to investigate the mysterious moving rock that caused the elderly couple's argument. After, you brought back the Geodude you found. The couple now get along.
The Precious Red Berry
Cocona Village
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
The berry Booker wanted turned out to be called the "friend-mend berry." Thanks to it, Booker and Prof. Hastings are friends again.
The Big One That Got Away
Lapras Beach
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
The big one that got away in the Coral Sea turned out to be a Luvdisc...
Ralph's Bright Idea
Cocona Village
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
It was all in Nick's head. He may be a little more positive after this.
The Forbidden Song
Rand's House
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You found the book they were looking for in the Old Mansion, and you brought it to Rand. The fourth song was a little scary. Tilikule Island has....
The Boy's Quiz
Cocona Village
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You were asked to find a floating, purple Pokémon that has an "X" mark on it. It turned out that both Driftloon and Driftblim were correct
Fly, Starly!
Cocona Village
Old Man
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
You chased after a Starly that couldn't fly well. It tried its best and learned to fly again.
Ranger Contest!
Tilt Village
File:30 Ranger Pointsccard.png 30 Ranger Points
With the Honchkrow, Togekiss, Probopass, Kabutops, Quagsire, Heracross, and Cherrim that Murph asked you to bring, you managed to win the Ranger Contest.
The Mild Mankey
Tilt Village
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
You went to the Old Mansion to check on the Mankey that usually comes for snacks. The Mankey was being chased by Misdreavus.
Search for the Runaway Boy
Tilt Village
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
The boy went inside the Daybreak Ruins to get a gift fro his mother. He was able to give the gift to her.
The Coral Charm
Lapras Beach
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You were able to find the Shining Coral Charm that drifted to the Coral Sea and return it.
Maddeningly Spicy!
Curl Bay
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
You captured four Pokémon that ate super spicy bread and helped calm them down.
Vulpix's Ruins Exploration
Daybreak Ruins
Young Man
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
The Vulpix that went inside the Daybreak Ruins was fighting with Mightyena. A man scolded the Vulpix and left with it.
Chase the Flying Tools
Wireless Tower
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
The Pokémon with strong magnetic power at the Wireless Tower turned out to be Beldum. You managed to get the tools back.
The Photographer's Request
Sophian Road
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You brought Dunsparce to Yoran, and he was able to take some good photos of it.
Trash the Pokémon Traps
Tilt Village
Old Woman
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
You managed to trash all the traps the Pinchers set up for Pokémon. The old lady was relieved.
Happiny, Come Home!
Mitonga Road
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You brought the Happiny back from Noir Forest to the man at Mitonga Road.
Save Bidoof!
Cocona Village
Little Boy
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
Bidoof was chased continuously by Croagunk. You captured them both to calm them down.
Purugly, Come Home!
Tilt Village
Young Lady
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You found the Purugly at the Old Mansion. It was looking for a dish to replace the broken one.
A Hot Meal for Buneary
Sophian Road
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
Once gather, the Buneary happily ate the hot meal.
The Fisherman's Rage
Old Mansion
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
It turned out asking to bring back the Pokémon from the Pinchers was a setup. But you managed to defeat them.
The Sad Suicune
Aqua Resort
File:30 Ranger Pointsccard.png 30 Ranger Points
Suicune, Entei, and Raikou were happy again when you fixed the monuments the Pinchers destroyed.
The Friendly Guide
Aqua Resort
Old Woman
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You found the Ludicolo that an old lady met in the Canal Ruins. She wanted to do something to pay it back for the time she was lost there.
The Famous Ranger Detective
Aqua Resort
Old Man
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
Sneasel had the brooch. When you returned it, the old men found out who gave the brooch, and that stopped their arguing.
Spin, Hitmontop, Spin!
Sophian Road
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
When your drew loops to capture it, the Hitmontop remembered how to spin.
Brother on the Dangerous Cliff
Tilt Village
Young Lady
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You went to the Dangerous Cliff to check on the little girl's brother. Even with the Pinchers' attack, you were able to deliver his reply to the little girl.
The Ninetales in Mt. Sorbet
Mt. Sorbet
Old Man
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You managed to bring back the Ninetales that was lost in the cave with icicles safely.
Spin, Hitmontop, Spin!
Sophian Road
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
When your drew loops to capture it, the Hitmontop remembered how to spin.
Brother on the Dangerous Cliff
Tilt Village
Young Lady
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
you went to the Dangerous Cliff to check on the little girl's brother. Even with the Pinchers' attack, you were able to deliver his reply to the little girl.
The Ninetales in Mt. Sorbet
Mt. Sorbet
Old Man
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
you managed to bring back the Ninetales that was lost in the cave with icicles safely.
Electivire Visions
Aqua Resort
Old Man
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You managed to find the Electivire from the old man's dream and bring it to him. It turned out to be the Electabuzz he used to live with.
Something Money Can't Buy
Aqua Resort
Old Woman
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You found and delivered the parcel that Delibird dropped in the Eastern Sea.
The Forest Vespiquen
Sophian Road
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You saved the two Pinchers from Vespiquen and told the old lady about it. She mistook the Pinchers in their uniforms as a couple, apparently.
Rolling Graveler
Hinder Cape
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
The Pinchers were chasing after the Graveler, so you chased them away.
The Piplup in Faldera Volcano
Faldera Volcano
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
You managed to chase the Piplup to a safe place on Faldera Volcano. The man said he'd take the Piplup back to Sophian Island.
A Cry from the Sky
Cocona Village
Young Lady
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
The Pokémon that flew around where Dolce Island used to be turned out to be Togekiss. It was relieved to see its old friends.
A Fisherman's Litter
Aqua Resort
File:20 Ranger Pointsccard.png 20 Ranger Points
Lumineon spit out the little and felt much better. THe fisherman was relieved to hear that.
Mitonga Island's Odd Stones
Tilt Village
File:10 Ranger Pointsccard.png 10 Ranger Points
Thanks to Entei, you managed to smash all the rocks that were in the way in Noir Forest.
Luggage for Renbow Island
Big Booker Bridge
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
You safely delivered what Herb asked you to take to the lady. It turned out to be a letter and medicine for his mother.
The Explorer's Report
Canal Ruins
Ruin Maniac
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You managed to find and bring the Azumarill to him. The report was more like a love letter than a report.
Mitonga Island's Odd Stones 2
Tilt Village
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You found out that it was the Pinchers who placed those rocks in Noir Forest. They were finally caught by the villagers.
Cute, Cute Jumpluff
Mitonga Road
File:15 Ranger Pointsccard.png 15 Ranger Points
It was a female member of the Pinchers that was chasing after Jumpluff. She happened to be a big fan of Jumpluff... You calmed down both Jumpluff and the girl.
Gather the Drifloon!
Dangerous Cliff
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You managed to gather Drifloon, but the man turned out to be one of the Pinchers in disguise. Upon reflection, they left with the Drifloon for home.
The Explorer's Report
Canal Ruins
Ruin Maniac
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You managed to find the Floatzel and brought it to him. The letter was from Leanne, pointing to things in his report.
A Fun Ride in the Sky
Rand's House
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
The ride in the sky with Nema turned out to be a horrible experience for you...
Dolce Island's Pichu
Cocona Village
File:30 Ranger Pointsccard.png 30 Ranger Points
You managed to gather all six Pichu. Those Pichu and Ukulele Pichu had the best time they've had in a long time together.
Herb's Research
Cocona Village
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You managed to gather Vileplume, Carnivine, and Venusaur. Once the guidebook is written, there will be less people mistaking them for plants.
Power for Nema
Rand's House
File:25 Ranger Pointsccard.png 25 Ranger Points
You managed to gather Electivire, Jolteon, Manectric, Ampharos, and Electrode. Nema's machine worked successfully thanks to those Pokémon.