D Rocky Pass

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Reason: image, keys used in the Japanese version

D Rocky Pass (Japanese: ディグダとうげく Digda Ridge) is the third course in Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure. It is based on the D key. It is located in the blue area.

This course is unlocked by completing X Resort.

Completing this course unlocks C Beach. If the player achieves 15000 points or more on the first successful completion, it unlocks Space Hiking.


As one of the blue courses, it requires to player to type characters from a specific area on the keyboard, rather than particular Pokémon's names. As such, the Pokémon that appear here cannot be researched and Typing Balls are not used.

In this course, Pokémon pop out of holes corresponding to specific positions on the keyboard. In the European language versions, only the characters on the keys typed with the index fingers in touch typing (except the top row) appear, being RTYUFGHJVBNM in the English version.

The stage takes place is several sections. Each section has a specific batch of holes already present, so only specific characters will need to be typed in each section. Each section has a timer in the top-left of the screen that indicates the time until moving to the next section, and once it reaches 3 large blue numbers appear over the screen.

  • In the first section in the European language versions, only the characters on the keys on the second row that are typed with the index fingers in touch typing (except the top row) appear, being RTYU in the English version.
  • In the second section in the European language versions, only the characters on the keys on the second and third rows that are typed with the index fingers in touch typing (except the top row) appear, being RTYUFGHJ in the English version.
  • In the third section in the European language versions, only the characters on the keys on the third and fourth rows that are typed with the index fingers in touch typing (except the top row) appear, being FGHJVBNM in the English version.
    • If the player achieves a perfect combo of 45 up after completing the third section, Dugtrio will appear and pop out of those same holes.


Pokémon Rarity Notes
  Diglett Common Cannot be researched here
  Drilbur Common Cannot be researched here
  Dugtrio Rare Cannot be researched here
Only appears if the player reaches the end with a combo of 45 (a perfect combo)


Medal Requirement
  Bronze How many letters can you type within the time limit?
  Silver Type the correct letter 20 times before reaching the end!
  Gold Type perfectly and you'll reach DUGTRIO. Get a combo of 45!

In other languages

Language Title
  French Col du D
  German D-Felsenstraße
  Italian Passo della D
  Spanish Barranco de la D

First row Backtick BogNo.1 Berry BazaarNo.2 Rainbow RailroadNo.3 Sparkling SandshineNo.4 Train RideNo.5 Golden RoadNo.6 Rocky Mountain
No.7 Lucky ParadiseNo.8 Bee CrossingNo.9 Chilly PeakNo.0 Midnight CabinHyphen QuarryEquals RapidsBackspace Dunes
Second row Never-ending Tab TrackQ CastleW OasisE Tall ForestR CragT Great PlainsY HabitatU PromenadeI RidgeO Snowy PathP VolcanoBracket ParkBracket Lake
Third row Caps Lock MuseumA FieldsS GardenD Rocky PassF PathG MansionH PeakJ ShrubberyK WoodL Dark PathSemi-Colon CavernApostrophe Power StationHash Canyon
Fourth row Left Shift ChallengeBackslash BasicsZ IslandsX ResortC BeachV CoveB CanyonN CliffM WatersComma CoastFull Stop ShipwreckSunset Forward Slash WayRight Shift Word Challenge
Fifth row Control RoomMy RoomAlt Rocky RangeSpace HikingAltGr Falling StarsFunction TowerLeft ExpanseParadise AboveDark DepthsRight Ruins

  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.