Pokémon: The Johto Journeys is the name of the third season of the Pokémon anime. The 40-episode season showcases the adventures of Ash, Misty, and Brock in the Johto region, from New Bark Town up to Goldenrod City.
It originally aired as part of the 2000-2001 Kids' WB! Saturday morning line-up. The season began with Don't Touch That 'Dile, which originally aired on October 14, 2000, and ended with The Fortune Hunters, which originally aired on June 2, 2001.
Johto Journeys marked the beginning of the Johto saga, which is widely considered by fans to be the worst arc of the series, mostly due to its large number of predictable filler episodes. Johto would continue for two seasons, with Johto League Champions picking off where Journeys left off. Preceding it was the Orange Islands fillar arc.
It should be noted that the concept of seasons does not exist in Japan, as the anime is nearly continually produced there, and that Johto Journeys was not considered to be separate from the rest of the seasons of the original series.
See the list of original series episodes for a list of Pokémon: The Johto Journeys episodes.
Important events
- Ash, Misty and Brock arrive in the Johto region, and Ash registers for the Johto League.
- Ash safely delivers the GS Ball to Kurt.
Party changes
The following Pokémon are obtained:
- Ash's Heracross (EP119)
- Ash's Chikorita (EP126)
- Ash's Cyndaquil (EP141)
- Ash's Totodile (EP151)
- Ash's Noctowl (EP154)
- Brock's Pineco (EP143)
- Jessie's Wobbuffet (EP146)
The following Pokémon evolve:
The following Pokémon are released:
Gym Battles
Ash defeats the following Gym Leaders:
- The first four English dub episodes of The Johto Journeys aired exactly one year after the Japanese originals.
- The Italian version of the theme used a scene from EP035.
In other languages
- French: Pokémon: Voyage à Johto
- Italian: Always Pokémon
- Latin American Spanish: Pokémon: Los Viajes Johto