Template:User B2W2

Revision as of 02:46, 27 February 2012 by Umeko (talk | contribs) (HERPADERP)
Pokémon Black 2 logo JP.png
Pokémon White 2 logo JP.png
This user cannot wait for the release of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

This template can change styles!

If you wish for its color to alternate, simply put {{User BW2|2}}, {{User BW2|B}}, or {{User BW2|W}} and it will come out differently:

User:Umeko/Template:User BW2 User:Umeko/Template:User BW2 User:Umeko/Template:User BW2 User:Umeko/Template:User BW2

It also includes code that lets you pick your Pokémon! Just enter its National Dex number (or filename) as a second parameter! User:Umeko/Template:User BW2 User:Umeko/Template:User BW2