EX Sandstorm (TCG)

Revision as of 15:41, 19 August 2009 by Zesty Cactus (talk | contribs)
← EX Ruby & Sapphire
TCG expansions
EX Dragon →
EX Sandstorm
Cards in set English: 100
Japanese: 53
Set number English: 17
Japanese: 19
Release date English: September 17, 2003
Japanese: April 18, 2003
Theme Decks

Caravan (GrassFire)
Oasis (WaterFighting)

Booster Pack 1
Miracle of the Desert
Rulers of the Heavens

EX Sandstorm (Japanese: 砂漠のきせき Miracle of the Desert) is the name given to an Expansion of cards and Theme Decks for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It continued to release Generation III Pokémon into the TCG.


  • EX Sandstorm contained several cards that were (at the time) not yet available in any other language, making it the first set since Team Rocket (Dark Raichu) to feature English-exclusive cards. Most of the cards later graced Japanese players' hands in Magma vs Aqua: Two Ambitions, with the rest released as part of the Latias & Latios Gift Set.
  • EX Sandstorm introduced dual Weaknesses and Resistances to the TCG, to correlate with multiple strengths and vulnerabilities of Pokémon in the games.
  • This was the first set to feature evolved Pokémon-ex. Some of these Pokémon broke the "120 HP limit" (the highest HP any Pokémon card had featured previously). Wailord ex once held the record for the highest HP on a tournament legal card (200 HP).
  • Wailord ex, the first card to feature five   to Retreat, debuted in this set.
  • In Japan, no Half Decks accompanied this set.
  • This was the first Nintendo Expansion, and first Expansion in a few years, to have an affiliated Prerelease promo card (the last card was released just before Gym Heroes, in 2000). Under the supervision of a revamped Pokémon Organized Play, sanctioned Prerelease events became an integral part of the TCG calendar, and have been held before the release of every Expansion since. The Prerelease card for this set is Armaldo and Prereleases were held on the weekends of 6th/7th and 13th/14th September 2003.
  • This was the last TCG expansion to feature compatibility with the e-Reader. However, this set and EX Ruby and Sapphire only feature scannable Pokédex entries. The last expansion with playable applications was Skyridge.

Theme decks

Card lists

English expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Armaldo    
2 Cacturne    
3 Cradily    
4 Dusclops    
5 Flareon    
6 Jolteon    
7 Ludicolo    
8 Lunatone    
9 Mawile    
10 Sableye    
11 Seviper    
12 Shiftry    
13 Solrock    
14 Zangoose    
15 Arcanine    
16 Espeon    
17 Golduck    
18 Kecleon    
19 Omastar    
20 Pichu    
21 Sandslash    
22 Shiftry    
23 Steelix    
24 Umbreon    
25 Vaporeon    
26 Wobbuffet    
27 Anorith    
28 Anorith    
29 Arbok    
30 Azumarill    
31 Azurill    
32 Baltoy    
33 Breloom    
34 Delcatty    
35 Electabuzz    
36 Elekid    
37 Fearow    
38 Illumise    
39 Kabuto    
40 Kirlia    
41 Lairon    
42 Lileep    
43 Lileep    
44 Linoone    
45 Lombre    
46 Lombre    
47 Murkrow    
48 Nuzleaf    
49 Nuzleaf    
50 Pelipper    
51 Quilava    
52 Vigoroth    
53 Volbeat    
54 Wynaut    
55 Xatu    
56 Aron    
57 Cacnea    
58 Cacnea    
59 Cyndaquil    
60 Dunsparce    
61 Duskull    
62 Duskull    
63 Eevee    
64 Ekans    
65 Growlithe    
66 Lotad    
67 Lotad    
68 Marill    
69 Natu    
70 Omanyte    
71 Onix    
72 Pikachu    
73 Psyduck    
74 Ralts    
75 Sandshrew    
76 Seedot    
77 Seedot    
78 Shroomish    
79 Skitty    
80 Slakoth    
81 Spearow    
82 Trapinch    
83 Wailmer    
84 Wingull    
85 Zigzagoon    
86 Double Full Heal T  
87 Lanette's Net Search T  
88 Rare Candy T  
89 Wally's Training T  
90 Claw Fossil T  
91 Mysterious Fossil T  
92 Root Fossil T  
93 Multi Energy E  
94 Aerodactyl ex    
95 Aggron ex    
96 Gardevoir ex    
97 Kabutops ex    
98 Raichu ex    
99 Typhlosion ex    
100 Wailord ex    

Japanese expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Seedot    
2 Nuzleaf    
3 Shiftry    
4 Volbeat    
5 Illumise    
6 Cacnea    
7 Cacturne    
8 Seviper    
9 Lileep    
10 Cradily    
11 Cyndaquil    
12 Quilava    
13 Typhlosion ex    
14 Psyduck    
15 Golduck    
16 Marill    
17 Azumarill    
18 Lotad    
19 Lombre    
20 Ludicolo    
21 Wailord ex    
22 Pikachu    
23 Raichu ex    
24 Pichu    
25 Natu    
26 Xatu    
27 Wobbuffet    
28 Gardevoir ex    
29 Lunatone    
30 Duskull    
31 Dusclops    
32 Wynaut    
33 Sandshrew    
34 Sandslash    
35 Trapinch    
36 Solrock    
37 Baltoy    
38 Anorith    
39 Armaldo    
40 Zigzagoon    
41 Azurill    
42 Zangoose    
43 Kecleon    
44 Sableye    
45 Mawile    
46 Aggron ex    
47 Claw Fossil T  
48 Root Fossil T  
49 Double Full Heal T  
50 Rare Candy T  
51 Lanette's Net Search T  
52 Wally's Training T  
53 Multi Energy E  

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