PS135 : Lively Larvitar
Gold, Silver & Crystal arc
PS137 : Really Raikou & Entirely Entei (Part 1)
Crossing Crobat
VS クロバット
VS Crobat
Shogakukan full volume Chapter 136 in Vol. 11
VIZ Media full volume Adventure 136 in Vol. 11
Series Pokémon Adventures
Location Goldenrod City
Goldenrod Museum

Crossing Crobat (Japanese: VS クロバット VS Crobat), titled Your Shadow, Crobat in the Chuang Yi translation, is the 136th chapter of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the 46th chapter of the Gold, Silver & Crystal arc.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Somewhere in Goldenrod City, Janine and her Ariados ascend a tall building. They then break into one of the vents on the building and make their way to another that is situated above a Big Pearl. She senses that the Big Pearl may have security and has her Weezing use Smokescreen to show the lasers. While hanging upside-down, she cuts a hole in the glass cage surrounding the Big Pearl and steals it. In doing so, Janine trips an alarm. A group of security guards begin running towards her, but she sends out her Forretress to stop the guards by using Spikes. The guards end up stepping on the spikes. However, it is soon revealed that it is a training exercise to see where security flaws exist within the Goldenrod Museum. Janine vanishes as soon as she hears she will have money transferred to her bank account for her role. The director explains to the guards that the woman was a ninja and that she can be paid to carry out risky jobs.

Back outside, Janine has a moment of reflection in which she does not know why she is carrying out pointless missions. She has a flashback where her father, Koga, explains that a ninja is supposed to put their lives down for their master and that she can join him, along with their master, when the time is right. Her only problem is that both her father and her master have disappeared and she doesn't know where to find them. All of a sudden a sparkle is seen on a distant building. The object then jumps at Janine. It is the Legendary Pokémon Suicune and it has come to challenge her.

She believes that if she is able to capture Suicune her master will hear the news and she will be able to find him. She commands her Crobat to use Leech Life. However, it is countered by Suicune's Aurora Beam just as Crobat is about to use Leech Life. Then Janine commands Crobat to use Double Team. Her plan is that Suicune will not be able to determine which image of Crobat is the real one. She then commands Crobat to use Wing Attack. To her surprise Suicune is able to hit Crobat with another Aurora Beam, but she is puzzled as to how it knew which version of her was the real one. Suicune points out with its paw that her shadow is darker than the others because of the moonlight. Janine realizes that Suicune is battling the Gym Leaders to determine who will be its master. She continues by explaining to Suicune that she too is looking for her master and that she hopefully, as the Gym Leader of Fuchsia City, will be able to battle Suicune again. The two then go their separate ways.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
  Spoilers end here.  



Pokémon debuts






  • In the Chuang Yi version, Janine is referred to by her Japanese name, Anzu.

In other languages

PS135 : Lively Larvitar
Gold, Silver & Crystal arc
PS137 : Really Raikou & Entirely Entei (Part 1)
  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.