Professor Willow: Difference between revisions

Added Straight to the Top, Machop!
(Added Straight to the Top, Machop!)
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:''"It’s certainly been an interesting year, hasn’t it, <player>? I can’t remember another one like it, and I’ve seen a few! But despite all the ways it’s challenged us, I can’t help but think that it’ll make future experiences feel even more precious and special. After all, no matter what happens, we’re all on this Pokémon journey together—every Trainer, regardless of where they are in the world. That’s truly something special. So when the going gets tough, remember that you’re not in this alone. And while bad days are inevitable, I like to think they make the good ones that much sweeter. I hope today has been one of the good ones for you! The world is ever-changing, <player>. What doesn’t change, however, is the fact that we have each other and our Pokémon. And as the mysterious world of Pokémon continues to grow, so do we—as Trainers, as a community, and as people. So here’s to a year for the books—and many more exciting ones to come!"''
:''"It’s certainly been an interesting year, hasn’t it, <player>? I can’t remember another one like it, and I’ve seen a few! But despite all the ways it’s challenged us, I can’t help but think that it’ll make future experiences feel even more precious and special. After all, no matter what happens, we’re all on this Pokémon journey together—every Trainer, regardless of where they are in the world. That’s truly something special. So when the going gets tough, remember that you’re not in this alone. And while bad days are inevitable, I like to think they make the good ones that much sweeter. I hope today has been one of the good ones for you! The world is ever-changing, <player>. What doesn’t change, however, is the fact that we have each other and our Pokémon. And as the mysterious world of Pokémon continues to grow, so do we—as Trainers, as a community, and as people. So here’s to a year for the books—and many more exciting ones to come!"''
====Straight to the Top, Machop!====
:''"Oh! <player>, you caught me by surprise. I was just thinking about some movies I’ve seen recently. What, you didn’t take me for a movie guy? Haha! Well, while the world of Pokémon is my greatest passion, I’ve been trying to explore my interests outside of research and Pokémon as well. Self-discovery is important for personal growth in all walks of life. It can also be quite fun! I’ve learned that I really enjoy watching a film to pass the time now and again. Also, a lot of movies feature Pokémon! Don’t you love it when your interests overlap? I saw an incredibly thrilling action movie the other day. It was about a fighter who, against all odds, becomes a professional boxer alongside his trusty Machop. Life had him on the ropes, but he just kept punching back! Talk about inspiring. Did you know that Machop love to work out and build their muscles? They’re never satisfied, even when they train hard all day long! I wish I had that energy when I do fieldwork! Speaking of Machop: Did you notice that more of them are appearing in the wild? That’s what reminded me of that movie in the first place! Could you head out and learn more about Machop?"''
:''"Hey there, <player>! Great job catching all those Machop. I wonder if you’ll grow as close as the two characters in that movie. The main character started in a pretty tough place, but his Machop kept him motivated and inspired. Then, he was given an incredible opportunity to compete against other fighters. My favorite part was when his Machop evolved into Machoke! Isn’t the relationship between a Trainer and their Pokémon wonderful? Machoke are truly remarkable Pokémon, too. A Machoke’s muscular body is so powerful, the Pokémon must wear a power-save belt to regulate its motions. As it happens, you should have enough Machop Candies now to evolve Machop into a Machoke of your own. It’s almost like you’re living out that movie yourself!"''
:''"Wow—that’s one muscular Machoke! Great work evolving it. Sometimes, Machoke will head to fields and mountains to exercise and train. Isn’t that dedication amazing? It reminds me of a training montage in that film. The Trainer and his Machoke traveled to the mountains to train together. Watching their friendship blossom almost moved me to tears! The way they encouraged each other reminded me why I love Pokémon, especially when the Machoke evolved into Machamp! Oops, there I go again… Anyway, Machop and Machoke are very impressive Pokémon, but Machamp is on an entirely different level. Its four arms react more quickly than it can think, so Machamp can execute several punches at once! Hoo-hah! That was the movie Machamp’s signature move. Haha, who knew I’d become such a film buff? Get it? Buff? Moving right along... How about you do a bit of research on Machamp? Your Machoke seems pumped to get stronger. Let’s try evolving it into Machamp and see what happens!"''
:''"Wow, <player>! I saw you approaching with your newly evolved Machamp, and I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. It was just like the end of that movie! The Trainer ended up winning the tournament, and he couldn’t have done it without his Machamp by his side. Movies are so powerful! Especially ones about Pokémon and their Trainers. I suppose you and Machamp don’t need to watch that particular film, though—you practically lived it today! It’s been inspiring to witness, and I hope to carry that inspiration with me as I grow closer to my own Pokémon. You never know what you’ll discover about yourself when you try new things—just like how you never know which Pokémon you’ll end up forming a lifelong friendship with until you catch them! Thanks for coming along with me on this journey, Trainer. I wish you and your Machamp well, and I’ll see you next time. Let’s GO!"''

===Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 and Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020===
===Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 and Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020===
