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I'll give you a lvl 1 Cyndaquil with Crush Claw for your lvl 1 Turtwig. If you're interested, my Friend code is 1031 9318 4444 . Also, how'd you get your Celebi, not that I have anything worth trading for it? --Vladek



You hacked those shinies, didn't you? ˘_˘ -File:Spr 3e 186.gifPolitoed666File:Spr 3e 186.gif

This Kid next door trades me loads of them. Where he gets them from I don't know. The Alakazam, Sceptile (Both of which I sent to Tesh) and Rayquaza are mine imported from ruby. If I could hack them I'd have WAY more shinies than I have now. Besides at the moment I'm trying to chain shiy pokemon with the poke radar so although I've been unsucessful so far I'd be bound to have a lot of shiny pokemon once I get good at it. File:242MS.gifJimmy31428File:377MS.gif