Talk:Lisa (M03)

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In case anyone was wondering, yes, that is how I got my username. When I first joined Bulbagarden in 2003, I came up with my username (PokemonTrainerLisa) because I liked how in the 3rd movie, Lisa had the exact same name as me. I was very excited about that, when I first saw the movie in the theater. And of course, I also liked Lisa's Pokemon, and I thought she was a very good trainer, so I just figured it'd be a great idea if I had a user name that would suggest not only the fact that I'm a fan of her, but also the fact that Lisa is my own name. --PokemonTrainerLisa 06:16, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

You know...

...she looks a lot like May. (By the way, I did mean to link to a disambugation page...) Or May looks a lot like Lisa. Red clothes... kercheif... does anyone else see this?  Tina  03:47, 5 November 2007 (UTC)

Well, yeah, I guess she's an Asian chick with May's clothes. But it's likely a coincidence; in any case this subject is neither here nor there.--Loveはドコ? (talk contribs) 04:40, 5 November 2007 (UTC)
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