Remains Island

Revision as of 07:57, 11 July 2007 by Dario (talk | contribs)

Remains Island is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon that contains 20 floors. It can not be accessed by normal means in the game and is only available through a Nintendo Event, using the Wonder Mail Code: ??M4 CJY? 44?P CF?8 7J6R (...)M?1.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
File:163MS.gif Hoothoot 1-3 6 7%
File:277MS.gif Swellow 1-5 20 Unrecruitable
File:291MS.gif Ninjask 1-5 25 Unrecruitable
File:018MS.gif Pidgeot 1-6 16 Unrecruitable
File:083MS.gif Farfetch'd 1-6 30 7.2%
File:165MS.gif Ledyba 1-6 25 12.1%
File:267MS.gif Beautifly 1-6 36 Unrecruitable
File:012MS.gif Butterfree 4-9 35 Unrecruitable
File:020MS.gif Raticate 5-8 25 Unrecruitable
File:187MS.gif Hoppip 5-8 8 8.5%
File:084MS.gif Doduo 7-12 25 7.2%
File:333MS.gif Swablu 7-12 24 7.5%
File:278MS.gif Wingull 7-14 23 12.5%
File:021MS.gif Spearow 9-13 34 11.9%
File:193MS.gif Yanma 9-15 25 7.4%
File:284MS.gif Masquerain 10-14 40 Unrecruitable
File:123MS.gif Scyther 13-19 32 10%
File:188MS.gif Skiploom 15-20 25 -19%
File:167MS.gif Spinarak 16-20 11 7.8%
File:176MS.gif Togetic 16-20 25 Unrecruitable
File:085MS.gif Dodrio 20 25 Unrecruitable