Daisuki ♥ Pocket Monsters

(Japanese: だいすき♥ポケットモンスター Daisuki ♥ Pocket Monsters) is a manga series by Hinata Ayu (鮎ヒナタ). It is loosely based on the anime. It was published in the Japanese magazine Ciao!.

Mika and Chloe

The story revolves around the character Mika, who together with the anime characters interacts with several Pokémon while looking to decide whether she will be a Pokémon Trainer.





  • In this manga, the running gag where Pikachu electrocutes a female protagonist or their bike returns. In this case, Pikachu does this to Mika.

See also

  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.