User:The Great Butler/Predictions

Predictions for future episode titles, character names and voice actors.

Episode titles


Japanese: 虹の彼方へ!マラカッチでミュージカル!! Over the Rainbow! Maracacchi Musical!!

Predicted English title: Maractus Over the Rainbow!

Real title: A Maractus Musical!

Thoughts: Could have gone either way on this one. It really was 50/50.


Japanese: メブキジカ! 春夏秋冬勢揃い!! Mebukijika! Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter Lineup!!

Predicted English title: Seasons of the Sawsbuck

Real title: The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!

Thoughts: SO CLOSE!


Japanese: ズルッグとわがままゴチム! Zuruggu and the Selfish Gothimu!

Predicted English title: Gothita's Greed is Good!

Real title: Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!

Thoughts: I didn't think I'd get this one, but I really never would have expected them to stick so close to the original.


Japanese: アイリスとモノズ!育て屋修行!! Iris and Monozu! Day Care Training!!

Predicted English title: Iris and the Shy Deino

Real title: The Lonely Deino!

Thoughts: Inverse of the last one.


Japanese: 快傑ア☆ギルダーVSフリージ男! Kaiketsu A☆Gilder VS Freege Man!

Predicted English title: The Swift Knight Rises!

Real title: The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!

Thoughts: You really couldn't get this one without also predicting Charles's alter-ego's name. On that note, this one is brilliant.


Japanese: デントとポッド兄弟バトル!バオップVSヤナップ Dent and Pod, The Brothers Battle! Baoppu VS Yanappu

Predicted English title: The Brotherly Battle of Striaton's Leaders!

Real title: A Call for Brotherly Love!

Thoughts: Better than mine.

BW059 & BW060

Japanese: トルネロスVSボルトロスVSランドロス! Tornelos VS Voltolos VS Landlos! (Part 1 & Part 2)

Predicted English titles: Battle of Milos Island (Part 1 & Part 2)

Actual title: Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 1 & Part 2)

Thoughts: Good title, better than my guess again. I did get that it would be a Part 1 and Part 2, though, which I don't think we've seen since the Aura Sphere Riolu special.


Japanese: 地底のジム戦!VSヤーコン!! Underground Gym Battle! VS Yacon!!

Predicted English title: Mining for Badges in Driftveil Gym!

Actual title: Battling the King of the Mines!

Thoughts: Awwww, so close. Had the right idea, just didn't get it.


Japanese: バチュル、デンチュラ!電気石の洞穴!! Bachuru, Dentula! The Electric Rock Cave!!

Predicted English title: Recharging the Chargestone Cave!

Actual title: Crisis in Chargestone Cave!

Thoughts: A bit dry. I think mine was better.


Japanese: 通信交換進化!シュバルゴとアギルダー!! Trade Evolution! Chevargo and Agilder!!

Predicted English title: The Trading Mystery of Shelmet and Karrablast!

Actual title: Evolution Exchange Excitement!

Thoughts: I really guessed blindly on this one, so no surprise I missed it. The alliteration is a little blah but overall the title is pretty good.


Japanese: 黒き英雄の遺跡!シンボラーとデスカーン!! The Black Hero's Ruins! Symboler and Desukarn!!

Predicted English title: Sigilyph and Cofagrigus in the Black Ruins!

Actual title: Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!

Thoughts: Another one where I was on the right track and just went the wrong way. I knew they wouldn't use the term "Black Hero," at least.


Japanese: ダブルバトル!ピカチュウ・ワルビルVSペンドラー・ガマゲロゲ!! Double Battle! Pikachu & Waruvile VS Pendror & Gamageroge!!

Predicted English title: The Revenge of Sunglasses Krokorok!

Actual title: Battling the Bully!

Thoughts: It's not inaccurate, but what an incredibly bland title. Mine was better.


Japanese: アフロでGO!バッフロンはNO!! Afro GO! Buffron is NO!!)

Predicted English title: Who knows

Actual title: Baffling the Bouffalant!

Thoughts: I guess this is about as good as such a random episode could have gotten.


Japanese: フキヨセジムのエアバトル!挑戦者デント!? Fukiyose Gym Air Battle! Challenger Dent!?

Predicted English title: The Sky-High Rivalry, Cilan VS. Skyla!


Japanese: フキヨセジム!VSフウロ空中決戦!! Fukiyose Gym! VS Fuuro, Decisive Air Battle!!

Predicted English title: Soaring Battle of Mistralton Gym! Tranquill VS. Unfezant!


Japanese: 難関突破!天空の塔を登れ!! Barrier Breakthrough! Climb The Tower Of The Sky!!

Predicted English title: Marathon at Mistralton Tower!


Japanese: ドンナマイト開幕! ズルッグVSヤナッキー!! The Donamite Gets Underway! Zuruggu VS Yanakkie!!

Predicted English title: Reunion of the Rivals!


Japanese: どんどん続くよドンナマイト!クリムガンVSキリキザン!! Steadily Progressing Donamite! Crimgan VS Kirikizan!!)

Predicted English title: TBD


Japanese: 熱闘ドンナマイト!キリキザンVSエンブオー!! The Fiercely Fought Donamite! Kirikizan VS Enbuoh!!

Predicted English title: TBD


Japanese: 決戦ドンナマイト!ナゲキVSダゲキ!! The Decisive Donamite Battle! Nageki VS Dageki!!

Predicted English title: Final Fight of the Donamite!


Japanese: キバゴ救出!アイアントの巣窟!! Rescue Kibago! Aianto's Den!!

Predicted English title: The Den of Durant!

BW075 & BW076

Japanese: ネジ山の激闘!アバゴーラの奇跡!! The Fierce Fighting at Spiral Mountain! Abagoura's Miracle!! (Part 1 & Part 2)

Predicted English title: TBD


Japanese: 炎のメモリー!ポカブVSエンブオー!! Flaming Memories! Pokabu VS Enbuoh!!

Predicted English title: Battle of Memories! Tepig Versus Emboar!


Japanese: ハチク登場!ウルガモスの聖なる山 ! ! Hachiku Appears! The Holy Mountain of Ulgamoth!!

Predicted English title: TBD


Japanese: キュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオ Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo

Predicted English title: Kyurem VS. the Secret Swordsman


Japanese: メロエッタのキラキラリサイタル Meloetta's Glittery Recital

Predicted English title: Meloetta's Shining Song

Characters & voice actors


Predicted dub name: Tony (Kenji-girl likely has it right)

VA: Tom Wayland

Actual name: Toby

Actual VA: Eli James

Thoughts: Kenji-girl did have it right, just not in the way I expected.


Predicted dub name: Robert

VA: Billy Bob Thompson

Actual name: Robert

Actual VA: Tom Wayland

Thoughts: Name was obvious, but one week off on Wayland. Oh well.


Predicted dub name: Cathy

VA: Leah Clark

Actual name: Katharine

Actual VA: Kerry Williams

Thoughts: Right around the name, but for the VA... that sure isn't a name I ever thought I'd hear again.


Predicted dub name: Bobby

VA: Vic Mignogna

Actual name: Bobby

Actual VA: Darren Dunstan

Thoughts: In hindsight, Mignogna was a bad call. I really should remember Darren Dunstan more often though now that he's back.

Charles/Kaiketsu A☆Gilder

Predicted dub name: Swift Knight Ace☆Celgor

VA: Crispin Freeman or Christopher R. Sabat

Professor Tsuraraa/Freege Man

Predicted dub name: Dr. Freeze/Cryogo-Man

VA: J. Michael Tatum

Note: I really wanted to put Professor Subzero as a prediction relating to another Schwarzenegger movie, but a Batman reference is far more likely to actually happen.


Predicted dub name: Hugo

VA: Vic Mignogna


VA: Dan Green or Marc Thompson

Cedric Juniper

VA: Troy Baker or Marc Thompson


Predicted dub name: Nick

VA: Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld


Predicted dub name: Glenn

VA: Ben Wayland


Predicted dub name: Thane

VA: Henry Wayland


VA: Trina Nishimura


Predicted dub name: Miles

VA: Bill Tost


Predicted dub name: Bryce

VA: Leah Clark


Predicted dub name: Sagen

VA: Carter Cathcart


Predicted dub name: Sean

VA: Marc Thompson


Predicted dub name: Paula

VA: Sarah Natochenny


Predicted dub name: Grace

VA: Lisa Ortiz


Predicted dub name: No guess

VA: Michael Alston Baley


Predicted dub name: Flora

VA: Leah Clark


Predicted dub name: Edmond

VA: Jamie McGonnigal


Predicted dub name: Maxwell

VA: Vic Mignogna or J. Michael Tatum


Predicted dub name: TBD



Predicted dub name: TBD



VA: Dan Green

Kyurem (Movie 15)

VA: Dan Green or Marc Thompson


Predicted dub name: Malin


Note: Because of the existence of Maren, I think this character's name will be changed, but very slightly.