Template:Main Page/Message from the Editor

November 30

This particular issue is actually rather important, so we're hoping that bringing it to everyone's attention will make an impact.

When uploading images, please be sure that the filenames contain alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) characters only!

We've had this message up at the top of the archives for ages now, but people still aren't paying attention to it. This is not just an issue of filename aesthetics, as some people seem to be treating it as. Putting filenames up there with characters outside of these, including punctuation, Japanese characters, or just weird characters (such as those from glitch Pokémon for instance) cause problems with our web server. I'll save you the specifics, but it results in a cascade which can cause the server to lock up in a manner which requires us to perform a manual reset.

It's a very simple request, and coming into December, I think we can all agree that we'd like to see as little downtime as possible from people simply not reading, or ignoring, the rules. Any users who can't do during this holiday period will be receiving a ban from editing and uploading on the Bulbawiki network until the New Year. There will be no warnings, no second chances.

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