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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Psyライダー 17:47, 9 February 2010 (UTC)  


Sorry, but.. you can't exactly make an article about your site and talk about how it's the best UK Pokémon site ever. Go get someone to stroke your ego elsewhere, please. :( ▫▪Ťïňắ 20:21, 9 February 2010 (UTC)

It's not even technically 'my' website, I'm just staff there. I wasn't intentionally advertising or promoting a website of mine, but what is Bulbapedia for? It's obviously for posting information on things related to Pokémon, which is exactly what I did. If you've read the likes of the Smogon and ONM articles on here, you'll notice that they're very similar to what I posted, if not exactly the same... I don't understand why one can be deleted and not the other. I'm not some little punk kid who had an intention of advertising a small pathetic fan-site by the way, I'm 21 and had the full intention or writing a well published article about a Pokémon website. However, if it has to be written by someone other than staff from said website, then if I get someone else to write it, will it be allowed even if it's pretty similar? --Havak 22:28, 9 February 2010 (UTC)

[edit conflicted] Even so, we have to be careful about wording when we're involved with the subject. It was a good article, but requires work to bring it up to Bulbapedia quality standard. If you wish to recreate the page, I advise you to start in a sandbox, before bringing it to the mainspace. Leave the personal feeling out of it. And take a look over the guides linked on the Welcome Portal. Learn how to link properly. —darklordtrom 22:47, 9 February 2010 (UTC)

Three major problems

  1. When you created the article, you were kinda a central focus of it. Now, we all love ourselves, and I'm likely the most egotistical guy here at Bulbapedia, but look at how much of a mention I get on Bulbagarden's and Bulbapedia's pages. Little more than a footnote.
  3. You just registered today. That is kinda... bad. First thing you did was make that article. Never a good sign. TTEchidna 23:13, 9 February 2010 (UTC)