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These are Drasna's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon X and Y

Pokémon League
  • Before battle (first challenge)
"Oh goodness, hello to you! Welcome, welcome, come in. You must be a strong Trainer. Yes, quite strong indeed... That's just wonderful news! Facing opponents like you and your team will make my Pokémon grow like weeds!"
  • Before battle (subsequent challenge)
"Oh goodness, hello to you! You know, my grandparents came to Kalos from a distant region. They came from a town where the past lives on... When I was growing up at their knees, they raised me on tales of the Pokémon of time and space. It's really thanks to those stories that I decided to become a Dragon type Trainer."
  • Upon being defeated
"Oh, dear me. That sure was a quick battle... I do hope you'll come back again sometime!"
  • After being defeated
"Oh, you! You're too much! You and your Pokémon are simply charming!"
"Oh, you're going already? Farewell, then!"
If battled first: "Oh, dear me. Was I the first to lose to you all? If I've made you feel too confident, that won't be very fair to the others... But I suppose you'd best hurry along to that elevator over there to face them for yourself."
If battled second: "And I was even the second you've beaten! Ah, I suppose it's just as well, really... Go on. It's time for you to show the last two of us how strong you are."
If battled third: "With your Pokémon, I'm sure you can beat the last of us."
If battled last: "You have beaten all of the Elite Four! This is just wonderful for you. Congratulations!"
Battle Chateau
  • Before battle
"Oh, goodness, hello to you! I'm so glad you've joined us! I know that you're very strong. That will make this great fun!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Oh, dear me. That sure was a quick battle... I do hope you'll come back again sometime!"
  • After being defeated
If giving the player an item: "And, my word, wouldn't this just go wonderfully with your look? Do try it!"
"Oh, you! You're too much! You and your Pokémon are simply charming!"
  • If the player is defeated
"How can this be?"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Drasna (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"Oh, goodness! Hello to you! I'm Drasna, one of the Kalos Elite Four. You and your Pokémon are simply charming!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"Let's show everyone how strong we are."
"I was raised on tales of the Pokémon of time and space. It's really thanks to those stories that I decided to become a Dragon-type Trainer."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Oh, goodness! Is it my turn already?"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See you later."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Oh, dear me! This is amazing!"
  • Upon leveling up
"I'm glad we trained so hard."
  • Upon reaching max level
"We've gotten quite strong! Quite strong, indeed."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"We're going to get even stronger."
  • Receiving EX style
"Simply charming!"
  • During conversation
"Well done."
"Oh, goodness!"
"I'm rooting for you!"
"Oh, no..."
"Oh, goodness me!"
"Oh, dear me."
"Let's do this."
"Thank you!"
"I'm sorry."
"How amazing!"
"Eh, haha."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Oh dear me, you still look quite sleepy. I know... Playing with my Pokémon will wake you right up!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Let's have lots of fun training today! I'm sure our Pokémon will get stronger!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"You were so energetic today, you must be tired! I'm sure you'll sleep like a baby tonight."
  • During special gift conversation
"I have the perfect gift for you."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"Let's do this."
  • VS screen
"This will be great fun!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Using Pokémon move
"Do your best!"
  • Using item
"Leave it to me!"
  • Using Trainer move
"Now's our chance!"
  • Using sync move
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
  • Switching in
"Our turn."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"How can this be?"
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Simply charming."
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you!"
  • Defeat
"Oh, dear me..."
  • Victory
"That was such great fun!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Drasna
"Oh, dear me. Dragalge, you shouldn't soak people by surprise."
"You need to properly greet them first, like in a Pokémon battle."
"I'm sorry, <player>. It seems Dragalge is feeling very playful."
"We just finished up some battles with other sync pairs."
"I think she got excited after beating a strong opponent..."
"So I had her go for a swim to cool down a bit."
Sounds refreshing!: "Right? What's more, watching Dragalge float merrily along in the ocean is so charming!"
Sounds like fun!: "Hehe. Dragalge seems to enjoy it as well!"
"I had plenty of fun in Kalos, of course, but Pasio has given me whole new experiences!"
"In Kalos, I'm part of the Elite Four. I have to wait for challengers to come to me."
"But here, I can ask any sync pair I please to play with me."
"With so many sync pairs to battle, Dragalge will get stronger every day!"
"Oh, goodness! It seems Dragalge wants to battle you, too."
"You and your Pokémon are strong, aren't you. My! Quite stronger than most, I'd say! That's why Dragalge may think of you as a rival."
"Truthfully, I'm quite interested in you and your Pokémon as well."
Is that so?: "Yes. Playing with you and your Pokémon is so fun!"
Why?: "Because you and your Pokémon are simply charming!"
"If you want your partner Pokémon to grow stronger, you need a rival, right?"
"Being on the same team and helping each other is important, too, but I want someone who can challenge us and push us to our limits."
"That's why I'd like you to keep on playing with Dragalge."
Leave it to me!: "Oh, goodness! You're certainly fired up, aren't you!"
OK, but take it easy on me!: "Oh, goodness! How modest! But she won't hold back!"
"My goodness, Dragalge. I told you NOT to spray people by surprise, didn't I?"
"*chuckle* I'm sure she's saying she wants to cool off in the water with you!"
"Why don't you and your Pokémon come play in the ocean with us?"
"After we're all refreshed, we can have ourselves a Pokémon battle!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"You must be a strong Trainer. Yes, quite strong indeed... That's just wonderful news!"
  • Random conversation
"In Kalos, when someone does you a kindness, it's customary to give them a tip in return."
"Pasio doesn't seem to have that custom, so what do you think I should do to show my appreciation? What would people here want to receive?"
  • Random conversation
"I believe the trick to growing stronger is enjoying battles."
"Even if you lose, as long as you enjoyed the battle with your Pokémon, you'll be ready to give it your all next time."
"If you aren't having fun, you won't be in the right state of mind and you could wind up losing your next battle."
"That's why I often call battles "play.""
  • Random conversation
"In Sinnoh, there are many myths about the storied history between people and Pokémon."
"Pasio is new and artificially created, but someday it may also have such stories."
"A place where history is waiting to be written... When you think about it like that, it sounds marvelous."
  • Random conversation
"As a member of the Kalos Elite Four, I was always waiting for someone to come play with me."
"Of course I enjoyed playing with challengers, and I took pride in what I did."
"But on Pasio, I can go where I want and play with all manner of sync pairs. It is lovely."
"It reminds me of a time before I joined the Kalos Elite Four. Adventures are so fun and delightful, no matter what age you are."
  • Random conversation
"The accessories I wear are a traditional design within my family."
"They're made from the fangs of dragons. Aren't they charming?"
"I'm certain they'd look great on you, <player>."
  • Random conversation
"My partner Pokémon is growing stronger and stronger—I think it's because we've been spending time with you. It brings me joy!"
"You and your Pokémon are so strong. Playing with you is an inspiration. I'm truly grateful."
  • If spoken to again
"Seeing you and your partner Pokémon grow warms my heart as much as seeing my own partner grow."
"Somewhere inside you is the potential to become the greatest sync pair one day..."
"I look forward to seeing how you and your Pokémon grow."
  • Random conversation
"How do you think time and space came to be?"
"There's a story that's passed down in my grandparents' hometown."
"The story says that a Pokémon governs time and another Pokémon governs space."
"It's a bit of a curious story, but it's one I believe."
  • If spoken to again
"If there weren't Pokémon maintaining time and space, this world may never have come to be."
"We may just owe our meeting—and even our own existences—to those Pokémon."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Oh, goodness. Hello, <player>."
"There are so many sync pairs on Pasio. Let's play with all of them!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Oh dear me, you still look quite sleepy. I know... Playing with my Pokémon will wake you right up!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Let's have lots of fun training today! I'm sure our Pokémon will get stronger!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"You were so energetic today, you must be tired! I'm sure you'll sleep like a baby tonight."
  • Special gift conversation
"Oh, dear! So this is where you've been. I have something I want to give you."
"When I came upon this, you immediately jumped to mind. I think it will suit you."
  • After giving out item
"Oh, you! You're too much!"
"You and your partner Pokémon are simply charming!"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation intro
"Oh, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"
"Oh goodness—that's wonderful."
"Strong opponents will make my Pokémon grow like weeds!"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event blurb
"How can this be?"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Zinnia and Clair
"I'm only second strongest? How can that be?!"