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Hocus Pokémon
File:Hocus Pokémon.jpg.png
A Huge Transformation with Pokémon Magic!?
First broadcast
Japan March 21, 2002
United States April 5, 2003
English themes
Opening Believe in Me
Japanese themes
Opening Ready Go!
Ending ポケッターリ・モンスターリ
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 藤田伸三 Shinzō Fujita
Storyboard 藤本義孝 Yoshitaka Fujimoto
Assistant director 大町繁 Shigeru Ōmachi
Animation director 小管和久 Kazuhisa Kosuge
No additional credits are available at this time.

Hocus Pokémon (Japanese: ポケモンまほうでだいへんしん!? A Huge Transformation with Pokémon Magic!?) is episode 241 of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on March 21, 2002 and in the United States on April 5, 2003.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and friends are wandering around in a forest on their way to Blackthorn City. Just then a Murkrow approaches them and starts jabbering. Then a person comes running out from the clearing exclaiming she finally found a Pikachu. She was referring to Ash’s.

The girl introduces herself to Ash and Co. as Lily, a Pokémon magician. She searches far and wide for bizarre things from different Pokémon such as a thunderbolt from Pikachu. Of course Misty asks Lily to perform so magic for her because ever since she was little she’d always dreamt about being a Pokémon magician. Lily asks Misty if she’d like smoother complexion. She says that she would. So Lily puts everything together and says a magic chant and a lot of smoke arises from the pot. When this happens a bunch of Spinerak appears and uses their stringshot and covers Misty with it. Of course the main reason Misty doesn’t like this is because of her fear of bugs.

Later, Lily announces that she needs Stun Spore from a Parasect. Ash volunteers gracefully to get it for her. He finds one and challenges it to a battle. At first it tried spraying Ash with Sleep Powder but luckily Murkrow just blows it away. Then Parasect finally uses Stun Spore and Lily obtains it with a vacuum.

Just then a long mechanical arms swoops Pikachu into the sky. It’s Jessie and James from Team Rocket in their Meowth balloon. Lily noticed Meowth and wants to get the dirt from his claws so she sends Murkrow to get it; instead it makes a hole in their balloon sending them blasting off again. Pikachu falls from their clutches and into Ash’s arms.

We then see Team Rocket slumped over a rock ledge on top of a tall cliff. One false move and it’ll break. Of course Wobuffet pops out of its Pokéball and adds more weight and the ledges starts to crack. Lily, Ash, and friends catch up to Team Rocket and Lily goes and gets the dirt from Meowth’s claws, as soon as she gets off the ledge it breaks and Team Rocket goes crashing into the bushes below.

Later, Brock asks Lily what else she needs and she tells the crew that she needs the tears of an Aipom. Ash then asks once she has the tears that she’ll be able to perform her magic and read the minds of Pokémon, she says yes. Of course Ash just calls out and tells an Aipom to come out, which one actually does! However, it runs off so the group splits up to catch it. Jessie and James happen to pop out of the bushes behind them after they leave. They heard about the spell so they set out to capture the Aipom and Lily’s bag and book so they can make a lot of money. When Aipom lets its guard down, Ash, Misty, Brock and Lily charge at it except a net grabs Aipom and they smack heads instead. Team Rocket strikes again in their balloon and Meowth uses the long arm to get Lily’s bag. Then they recite their motto. She orders Murkrow to get her bag back but Meowth uses the arm and it punches Murkrow knocking it out. Jessie and James then make their getaway.

We then see that Team Rocket landed their balloon and Meowth is rooting through Lily’s bag and grumbling that it’s nothing but junk. Jessie and James are looking at the book in which Jessie doesn’t understand it because it’s written in an ancient language. But James understands part of it. Jessie get fed up and she picks up Aipom and to get it to cry she gets ready to punch it. But James stops her. She asks him what his problem is. He said to look at the ancient book and she tells him that she could read tea leaves easier than reading the book. James goes on to tell her that tears achieved through violence won’t work.

So Team Rocket tries to figure out what they can do to make Aipom cry. James starts off by telling a bunch of corny jokes but instead it makes Aipom go yawn. Then Meowth tells a story about a boy and his mother reuniting. It makes Meowth and James cry, but Aipom is still bored out of its mind. Jessie tells them they’ll never jerk any tears from Aipom using clichéd storylines and overblown dramatics.

During this time Ash and friends are looking of Team Rocket but turn up nothing but then Murkrow spots something.

Now it was Jessie’s turn to tell a story. She tells a story about a prince and princess and if she couldn’t be his princess that her end was near. Anyway after her performance Aipom is fast asleep so Jessie gets angry and picks up Aipom to try and punch it again but once again James stops her.

Just then Ash and friends catch up to Team Rocket and demands the stolen stuff to be given back. So of course this is where they start a Pokémon battle. Lily uses Icy Wind against Jessie’s Arbok’s Poison Sting which sends Arbok flying into the balloon basket. Then it’s Ash’s Pikachu against James’ Weezing. Weezing uses sludge attack and Pikachu uses thunderbolt attack until Weezing ran out of sludge. During this Brock releases Aipom. Then Lily has Murkrow use Swift against Weezing. Weezing rams Team Rocket into the basket. Pikachu then uses Thunder on Team Rocket and the balloon which makes it blow up and sending them blasting off again.

Of course, Aipom found this funny, funny enough that it starts crying. Ash quickly grabs a jar and tries to catch a tear but he trips and takes a nose dive on the ground so Pikachu quickly grabs the jar and catches the tear. Both Lily and Ash thank Pikachu.

Now the magic begins. Lily mixes in all the ingredients for the spell and then she asks who will volunteer. Ash begged to be picked, so Lily picks him. He finishes the spell with Pikachu’s thunderbolt. A lot of yellow smoke surrounded Ash and he commented that he felt a little like he’s getting into Pikachu’s mind. Then Lily, Misty and Brock gasp.

Ash asks what happened. He looks up to his friends and asked them how they got so big. Then the camera cuts to Ash and zooms out to reveal that he was turned into a Pikachu! He wanted to know why they were looking at him so funny so Misty get out her mirror and shows him. Ash sees that he was turned into a Pikachu. Ash freaks! Lily explains this wasn’t suppose to happen but when she looks in her book, the next page s covered in slop that makes reading the page impossible. Misty asks Lily if Ash will be a Pikachu permanently but she says of course not, just until the spell wears off. Ash calms down and says, “In that case this is awesome! I’m a Pikachu!” He goes off then to play with Pikachu, Murkrow, and Togepi. Misty and Brock exclaimed that the spell probably worked after all that Ash was inside the mind of Pikachu. We close on Ash, Murkrow, Pikachu, and Togepi playing together.

Major events





Who's That Pokémon?: Dewgong

Pokémon pictured in Lily's magic book


  • This is the first time a human is transformed into a Pokémon. The concept would later be explored further in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and its adaptations.
  • The English title for this episode is a reference to the magic words Hocus Pocus.


  • In the scene where Ash is a Pikachu, he tells Pikachu, Togepi, and Murkrow to play, when the scene goes back to Misty and Brock, Togepi is seen in Misty's hands.

Dub edits

  • In the Japanese version, there was a picture of Jynx in Lily's book. The dub replaced it with a flower.
  • After Misty was attacked by the Spinarak, there was a short scene cut in the English dub. In this scene, everybody feels sorry for her, because she has Arachnophobia.

In other languages

  • French: Hocus Pokémon

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