Error reviews

Ok, I want to point out some things in the errors section, let's not change them until we have discussed this. Brock could have known that Gary has a Squirtle, we didn't see any of Gary's Pokémon when he was in the Indigo league, but Brock could have, if you look closely the part with Gary's battle was skipped.

There was at least one other match in between, and thus the earliest Ash and Harrison could have met would have been the semifinal round. Also, Harrison had one last battle, therefore this wasn't the last battle, it WAS the semi-final. TheBlazikenMaster 13:12, 25 March 2008 (UTC)

I agree that Brock most likely knew because in EP063, when Gary shows his 10 badges, he is seen to have the Boulder Badge, which Brock used to hand out. It is known that Gary made it to Pewter before Ash did, so Brock would have been the one to give Gary the Badge. Now I don't know about you but I would think he would have used his Squirtle. User:Moldy orange/Sig 14:46, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
Blah, you know that we will never knowUser:Pokemaniac102/Sig 14:47, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
Of course we'll never know, but I wanna discuss it as I think it's wrong to consider this an error. I will remove this on Saturday if there will be no objections. TheBlazikenMaster 15:00, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
If it is reasonable to assume that Brock could know Gary's starter then it does not count as an error. As Gary got the Boulder Badge ahead of Ash, there is definately enough to make that assumption. --FabuVinny T-C-S 15:11, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
So it's agreed then, removed the error. TheBlazikenMaster 15:48, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
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